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- J P, H E A D GM -

"We're approaching the target." I say into the radio to the fleet of helicopters I was leading. "Keep your eyes peeled."

"Roger That, Capitol One." I hear from Capitol 2. I was in the cockpit with my pilot, and I was in charge of the weapons. We were in a fleet of helicopters, flying over the Gulf Of Mexico. We had left the Capitol recently, and stopped for fuel and munitions in District 11.

"Capitol One, 900 Meters." I hear.

"Acknowledged." I say into the mic, and I flip the switch to deploy the weapons. I could finally see the Resistance base on the horizon. They had taken refuge in an old city in Cuba.

The manor was massive and impressive, a couple miles from the old city of Havana. The grand manor sat at the back of the ranch, with numerous trailers and buildings near the coast. A large marina sat on the coast, with boats that matched the one found at the arena in Cozumel.

Only, the estate looked empty. That could be because of the early morning attack, but there was no foot traffic, or normal traffic at all.

"Are you all seeing this?" I hear from Capitol Three.

"I see nothing." Capitol Four says.

"Requesting permission to attack." Capitol Five radioes in. "Capitol One?"

"Permission granted." I say. "All Bogeys, engage attack mode and burn this estate back into the earth. All weapons access granted."

I hear a steady flow of 'roger that' from each Capitol Helicopter, and missiles fly for the estate. Explosions fill the location, as we fly in a carpet bomb formation. The Marina is the first to go, cutting off any escape that the rebels could get.

The small trailers are next, engulfed in fire and blowing the land around them away. Then, missiles launch for the manor, colliding in every little target. The building seems to jump out of the earth, bricks and concrete launching into the air.

"Progress with procedure two." I say. "Scorched Earth."

Again, a steady stream of 'roger that' comes in as we flip switches to dump extra buckets of gasoline around. The gasoline poured down and slammed onto the estate in every location, before I take a flare gun and hop out of the secondary pilot seat.

"Bombs away, rebel fucks!" I yell, not into the radio, holding onto the helicopter handles as I aim the flare gun. I fire it towards a big pool of gasoline. It impacts, and fire spreads across the estate in a matter of 15 seconds. The whole place was on fire, and putting it out would be impossible.

"Capitol Two through Five, I believe this is a success." I say, sitting back into my seat and turning my headset on.

"Agreed, Capitol One." I hear, before seeing a missile launch from a hatch in the ground in the estate. It flies and strikes Capitol Four, sending it into a downward spiral.

"Attack!" I scream, launching another missile to the gun. It launches and slams into the rebel weapon, with 3 other missiles. The ground around it flies 100 feet into the air, and no more missiles come from it.

"Let's get out." Capitol Three says. "We got them."

"Agreed." I say. "Good job finding these guys, Dawn."

"Appreciated." I hear from Capitol Two's gunner, Dawn Gettysburg.

     "Sir." I hear from my pilot. "President wishes to speak with you."

     "Patch her through." I say, flipping up the comma scream and hooking my headset to it.

"Great work, JP." I hear from the other side. It's Snow.

"Thanks." I reply. "Did you see it from my 'copter or Dawn's?"

"Both." She responds. "The place looks great. I like our makeover."

"Me too." I say. "It's even better than 13."

Snows laughs a little before asking another question. "Any high profile kills confirmed?"

     "Like Ike? Lyka?" I ask.

     "Save those for last." She says. "For suspense."

I gulp. "We.. didn't see anyone."

"What?" She says. "They weren't there?"

"Either that or we caught them all sleeping."

"Which would be unlikely because of sonar.." Snow grumbles under her breath. "I saw some resistance, with Capitol Four.."

"There had to have been some." I say. "Any that would have got out will be stranded at sea. I'll set up high alert on the gulf coast."

"Yeah, do that." Snow commands, not content with the response. "Unless they fled to other parts of the island."

     "That Island has been uninhabited for centuries." I point out. "They'll starve, or worse."

"I'm done with these damn rebels, and I'll be damned if they're going to affect the 103rd games." Snow rants.

"Yeah." I say. "I want them gone too."

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