Night 2: Pride Over Tragedy

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(And, we open in Pride month with the first lesbian romance POV I've written. You motherfuckers made me do this, I hope I did it well.)

- I S L A - C A R L -

"It's a beautiful sunset here." Willow says, walking over to me. We had walked a little far from camp, sitting near a cliff. I look over at her, and she looks right back. We're both smiling.

"I don't know which beautiful thing I should look at - the sunset or you." She says with a smile, and I giggle in glee. They could say whatever they wanted about this relationship. It was real, and it was amazing. I wonder how I could have lived previously without this angel in my life.

The Career training, getting picked for the last quarter quell, volunteering for this game. None of them gave me as much excitement or adrenaline as when I was near Willow. I got butterflies in my stomach, holding back tears of joy in my eye, and a feeling I couldn't even describe when I was with her. We were perfect for each other.

I laugh at her comment, before leaning in for a kiss. She smiles before following my lead, and we touch lips in front of the sunset. My adrenaline goes up and my legs quiver. Nothing mattered in this moment except for her and I.

She pulls away, and I look at her starry eyed. "It's funny." She says. "We both found our greatest love in a game of our greatest struggle."

"It's like my Career trainers used to say." I reply. "The hardest times create the strongest people."

"I couldn't agree more." Willow states, and we go in for a hug. "I'm hungry. What about you?"

"Yeah." I say.

"I'll go get something." She suggests.

"How about I do it?" I ask.

"I insist." She says, running off.

SOLO QUESTION KrissyIsAmazeballs : Get ingredients from A: Cornucopia or B: Wild

- J A Y D E N - B R E O S O N -

     Well, I got one of them.

     That lemon slinging retard got what was coming to him, and I don't regret it one bit. And he thought he was gonna win and avenge Elá? Get out, son.

     I wouldn't kill Morgan, though. I knew her too well to do that. I probably should have killed Leo, he probably is going to try and take vengeance on me. I doubt he'll be successful, but still. I needed to watch my back from now on.

     The Careers would be happy, though. If I happened to run into them, I'd be ok. I hope.

     I walk through the forest, pushing trees out of my way as I go. I see a big building appear in the background, and recognize it as the temple. At least, I think that's what it is. I hadn't seen it before.

     Just then, I hear steps to my left. I freeze, ducking instinctively before yeeting my knife over there. It propels itself through the air, swiping behind a couple trees before flying back to my hand.

     A spear flies through the tree line, right for my face. I step sideways, and it knocks my knife out of my hand. The two weapons fall to the ground with a clang, and a figure steps from the forest.

     "You took my kill." Kayden says, staring at me with cold, murderous eyes. "I don't like that."

     "Uhh, I.." I stutter, as he walks toward me. He cracks his neck, and I have to plan my next move fast. I jump for my knife, dodging his punch and yeeting it around. It sends him off balance, and comes around towards the back for the kill.

     He dodges it, though. It flies to my hand, and he picks up his spear. It looked.. exactly like Maya's. That meant he was the one who killed her. Holy shit.

- C L Y D E - M U R P H Y -

     I moan in pain as I apply the first aid kit I was sponsored. I was still in the same position, stuck with zero depth perception. I guess it could be worse, as I could have gone completely blind.

     With that punch, there's no way anyone is beating Roux. He's the strongest, most lethal person in this arena. In that regard, I'm glad Colt held the Flame sword. He was the only one who could reasonably challenge him.

     I should've been more weary of Roux. I knew he would leave the Careers, I just didn't think it'd be this soon. I just wasn't thinking, and I paid for it dearly.

     I take a piece of gauze and wrap it over my eye, which was occasionally leaking fluids I don't think should be leaking. Disgusting. At least I was alive.

     At least I was alive. Is that really the best thing I could say right now? With this pain, it'd almost be better to be dead. Almost.

     Well, I was way too damaged to fight right now. It'd be a solid 48 hours before I could even think about fighting someone. That'd be Night 4. Shit.

     I close the kit, passing out on the cold, hard ground.

- I K E - P I N T O -

     "W- why." I mutter, my heart breaking. We had camped out at a Resistance bunker, old and abandoned. It had been there since the first games, and hadn't gotten a renovation since. Taking a step a century back was.. jarring.

     Lyka, Maddox and I were camping out, waiting for the morning. Tender would be flying in to pick us up, and he said that we were going someplace special. He didn't specify where.

     We had nothing to do but look in horror at the games. At the kid that just lost an eye to a single punch. Two people fighting in a mansion. Two more battling in the forest. A guy and girl, electric crossbow in hand, crying in the woods. Two beautiful girls sitting on a cliff, watching the sunset.

     "Why does this still happen?" Maddox says, throwing down a pillow. "These kids, trained to kill. Look, one just died!"

     "Because the districts believe that 23 deaths In the games per year is a better price to pay than tens of thousands lost to a rebellion." Lyka says, tearing up and sitting down. "A rebellion that they'd never have a chance at winning. We couldn't even save them."

     I state in disbelief, seeing a girl die in front of my eyes. I turn the tv off, and set the remote down. My non-robotic arm was quivering. I was in absolute anger. I wanted to help, but I couldn't.

     "May the odds be ever in our favor." Maddox mutters quietly, pulling over the cover and trying to fall asleep.


Guaranteed POV's:
Kayden vs. Jay
Elisa vs. Aubreigh

And, your pick (two are picked, One is held till the chapter after next. Majority vote)
-Update on Luke Green
-Update on Roux
-Update on Colt, Abbie, and Nich

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