Character Form

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Welcome to the Interactive Hunger Games.

103rd Games

I think before I start, I'll tell you what the hell is going on here.

     This Interactive story is a hybrid between two different story genres. There's traditional Interactive, which puts you in the shoes of someone or yourself and gives your choices, like a "If you do this turn to chapter x" Thing. There's also role play, where people make their own characters and engage in comment chains stretching from here to the sun.

     This new Interactive is something I certainly didn't create, but did popularized. It allows Original Characters to be submitted, and the ability to write a story, all with choices throughout. It's fun as hell until your tribute dies and your rage in your PM's for a whole hour at me.


     Anyway, with that settled, who wanna make a character?

- OC'S -

     Below is the form for character creation, and a list of available and taken spots after that. There are 24 different spots, and it's pretty epic.

     Disclaimer: Profanity is used liberally in this story. It that's not your thing, then I wonder how you managed to make it to part 5 in the series.

     But, there are some rules. Follow them, pretty please.

     Uno: They need to be In Depth. A long backstory and detailed personality will help with this, but I need to know your OC as a person, not a Cardboard Cutout.

     Dos: They can't be a Mary or Gary Sue. Who likes them? If you answered no one, you're right. If you by some way answered 'Me', you're part of the problem. They're shitty characters and I will find the most creative way to exterminate them with all of my passion. So don't. If you do, ur mum gey lol

     Tres: Only Two OC's Per Person. This is so a select group of 6 or something cannot take all the spots, that would also be stupid.

     Cuatro: Make them realistic. Look, you're entering a life or death arena with bloodthirsty killers and helpless nuggets. Your character isn't going to have time to be a stupid political statement. Don't be that guy or gal.  This is a delicate balance though, as making your character memorable could clash with this. If it's not political, I'm more than likely okay with it.

     Cinco: Don't be a dickhead. If I kill a character of yours, it's for a reason. I'm not being a dickhead, so you don't have to go into the comments and rage at me or anyone else. I'll kill your second tribute if you have one and feast on your screams. *awkward silence*

     That's it! Fill your form out below if you weren't daunted by the rules!

- F O R M -

Age (12-18)
District (1-12)
Weaknesses (At Least 3)
Weapon Of Choice
Anything Extra (Optional)

NOTICE: If you make an OC from District One, Two, or Four, this book only they will be Careers. Maybe they leave later, but they will start out Career

STATUS: ALL FULL, Don't submit more

Colt Cory - xxXR3DBOSSXxx
Abigail Torres - nellouse1
Roux Hades - QuintexQuota
Willow Linnia - KrissyIsAmazeballs
Jayden Breoson - HungerGamesFan298
Morgan Atkinson - GeekGoddess484
Nich Desri - Mossleap
Isla Carl - thunderlightning12
Leo Frost - Thunderjolt1235
Elisa Eunomia - Weirdpotatolife
Kayden Breoson - HungerGamesFan298
Ellie Tyson - Alleny-Reads2002
Veríco Tremas - @Awe_Da_City
Sephora Llorina - Kute_Kittenwrites
Luke Green - bladethewolf25
Maya Farden - karmicCephalopod
Clyde Murphy - Mossleap
Aubriegh Wheatley - Alleny-Reads2002
Louis Dexter - MintyEsquire
Cassandra Sallas - Weirdpotatolife
Pantone Mercier - QuintexQuota
Kasi Planett - yolly_thelolly
Danny Legonda - TobyRichards6
Brittany Jackson - Thunderjolt1235

Interactive Hunger Games 5Where stories live. Discover now