Goofy smiles

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“YOU LOSE!” Thea shouts at my face when Zero finally puts me down. Piggy backs are really fun, and to be totally honest, I didn’t really feel awkward with Zero. I look at Thea with a pleading expression. She can’t actually make me kiss him.

“You guys have to kiss. That was the rule.” She warns me and I roll my eyes, “And what if I don’t?”

“I’ll make you. You’re going to kiss him. Just get it over with.” She tells me threateningly. I fold my arms over, crossly and look at her challengingly, “No.”

“Why not?” She spits and stares at me firmly. Then realisation crosses her mind, “You’re not lesbian, are you?”

I burst out laughing. Okay, so a serious topic just turned upside down- that was hilarious. How the hell did she come up with that conclusion?

“No, gurl. She isn’t les, she has a boyfriend.” Brody butts in. I offer him a small smile and turn to face Zero. He’s concentrating on the floor and his hair is dangling in front of his forehead, disabling me form seeing his reaction.

“Well, I don’t know if we’re still a thing, to be honest. We haven’t spoken in a week and a half. I don’t think he even wants to be with me anymore.” I think I left it too late. I probably shouldn’t have left him in Rivendale in that condition but I felt like shit. I had literally just been in an argument with Jasper being my half-brother, I confronted Max, who revealed he wasn’t actually my father. I had been insulted by him and then by Hunter in Rivendale. I felt like I was being drowned by depression. It seems as if everywhere I go, my shadow haunts over me, never enabling me to see the sunlight. I lift my left sleeve up a little bit and run my fingers on the cuts that I did to myself.

“Well then what the fuck is the problem? If that dude isn’t here, and he doesn’t ‘want to be with you anymore’, why won’t you kiss Zeroda?” Thea demands.

Zero sends her a glare, “It’s Zero. Ze-ro.” He repeats coldly. I inwardly chuckle at his adorableness. He’s trying to be mean, but I honestly don’t think there’s one mean cell in his body.

I shrug of those thoughts and snap my attention back to Thea. Are Hunter and I really over? He would have contacted me, at least, to apologize for his behaviour. I know I said I wanted space, but I didn’t tell him directly, I told Beaula. If he really likes me, or loves me like I love him, then he’ll make an effort. And right now, it seems like he’s just given up on me.

Is that my fault, though?

I mean, I did run away the first time (out of hurt), when I saw Candace and him kissing. And now I ran away from him again. Running away twice isn’t overly excessive. It’s just time out.

I’ll make a deal with myself. I will allow myself one full week to do whatever I wish, with whoever I want. If I decide that Zero, or some other guy makes me happy, then I’m staying in New York. If I realise that no one can make me happier than Hunter, I’m going back to Rivendale and I will apologise to him (even though I pretty much didn’t do anything wrong, that I can think of) and I’ll tell him that I love him.

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