Day 3: Recovery

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- A U B R E I G H - W H E A T L E Y -

"Wait!" Elisa screams, as she rips the dart out of her shoulder. She grunts a bit, looking right at me. Her bow was to the side. "We can work together."

"And why would I do that?" I ask.

"We both have things we need to do." She says. "I have to prove a point. You need to get back to your family."

"You're a solo player, though." I say, confused. "Why would you want to team?"

"Like I said, a point to prove." She says, and I remember her story. How her girlfriend was murdered by the Capitol. I guess she wasn't lying there. "It doesn't even have to be for the rest of the games. Just share this mansion until night 4. Please."

"Why night 4?" I interrogate some more. I figured it was annoying and repetitive, but I needed to be sure she wouldn't kill me.

"It's 48 hours to rest and prepare." She says. "Then I'll leave you be and be gone."

"To do what?" I press. She rolls her eyes.

"To take my revenge." She mutters, extending her hand for a shake.

INTERACTIVE QUESTION: Alleny-Reads2002 Does Aubreigh accept her deal?

- S E P H O R A - L L O R I N A -

     I was playing the smart game, not the fun game. It was beginning to get boring.

I had been camping out in the center of the arena, up in the trees. My nature experience had paid off, and I'd been able to avoid any fighting. I'd barely seen one, just last night where Kayden murdered Jay.

I had my utility knife and canteen from that pack at the beginning of the games, along with my map. It had served me well, but I needed more water and food. I was practically starving.

My hunger was enough to make me climb down from the tree. I did it with a couple branches cracking, but as far as I could tell, no one was close to me. That was good, since this was when I was most vulnerable.

I walk up towards the place where Jayden had gotten killed. I wasn't very stealthy, so I'd need to do this fast. I burst out of the brush, into the small clearing. His body was taken up by the Capitol a couple hours ago, but his supplies were left.

Maybe it was a trap, but I didn't have a chance to rethink my run. I grab his pack, turning around and running. I had forgot where I'd come from, since it all looked the same.

I stop for a second, trying to hear any footsteps. There were none, so I continued sprinting. I hear a sponsor whistle, and it stops me in my tracks. I freeze, looking around.

A couple hundred feet in front of me was Kayden. He was bent over, trying to get something. I gulp when I see what he was holding.

The War Hammer was being lifted up proudly by him. He slams a tree, trying to test it I suppose. It seemed to have its own, unique sound, like a gong striking a rock. It was menacing alone, but thrice as bad with him holding it.

He holds up a sheet of paper before setting off, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

INTERACTIVE QUESTION: Kute_Kittenwrites What is Sephora's next move?

- K A S I - P L A N E T T -

"I kind of feel bad for Clyde." I say, walking with Pan and grabbing our stuff from the camp. We had decided to move away, since we were too close to the Cornucopia. We were gonna move even farther north.

     "Don't." Pan replies quickly. "Roux hurt him, we didn't."

     "But we caused Roux to do it." I point out, and Pan sighs.

     "Would you rather it be us?" He asks, and I contemplate it.

     "Of course not." I state, feeling guilty for saying it.  "But if I had thrown that 'Rang another direction, to another bush,  it could've worked out."

     "He trapped you and tried to rob us of the stuff we'd gotten." Pan says. "Quit."

     "I guess so." I mutter, arriving at the location. We had arrived at the northern bay, and so we started to set up shop. "Let's rest for a bit. Then we'll get back into the fight."

"Yup." Pan replies simply. "Sounds good."

- N I C H - D E S R I -

     I sit in the horn, contemplating life. Isla's death had rocked us Careers, especially since Roux had left too. It was down to Colt, Willow, The tiny Abbie, and I. With Willow probably going insane, Colt was gaining more and more power by the second.

     What puzzled me was the poison situation. Abbie had told Colt and I What had happened. She says that she saw Willow make the drink, and since it was poisonous, she killed Isla. But it couldn't be true. Their love was, albeit annoying, very strong.

     So someone had to have poisoned the drinks. And as much as I would have liked to blame Colt, I knew he didn't do it. He had no reason. Now, Abbie had none either. I certainly didn't. Willow didn't, and Isla wouldn't kill her self.

     That left Roux. He had access to the supplies regularly, and I was pretty convinced. It may have been a reason he'd left.

     I get up and walk out of the horn, looking in horror as Willow held a knife to her throat. Fuccckkkkk fuck. "Willow!" I scream, and she jerks her head around towards me. She drops the knife, and I run over to her. She embraces me, sobbing like a house gutter.

     "I.. just.. can't." She mutters. "I made the drink, but someone.. it wasn't me!" She stutters, crying.

     "I think it was Roux." I mutter, stepping out from the embrace. She looks at me, her face contorting into anger. "I don't think Colt did it."

     "Why?" She asks, confused.

     "Well, he left early." I say. "He could've been trying to cause chaos. He succeeded."

     She stops crying, and he face stares into my soul. She then walks past me, to the horn. I follow her in, where Colt and Abbie sat. The flame sword sat next to Colt, and I think he had gotten comfortable with it. It still worried me.

Willow grabs some of the throwing knives, and a spare sword which she sheathes. She brushes past me again, and I follow her. "Willow!" I yell, and she ignores me. "Hey, Willow!" I repeat, and she looks at me. "Where are you going?"

"I've got a District Partner to burn." She says coldly, before escaping into the forest. Colt walks up behind me, along with Abbie.

"You made a monster." Abbie nervously laughs, and Colt chuckles along.

Guaranteed: Morgan, Luke

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