True Test 02

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Chapter 2

It was a little after lunch time when Perth finally manage to wake up. His head silently aching from the late night recording with Tam and Gan and of course a 13 hour flight from U.S back to their home country prior to that. He was dead tired but he didn't exactly have a choice but to get up and drag himself to his favorite store to get something for Mean.

It has been exactly three months after the Hokkaido incident and Perth could barely forget every details of what happened.

Of course they tried hard to maintain their relationship just like what they have been for years. But the constant flash backs of them being together, doing that intimate act honestly did affect how they see and act whenever they were around each other.

It didn't need much of intelligence to figure out the sudden awkwardness between the two and most of their friends have been silently watching them trying to figure out what was really happening.

It was Mean's birthday that day. Unfortunately Saint was unwillingly blackmailed by Tar and Tam to attend. Chaam had been convincing him that maybe... four months after the break-up he can finally test out if he have finally moved on.

In which he knew that he did.

In the three months that passed, it was no longer Mean Piravich who occupied his head. It was his very own best friend. Of course they still meet often, only that each meeting was spent along the accompaniment of their other friends, it was kind of weird not seeing the two sneaking around together like they used to.

It was a sweet gesture of him to even offer both Tar and Saint for a ride in which Tar gladly took. Saint even have to phone in Chaam for the sudden change of plan. His perky friend was rather puzzled as to why he sounded so unwilling to go with Perth when three months ago just hearing his best friend's name could make him forget about everything else.

Saint gape at him for a while as he handsomely stepped out of his car with his usual handsome smile. He didn't know how and when exactly his admiration for him started, of course he was aware that he was really good looking but since when did his heart start to flutter whenever he would think or see him?

Grunting under his breath, Saint tightened his fist just to calm his nerves and that Perth walking towards them like a floating god wasn't even a good help.

"Hi Sonnie" Perth greeted with absolute manliness. Saint felt himself shuddering, slightly gulping down his saliva, which actually didn't pass Perth's eyes. He grinned seeing the other rather uncomfortable. But then his amusement faded as he remembered how they have been so awkward with each other ever since the incident. And how he hated that all turned out this bad.

"Hi" Saint greeted back shakily almost feeling a lump on his throat.

The ride to Mean's flat was engulfed with silence. And Tar swears that it was the most deafening awkward silence he had ever experience. Perth was obviously stiff while the cute Saint was fidgety and lost.

Of all of the PerthSaint friends it was actually Tar who believed that the best friends were meant to be together. Oh how he hated it when he heard about Mean and Saint dating but then like a supportive brother that he is, he accepted and for a while he admitted that maybe he was wrong and that he was never someone who gets himself into others business even if all the people concerned were his close friends and fellow artist.

But then just recently, rumors about PerthSaint's friendship falling apart manage to perked his interest. He always loved seeing Perth and Saint together and it worries him too much just watching the two falling apart.

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