Night 3, Pt2: Choices

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- L U K E - G R E E N -

I sigh as I hear a stick to cauterize my leg. The shockwave from the mansion's blast had knocked me 20 feet forward, and it had made the bear trap wound a bit worse. Luckily, it hadn't became infected. I'm glad I knew a lot about medicines, because it was saving me right now.

     I start the small fire, set to get this done quick so I wasn't ambushed. I keep the fire as small as possible, so the least smoke would emit. I prepare myself, pushing the red hot stick next to the wound. I hold back a scream, and instead a whimper happens. I grit my teeth as blood cauterizes the wound. I could keep moving with this procedure.

     I drop some hydrogen peroxide on the newly heated wound, seeing some bubbling. That was bad, since that meant some infection had made it. Good thing I cauterized it when I did. I pull the bandage over it, and wrap it a couple extra times.

     I pull the Capitol pants back down, and stand up. I cringe with the pain, knowing this wouldn't be enough. Especially in a fight, since 5 of the 6 Careers still lives, and Kayden was as well. I look around, getting an idea.

     I snuff the fire with my good leg, before breaking some branches down in the trees beside me. I search a little longer, finding a flexible one and cutting it to the right length with my scythe. I affix some extra branches to the bottom, before placing it below my knee and curling it around my leg.

     I tie it together, pushing the 5 branches which ran down my calves of my injured leg to my shoes. I tighten the top circle tighter, and use some of the bandages to hold it like that. Sure enough, I had created a fully functional leg brace.

     Fuck yeah.

- P A N T O N E - M E R C I E R -

     "It's a shame." Kasi says, and I take a bite of my piece of the rabbit. "You haven't found your sword yet."

"Yeah, kinda." I say, taking another bite. We had trapped another one, and our food situation was doing relatively fine. This wasn't fine, Capitol dining, but around what District 11 was like.

"I have my boomerangs." Kasi says, holding a makeshift one up. "Does that mean I'm better than you?"

"Oh, I'm much better." I say, matter of factly. She wasn't about to smash my ego like that. She chuckles, and takes a bite. We worked together really well, even with our little jokes. Part of me worried about what would happen when it was the final four or five. We'd likely stick together, since two people could win.

     Only problem was, I couldn't see inside her head. Trusting her was hard for me. And, quite frankly, I would do whatever it took to get back home.

     But, for now, I was golden.

     "Hey, we're both tired, it's probably two in the morning." Kasi says. "Who's taking watch?"

     INTERACTIVE QUESTION: QuintexQuota yolly_thelolly Who is going to sleep, and who will take watch?

- C L Y D E - "Bonnie" M U R P H Y -

     I'd do anything to survive. And that required action.

     My stomach rumbles as I look on at Pan and Kasi eating a toasted rabbit. Those two fuckers, living as luxurious as they could be without being Careers. They exposed me to Roux and costed me my eye. There was no remorse in my body for either of those fools.

     I can't believe I volunteered for this. Really, how stupid was I? Thinking I was gonna get out of here with zero damage and nothing but cash and fame. I would come out of here, but I'd add "permanently scarred" to the list.

     'Focus, Bonnie' I think to myself. I needed to take these two down, and it all depended on waiting. Waiting to find out who I kill first. Hopefully my sister won't be horrified.

     INTERACTIVE QUESTION:mossleap - Bonnie is on the brink of going hungry and dehydrated. He needs supplies, and there are many in front of him, ripe for the taking. That, coupled with his determination for revenge, has lead him to this target.
What is his plan of attack? You could avoid it altogether, but he'd die of thirst in a single day if he doesn't get water in time.

- K A Y D E N - B R O E S O N -

I follow the map, with both Colt Cory's and Leo Frost's locations pinging live. Thanks for the sponsor, Jay. It's really handy. God, that kill felt so good. It's led me to want more. Let's finish Leo and Morgan, and maybe I'd get my vengeance on Veríco that way.

I'm getting close now. They were in the research station, camping out, I'm guessing. I'd wake them up if they were asleep, since it'd be so much more fun. As long as I wasn't hit by Leo's OP crossbow, this would be the easiest two kills of my life.

I come up on the site, and I ready my War Hammer. The buildings were all dark inside, and Leo's marker was pinging in the trailer that was farthest of me. I didn't like how I couldn't see Morgan anywhere.

INTERACTIVE QUESTION: HungerGamesFan298 What is Kayden's Plan of attack?


"Sir, three fights are approaching this morning." One of my sergeants tell me. I check the screen looking at the predicted paths of the tributes. Three incoming battles.

"Interesting." I say. There were three battles incoming: The Careers Vs. Luke, Kayden vs. The Mechanicals, and Clyde vs. The District 11's. "I've got them where I want, right?" I say to myself, checking my tablet. "Yes, yes. Great. All of this works."

"We can derail some of these, sir. If it helps our agenda." He says, and I get a smirk.

"Derail, you say?" I ask, thinking. "Hmm. Yes, maybe that would be a good idea. It'll give the Capitol a sense of choice."

"Alrighty, would you like to send out a poll?" He asks again.

"Yes, let the people choose." I say. This was going to be fun.


You, the viewers, are going to choose to derail one of the three upcoming fights. Totally didn't get this idea from Quin. Each fight will result in one of more casualties, so choose wisely. Each one will occur next chapter, in the morning of Day 4.

HOW TO CHOOSE: Pick a fight to vote on derailing, and comment on it. The most popular one will be derailed.

Fight One: Clyde Murphy vs. The District 11's. Battle on the northern shore of the arena, this will be brutal and vengeful.

Fight Two: Luke Green vs. Colt, Abbie, and Nich. As Luke unknowingly walks into the Cornucopia, this one will almost certainly spill lots of blood.

Fight Three: Kayden Broeson vs. The Mechanicals. This will either be a resounding escape for The Mechanicals, or a slaughter to Kayden's delight.

Anywhere from two to five casualties next chapter. You choose how many by who you derail, and how the respondents to today's questions answer.

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