Sponsor Shop

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Welcome to Awe's Capitol Bazaar!

Here, I sell many items to help out your tributes in the games.

But how do you get currency, you may ask? Here's my system.

This shops runs on credits, or C. Your tribute will earn them over time as they survive in the Games. Each tribute will gain 1 C to start, and will gain more over time in the following ways:

- Every new day, they will get a single C for simply surviving. Not each chapter, each day.
     - Every time your Tribute slaughters another tribute, you'll gain a single C.
- When a tribute dies, their amount of credits will be cut in half and left In this chapter for the first person to collect. The other half will disappear.

Those are your methods. Below is the amount of credits each tribute owns, and the actual Shop.

Colt: 0
Abbie: 5
Hades: 5
Willow: 0
Jay: 0
Morgan: 0
Nich: 0
Isla: 0
Leo: 0
Elisa: 0
Kayden: 3
Ellie: 0
Verí: 0
Sephora: 2
Luke: 4
Maya: 0
Clyde: 0
Aubreigh: 0
Louis: 0
Cassandra: 0
Pan: 0
Kasi: 4
Danny: 0
Brittany: 0


Passive Locator Map: 2C
Shows your tribute's real time location on a map of the arena.
Advanced Locator Map: 3C
Shows your's and two other tributes of your choice location on a map of the arena.
God's Eye: 4 C
Shows all tribute's locations on an exceptionally detailed map of the arena. Limited to one day of in game time.
Simple Weapon: 1 C
Arm your tribute with a simple knife or small hatchet.
Advanced Weapon: 2C
Arm your tribute with a sophisticated weapon, including axes, machetes, and swords.
Specialty Weapon: 4 C
Arm your tribute with their weapon of choice, as stated in their bio.
Rare Weapon: 4C
Choose from a list of Elite, Capitol Prototype Weapons:
Dual Bladed Sword
Compound Bow
Compound Crossbow
ML1: Concussion Mine Launcher
EDAP: Electronic Debilitation Anti-Personnel
Dm for details on those ^
Survivalist Kit: 2C
Includes the necessities for survival, like a utility knife, fire materials, a canteen of water, and a tent.
Proximity Alert: 2C
Notify your tribute of the nearest enemy tribute.
Ammunition Refill: 1 C
Resupply your tribute with ammo for their weapon (Bolts, Arrows, etc.)
Bear Trap: 1 C
For hunting, whether that be animals or tributes.
Capitol Steak Dinner: 2C
Treat your tribute to the delights of Capitol culinary skill with a full steak dinner. Includes a great T-Bone Steak, Some potatoes, and a nice bottle of Champagne.
Survey Drone: 1 C
Grant your tribute access to a quad rotor drone that can be flown. Has a live feed, great for surveying and mapping.
Hydrogen Peroxide: 1 C
Used to clean smaller wounds and prevent infection.
First Aid Kit: 2C
A simple first aid kit, versatile in all wounds.
Disinfectant: 2C
Used to cure a bad infection.
Anti-Poison Kit: 2 C
Heal your tribute from a debilitating poison.
Bone Correction Kit: 3 C
If your tribute has a broken bone, this will fix it in a snap!

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