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Woah, dude, how tf has this book nearly got 900 reads? I didn't expect this at all! Thank you to anyone commenting and voting, it means the world to me, ily all sm♥️

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Woah, dude, how tf has this book nearly got 900 reads? I didn't expect this at all! Thank you to anyone commenting and voting, it means the world to me, ily all sm♥️


"How could you to this to me?" Harry exclaimed as he threw open the dressing room door, only to be met with the confused eyes of his band members and the entire hair and makeup team.

He didn't care though. He didn't care if these people watched Him break down. He didn't care if they heard the truth. He needed to confront Louis and he was going to do it now.

"Haz, please" Louis began, a look of realisation crossing his face, but he was cut off by Harry.

"No Louis, you know what you fucking did, how could you?" He once again asked, tears streaming down his face.

"I- I didn't mean to I swear Haz just listen to me" he pleaded.

"Don't even dare call me that name after what you've done" he said, shaking his head.

"Haz- Harry, come one lets just talk about this in private" Louis asked softly, giving Harry a stern look while grabbing his arm and attempting to pull him out the door.

Harry quickly snapped his arm back as if he had just been burned.

"What the fuck do you think your doing? You don't tell me when and where I talk" he scoffed, throwing a disbelieving look towards the man.

"What? You think I'm gonna do what you tell me to after you willingly fucked the girl you apparently can't stand? The girl who our relationship has been tied to and brought down by for the past four years? Your fucking crazy" He exclaimed, more tears pouring out of his eyes like a waterfall.

Many of the people in the room gasped at that, being the first time they had heard the news. Some even turned a disappointed look towards Louis, who cowered down in shame at his actions.

"Please, Haz- dont" Louis stuttered our, choking on his words through the tears threatening to fall.

"I'm so fucking done. We, are done" Harry said finally, walking out the room, slamming the door, and leaving a broken Louis behind.

End of flashback

Harry bolted upright in his bed, breathing heavily with tears in his eyes.

He still couldn't escape from that damn memory.

It was haunting him, no matter how hard he tried to move on, to forget about the incident, he always had this moment lingering in the back of his mind.

Harry took a deep breath and sighed, running his hands through his hair before standing to go get a glass of water from the small kitchen in his hotel suite.

He downed the water and stood there for a moment thinking about what mess he was in.

He wanted to forgive Louis so badly, wanted to move on from the past, but with everything that happened he doesn't know how he will find the strength to be able to completely forgive the man with blue eyes.

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