The Interviews - Part 1

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Ten of the most impressive and eye catching interviews are on thsee two chapters. Those are Roux, Nich, Isla, Elisa, Kayden, Verí, Maya, Aubreigh, Pantone, and Kasi.

Here is Roux, The District 4's, and Elisa!


     "Hello everyone!" Caesar Flickerman exclaims, and the crows in the stadium goes wild. Music was playing, Snow was watching, and Flickerman was smiling. It would be a hell of a night. "To get this started, the tributes had to compete for these interviews. This year is so crowded and amazing that going on with all twenty four tributes would take too long. So, I give you the ten best interviews. Handpicked!"

     The crowd explodes with cheers, and Flickerman takes the mic again. "Our first tribute is one who has been consistently powerful, menacing, and eye-catching. I am, of course, speaking of the man from District Two, Roux Hades!"

     The crowd explodes again as Roux walks out onto stage. His imposing figure and classy stride complemented his blacked out tuxedo. He walks to the chair next to Caesar, and sits down. Then, his gaze goes to the crowd. He wasn't laughing or cheering with them, he was demanding respect and silence.

     The crowd quieted down, and Flickerman began his questioning. "So, Roux. Let us begin with your home. You were part of the Career training program, dropping out for a few years and coming back. You also volunteered. On volunteering, was it worth it?"

"It certainly will be." Roux begins, with a deep voice and a composed stature. "When I win."

"And, as many have been cocky about winning, what sets you apart?" Caesar asks.

Roux thinks a bit before responding with "I've sweat blood and tears for my whole life to win this game. Experience is obviously crucial, and no one has more experience than I do."

"Even Isla? The one who is on her second try?" Caesar presses, trying to trap him in a corner.

"Why of course." He responds, and the audience gasps. The way he delivers his speech is just perfect and uncompromising, with emphasis on the right points.

"This is evidenced by your evaluation score." Caesar states. "You made a twelve! Do you have any idea how good that is?"

"Yeah." Roux replies. "Exactly as expected."

"How did you do it?" Caesar asks.

"Well, it was very rigorous, but I demonstrated lots of diversity and fitness. Everything you needed in the games, I did perfectly." Roux responds, not wanting to reveal how he had gotten his near perfect score.

"Well, then." Caesar states. "You are one hell of a badass, Roux. Audience, give him a hand!"

The crowd cheers on Caesar's cue, and Roux stands up to wave before walking off.


"And now, the man from District 4, we have both candidates here at once. The rising force of Nich, combined with the girl coming back for round two, Isla. Give them a hand please!"

     Needless to say, they all clap as the duo walk out onto the stage. Nich was wearing a long, black trench coat. It contrasted well to Isla's bright red, shiny dress. They sit on the couch, and Caesar looks to them.

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