Something inside of me clicked. Just like that.

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Zara's phone vibrates again, signalling another message coming though. Since her phone has a passcode on it, I'm only able to see the first two lines;

From: Annoying Prick
When is he goin 2 finish painting those photos? It's been more than three weeks Zara! Y rnt u replying?!!

Who the hell is 'Annoying Prick'? Why is Zara receiving these photos from that person, and what the hell do they mean by "painting those photos". Are they using Hunter's art concepts for their own benefit?

"Hey, Emmerson, sorry to interrupt.... Whatever you're doing... But I really must get home to study and my hair is only half way curled." Viola reminds me, and pulls two strands to show the difference between a curl and a straight lock. My frown deepens, "Oh. Right. Yeah, I'll finish up now." I exclaim, clutching the phone extremely hard.
I don't understand. So Zara is the one behind swiping Hunter's gallery? All because she's trying to get revenge on my brother Jasper, so she goes through me- but what has Hunter got to do with this? Why would Zara take it as far as punishing my (now) ex-boyfriend? He has nothing to do with Jasper. It's too farfetched and nothing is matching up. There's a missing piece to this puzzle, which I have yet to find out.
And what do they want with his art concepts? I'm guessing by that text that they're copying his concepts and repainting them. Whoever that painter is, must be bloody good at what he does, because Hunter's standards are exceptionally high for just a normal person with a paint brush.
I struggle to think of anyone close to Hunter or I that might be good at painting. The only person I can really think of is Mr.Lexi, my art teacher or perhaps somebody in that class. But then again, that's farfetched too. Why would somebody want to ruin Hunter? He never did anything wrong- back then, anyway.
"You look troubled. What is the matter?" Viola questions, her eyebrows furrowed together as she scrutinises my confused expression.
I sigh, "It's just... I forgot the passcode to my phone and I can't remember it." I lie as I punch in random numbers, hoping for it to unlock.
Beaula turns towards me with a bizarre expression, "How could you forget your password? That's stupid." She states, making me grin sheepishly.
"If you hadn't noticed, I'm a blonde." I tap the top of my forehead, causing Beaula to grin back at me.
Thea turns to face me and when she sees Zara's phone, she nods in understanding.
"Hold on! Don't do that!" Vincent yelps for the first time as he catapults over to me, snatching the phone from my grasp. When I look at him in confusion, my breath catches in my throat. Who the fuck is he?
His skin is nearly acne free, apart from a few. His brown curls are neatly placed on his head, unlike the horrid tousles he used to have and his glasses are off. He looks... beautiful.
He doesn't look anything like a nerd, now. All he needs to do now is lose that silly bowtie of his; it looks kind of ridiculous but in a way, it brings out his character. He's utterly adorable.
When he notices me staring for a long while, he blushes, "I, uh, if, um, If you, uh, lock the phone it sends a signal to the iCloud and then they can, uh, hack the phone." He coughs uncomfortably under everyone's intense gaze. I blink, "Wait, what?"
"This should be easy." He finally admits, looking to Olivia who has a stunned expression on her face. She blinks once, twice, thrice before gasping, "Oh, right! Yeah, this is totally going to be easy. All I have to do is get my phone..." She vaguely explains, her fingers fumbling through her bag nervously.
Looks like Olivia is a little intimidated by Vincent's looks...
"Okay. I'm ready. I'm logging into the one-point-four-oh database system. Applying the Apple code, one-four-three-six-nine-four-two. And the hack system is downloading." She tells Vincent. He nods and tells everybody to turn their phones off if it's an Apple product.
"Why do we have to do that?" Beaula questions as she holds the Power button down to her iPhone5S.
Viola intervenes, "Because he's hacking into the Apple code. Olivia unlocked the database, so now Vincent needs to keep your phone on," She looks at me, "so then it unlocks the database to the phones in the apple products in the WiFi area. Basically this hack was made by all three of us. But by doing this, he can change all of the apple product passwords to one passcode. Cool, huh?" She explains, like it's the easiest thing to understand.
"And it's done! Your new passcode is 0000." Vincent exclaims and waits for the Apple sign to light up in a green colour before the home-screen comes into view. He types in the code, successfully unlocking it and grins before handing it back. All three of them turn around and give each other some sort of wicked handshake.
"Hold on a second, did you just hack into the Apple system?" I question in complete awe and disbelief.
Olivia bursts out laughing, "Of course not. We'd get in big trouble if we did that; besides, it's way out of our league. We synced the Apple iCloud databases together through the WiFi so we could download the passcodes and then sync them into one." She explains.
What? Beaula, Thea and I all share a look.
"Thank you so much!" I squeal, realising that I now have full access to Zara's phone. I engulf all three of them into a mushy hug and then retract with glee.
Typing 0000 onto the screen, I quickly scroll through the messages:

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