The Training, Night Two

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- M A Y A - F A R D E N -

"They've got a nice library here." I say as Kayden sits down next to me. We had arranged to talk about the competitors and plans. Luckily, there weren't any other tributes in here.

     "Yeah, I'm not a big reader." Kayden says flatly, sitting across from me. "Let's talk."

     "I'd figure we would." I respond, putting down a book. "First up, the Careers."

     "Oh, boy." He laughs. "I think if we plan it, we'll crush them."

     "How about I do the planning on that one?" I ask.

     "Yeah, sure." He says. "You saw what happened today, right? Luke got absolutely wrecked!" He exclaims.

     Luke took a similar stance to Clyde, not responding at all. In response, the Careers took him to town. I knew Luke was a serious contender, but now he had the biggest target on his back. The peacekeepers had to escort Luke out and straight to the hospital.

     "Hey, the less focus on us, the better." I say. "Even though Luke probably didn't take it."

     "Yeah, the Careers are really gullible." Kayden laughs, "Except Maybe Willow and Colt."

     "True." I say. "Anyway, What with that group of four? The one that you beat and got beat by?"

     "Oh, the Mecahni-Tards?" He confirms, and I laugh. "You see how easy I took down Leo. He resorted to kicking my nuts. And if we get the others into the wide open, then they have nothing. They suck at fighting."

     "I just don't want to underestimate anyone." I state. "Even that 12 year old from One put up a crazy time in that training machine. No one except a couple seem to be out of place."

     "Yeah." Kayden says, and we Kind of state at each other for a few seconds, not knowing what to say.

     INTERACTIVE QUESTION: HungerGamesFan298 karmicCephalopod This is your discussion place. This can be a discussion or an RP, your choice.

- A U B R E I G H - W H E A T L E Y -

"I'm scared." Cassandra says. "I mean, I want this to be okay, but I know everyone but one will die here."

     "It'll all be fine!" I exclaim. We were sitting on the District 10 Balcony, looking at the Capitol lights turn on with the setting of the sun. "Seriously, we can do anything we set our mind to!"

     "Yeah." She says. "Yeah! We can, can't we?"

     "Of course!" I say. I knew we were both the optimistic type, even though both of us knew deep and well that our odds were slim. But we weren't hopeless. We had both seen games where people with low odds came out on top. I hope this will be that game.

     Both of us stare out towards the sun, trying to figure out what we will do. Tensions were palpable in this training center, and it worried us.

     INTERACTIVE QUESTION: Alleny-Reads2002 Weirdpotatolife RP or discuss your strategies for interviews, evaluation, and maybe even the games. I need some more depth on your characters so I can write them better.

- J A Y D E N - B R E O S O N -

"I'm telling you, Morgan." I say, as we sit in her room. "He was really violent."

"I think it was for good reason, though?" She suggests. "It's not like Verí would just sit by and watch Kayden beat up Leo."

"He sent him to the ER!" I exclaim. "I mean, his head was in a pool of blood. Just from a fruit."

"From what I hear, he fell back himself." Morgan retorts. "Besides, if he's as dangerous as you suggest, then maybe we should keep him around on the same team."

"What, So he knows right where we are at every curve?" I point out. "The best thing to do is kick him out. You know it's the thing to do."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Morgan and I rush up to the doorway, unlocking it and seeing Leo waiting outside. He was looking a bit better, but was bruised to hell. Funny how Kayden was immediately helped, but he was given only some bandaids. Whatever.

"Come in." Morgan says, and Leo walks in. I shut the door, locking it and sitting on the couch. I beckon Leo over, and we sit around the coffee table.

INTERACTIVE QUESTION: HungerGamesFan298 Thunderjolt1235 GeekGoddess484 Vote on whether to remove Verí from the alliance. You may rp if you wish.

- I K E - P I N T O -
1 Day earlier

     "You n, never cease to imp, press." Maddox sighs, seeing the city on full lockdown. I was standing on a hilltop next to both him and Lyka, watching the peacekeeper frenzy. Apparently my breakout was a big deal.

     "Um, thanks?" I say sheepishly. "Yeah, those guards were nuts."

     "Speaking of which, do you have the thing that electrocuted you?" Lyka asks Maddox. He hands it over from his pocket. I grab it in transit, and throw it to the ground. I stomp it to pieces, and Lyka looks at me stunned. "Why'd you do that?"

     "Last thing I picked up led them right to me." I mutter. "You can get tracked down and captured if you want, that is."

     "Fine." Lyka says. "I just wish we could've used that tech."

     "Don't worry." I say, kicking the pile of junk off of the cliff. "We'll figure it out."

     "Y-Yeah." Maddox stutters, backing me up. We walk away from the cliff, into the darkness of the night. "Where are we going?"

"The new home." Lyka declares.


You can do an rp if you want, with the amount of questions in this chapter I'm not expecting a huge chain like last time. But whichever way you want to do it, have at it.

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