Day 5: Critical

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(Posted today because screw upload schedules)

- P A N T O N E - M E R C I E R -

"Ravenous Emus?!" I say, confused but also worried. "Sounds pretty Capitol to me."

"Yeah, we have to head south. Way south." Kasi replies, packing up our supplies. The morning sun had just peeked over the ocean horizon, and we weren't taking any chances with the emus. We had to move, since we were in the worst possible area for this.

"So, where to?" I say, unfolding the map and looking at it. We could do one of three things. One was to cut by the Cornucopia and go south, another to cut through the forest, or the seemingly safest option - go south along the western coast before cutting east.

"The Cornucopia is a no-no." Kasi says, and I nod. She was right on that one, at least.

"The forest looks quicker on paper, but I doubt that in person." I say, looking at the forest we were in. It was largely the same. "So that leaves West Coast."

"Sounds good." Kasi says. "Now let's go before Emus bite our heads off."

"Good thinking." I say, grabbing my supplies and heading south.

- C O L T - C O R Y -

     "I saw Willow's picture in the sky last night." I say as Abbie gathers around for some lunch. Nich was there too, but had just left to attend a sponsor whistle.

     Abbie gasps a bit, pausing while eating her sandwich. "Holy heck.."

     "My bet is on Roux being the killer." I mutter, furious at him for leaving us like that and likely killing Isla. Now that Willow was dead, the hope of the lesbians escaping had been flushed down the toilet.

     I hear footsteps outside, trying to see Nich. He appears, with a new toy in his hand. A dual bladed sword. I'd seen them in the training center - it was a Capitol prototype. It wasn't as strong as the flame sword, but it would get the job done in Nich's hands.

     "Oh my god!" Abbie exclaims, looking at it. "That looks sick!"

     "It feels great." He says, spinning it.  "But, I think we have a problem."

     "What is that?" I ask, and he stops spinning it.

     "That whistle wasn't for my blade." He says, and we stop eating. I nearly freeze in place before putting the heat resistant glove on.

     "Where was it?" I ask, grabbing the flame sword and heading out of the horn.

     "I don't know." He says, still behind the horn. Then, a figure bursts out of the tree-line, charging me with a vengeance.


     Roux had told me how he had wiped the floor with him earlier, alongside the lesbians. I guess he was targeting me since I was a Career, but it probably had to do with my weapon.

     He had two of his own. In his right hand, his War Hammer was glistening under the sun. In his left.. no, on his left hand, was a metal glove of sorts. It wrapped around his palm, but didn't extend to the fingertips. He points it at me, and it launches something blue from the top.

     The device flies onto my body and starts shocking the hell out of me. I scream in pain as I reach down to pull it off. I see Abbie and Nich run for him in my peripheral. I rip the device out, leaving a wave of electrical current and pain running through my body.

     Abbie extends her sword blade and gets a device shot at her by Kayden. She falls to the ground, convulsing in pain while Nich takes Kayden on. I miss some of it as I rip the device off of Abbie's leg, and she stops convulsing. Her eyes were tearing as I lift her up.

     "Come on, let's go." I say, dragging her to her feet. I see Kayden swing at one of Nich's blades, since he split it into two. Nich's other blade spins and leaves a small slice on his chest.

     Kayden fires the electrical thingy at Nich, and he collapses. Then he aims it towards me. I turn the sword onto full steam, and hold it out to him. As he fires the disk, I send a heatwave out. It burns the disk into shreds in midair, and sends Kayden to the ground on his ass.

     He stands up, with only some mild darkening in his face. "COME ON!!" He screams his war cry, and I charge him. Abbie stays back, and Kayden runs for me. I swing the sword high, but he slides low. The next thing I know, all of my right shin was in exhilarating pain. I scream the loudest I ever have, falling to the ground.

     I watch as Abbie charges him, getting beaten by him pretty badly. Nich steps in, though, and Abbie manages to get a huge blow on his face. Kayden falls down, spitting blood. Nich socks him in the face, pummeling him into the ground.

     I try to stand, but feel my leg give under me in all the wrong ways. I fall down, now watching the fight upside-down. Kayden nearly slams Nich's head in with his Hammer, but Abbie holds his arm down. Kayden wiggles out of the grip, managing to stand up. He grabs his hammer, running away.

He shoots the electric thing at my damaged leg, and the pain only increases as the shattered leg convulses about. Abbie, heading my screams, chooses to help me instead of chasing Kayden. Nich chooses to chase.

     "Oh Jesus, Colt!" Abbie screams, running over. "Are you okay?!"

     "H-he.. ahhh!" I scream, the pain being not experienced before. I finally rip it out, and it lessens barely. "B-broke my leg!"

     "Shit. Nich!" Abbie screams, now incredibly worried. "Help!"

     Nich abandons the chase and runs over. He helps to lift me up, and the two carry me to the Horn and lie me down.

"H-holy shit!" Nich says, seeing my leg. The entire bone had been split in half by the impact. "He needs the bone kit thing."

"We don't have one!" Abbie sighs, looking around.

xxXR3DBOSSXxx The survival of Colt depends on you buying a Bone Correction Kit (3C). Buy!

- N I C H - D E S R I -

An hour after and Abbie had began to cry again. I walk out of the horn and towards the edge of the Cornucopia, scouting for Kayden. I don't see him, so I sit on my old pedestal and think about my plan tonight.

My sponsor had warned me about the Emu's, and from what I read, this Sword wouldn't be nearly enough to beat them. They were unending and relentless. With Colt's leg shattered, and no way to fix it currently, my option was very focused.

Abbie and Colt didn't get a sponsor. That meant that they were sitting ducks if I don't tell them about what's to come. It made sense. Colt would surely be gone, I wouldn't have to kill a 12 year old, and the flame sword would be put out of use.

If I could avoid the big brawl at the end, and let them duke it out, I would win with that champion. I could get out just like that.

My path was cut clearer than paper.

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