Note To God 01

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NTG 01

Chapter One

He stood amongst the crowd. His face full of pleasure and pride, his eyes sparkled against the reflection of the continuous flashing of cameras.

In the world of Entertainment and music there is no one rightful enough to be called the prince of thailand pop. None, until Perth Tanapon came. He was the real epitome of a human god, the only rightful one to be called as such.

The life he had chosen was glamorous. It was indeed a life that everyone had been wishing to have. That everyone was rather dying to just experience. But to Perth? the life he has was far from everyone had expected. There's more to it than just singing live, or recording and performing.

It had been three years when everyone who he thought was his friends turned their back on him and left him cold and broken on the street.
It had been two years since his first manager ran away with almost half of his earnings.
It had been a year and ten months since his beloved left him for someone richer and more famous actor.

and It had been a year since he decided to be the cold and calculating superstar Perth Tanapon. Whom personal attachments and love seemed non-existent.

He was a brat, a real star indeed. Like those you've seen on television and movies. He sets his own schedule and even cancels one if he wants to. He can make you suffer of waiting for hours when he felt like it and just act all arrogant if he's not in the mood.

Perth Tanapon is a superstar. And like a superstar he certainly acts like one. Hate him but he is a real money maker with over a million of fans he knew what he can offer. He knew what he can do. The whole country of Thailand has been supporting him, and he takes that as his own advantage.



Perth snapped when he felt people continuously coming in and out of his parked trailer. He barked at them telling everyone to leave. Not even his dog Drogo was safe from his wrath.

He finds it annoying how people and staffs acts like they care about him when all they were doing was to get him impress so that he will pay them more.

You want a good well functioned computer? Go buy the most expensive one. You want to eat good food? Go to an expensive restaurant to dine. If you want good stylist, make up artist and Manager? Go and get yourself those high profiled ones.

If you want friends? Work hard and earn money!

Well for Perth that's exactly how life goes. Money is everything. If you have it? People will love you more. He used to not care about the luxuries of life, but it had thought him a very hard lesson.

Never trust anyone.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed the little moment of silence. Not until the door opened again and someone decided to pissed him more by coming in. It was for a known fact that Perth hated being disturb the most.

The trailer tilted indicating how heavy the newly arrive was. He smirked bitterly, knowing exactly who it was.

"Perth, the set has already been waiting. The stuffs too" The guy said making the star frown "Please let us finish this set so that you can rest longer?"

His eyes snapped open. His gaze fell on his chubby manager who was huffing and was somehow out of breath.

"Let them wait" he said coldly flicking his fingers pointing the poor manager out of the trailer.

"But the skaters are waiting and..."

"I SAID LET THEM WAIT!" he bellowed angrily making the manager jump back.

"I.... I'll tell them" the manager bow down and went out of the trailer without fussing any longer.

Perth frowned knowing he won't be able to be at peace unless he finish this event. He badly needed to get his rest. His grumpiness have been caused of 3 days travel and 3 nights of sleeplessness.

He took a few deep breaths trying to coax himself to relax. "Fine! I'll do this now" he hissed on himself obviously feeling lazy and called his stylist and make-up artist to fix him up a bit.


The arena roared with applause, cheers and howls when Perth was finishing his second song. He smirked at how the crowd loved him. But he didn't like the fact that the event was actually made for figure skaters and not him. Yes, that is how selfish he was. He learned to be one, the minute everyone turned his back on him a few years ago that made him the cold-hearted person he is today.

He grumpily rolled his eyes the minute the whole place dimmed and another classical music started playing. It was obvious that he hated that kind of music. He wondered why figure skaters love dancing to those when all they can do is glide through it, jump in the air and twist their body around. He has never been a fan of this sport.

He stood there with his back facing the ice rink while eying down everyone that's tidying up all his equipment. Then the music continued to play. He looked up seeing his crew gaping at someone. His attention gaze automatically followed towards the others stares... as he looked back to where he isn't supposed to look.


His red fitted suit that was heavy beaded with silver and white crystals glittered through the lightly dimmed arena. It was a pure contrast against his white porcelain skin that somehow glows when being focused by the spot light.

His hands draped gracefully at the side of his head, taking the first position for his dance. He have his eyes close, as he waited for the music to start.

"Just like those times Saint!" He cheered himself up after hearing the first few beats of his music. He was about to dance to Yiruma's Moonlight that night and he knew he was happy to be dancing with one of his favorite music.

Saint was happy to be able to dance and skate again. Yet he knew this could be his last....

Still closing his eyes, he gracefully and slowly dances to the music like it was a part of him and he was a part of it. He skated around like a newly transformed swan with his hands like wings as he glided around the ice rink.

He performed some jumps, flips, loops and axels with grace while alternating some basic camel spin and butterfly spin like a pro. He had been known to complete these with ease. As people would tell him he was born to be a figure ice skater, Saint could only wish he would die as one too.

At the latter part of his routine he extended his leg upward and did a beautiful spiral while maintaining his warm smile. Yet in those smile... something was hidden... something ordinary fans and people doesn't see.

This dance was turning into one heartwarming routine where one could see how the performer had become one with his dance and music. Very typical from the famous figure skater Saint Supapong. Yet everyone didn't notice the pain behind those smiles... the very reason why his routine looks real and so heart breaking.


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