True Test 03

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True test _Epilogue


Warning: PerthSaint mushiness and fluffiness ahead. And I never really try hard writing this one so pardon me with the shallowness... Just enjoy PerthSaint love ok?


Saint groaned from his bed hearing his mobile phone suddenly ringing.

"Saint! Phone! Sleep!" Chaam who decided for a sleep over last night whiny voice made Saint scrunched his face in annoyance. Still half asleep he rolled into his side and blindly looked for his phone on the nightstand table. He grunted angrily having difficulty into retrieving it.

"Ya! Sleep! Call later!" He hissed in irritation for whoever was on the other line.

"Babe! Wake up!" a cheerful giggly voice was heard over the phone but Saint was way too sleepy to even care who it was.

"ummm....who?... ummm... call... later...bye...." He mumbled dozing off again without even hitting the hang up button

Perth stared at his phone for a minute then listened intently on the other line thinking Saint was probably playing with him again. He was bothered by the silence but then laughed hearing a low snoring sound on the other line.

"Why is he so adorable like this?" he giggled and press the loudspeaker while making his way to the living room to wait for his boyfriend to wake up. He walked happily towards the couch that was already occupied by his friends who was having their morning coffee together.

"Oi! Perth want some coffee? I'll make you some" Mark offered putting his own cup on the center table and skipped towards the small kitchen to make his younger friend some coffee.

Perth sloppily slumped his body on the couch next to Tam and stared at his snoring phone with a wide grin on his face.
While Tam curiously listened and was surprise to hear some weird sound.

"ummm P? What's up with the new ring tone?"
Perth grinned "Isn't he cute?" still holding the phone in front of his face, wiggling it around, while staring and listening at it dreamingly.

"Which one? The phone or the ringing tone?" Tam frowned.

"My Baby" He answered with a giggle.

Tam watch his younger friend, trying to figure out what he meant. It was a while before Mark came back with a cup of coffee in his hand then setting it on the table in front of Perth.

Just then they hear a familiar voice on Perth's phone. It sounded more like someone who's drunk rather than someone who they know and someone who Perth calls his baby.

"Ummm.. Perth...babe...... hmmm.... I.. know.... you...too" the voice mumbled before the snoring sound came back again.

Perth laughed heartily and was obviously delighted.
"Tell me! Why is he so adorable! He's dreaming about me! aish Saint!! I love you too Baby!" he shouted at his phone

Tam and Mark looked at each other and chuckled.

"People in love" both sigh and continued drinking their coffee... knowing exactly how their free day will be spent.

[a/n I am faqin dying with Perth and Saint!!! That was so mushy! I can't!!!]


Saint run towards the door after hearing a soft knock. He grinned knowing exactly who was on the door. He bit his lip to suppress his giggle as he slightly open the door.

He peeked through the small opening and giggled more seeing his boyfriend standing outside the door, right hand leaning on the door frame while holding a bouquet of flowers on his left hand sniffing it a little before looking at him with a grin

[a/n pleaseeeee stop!!!! You two!!!sorry can't help but to comment!]

"Hi baby" he greeted making Saint giggle. Oh how he love how smoothly the baby word comes out of Perth's mouth.

"Hi" He shyly smile pulling the door open. He jump a little while happily hugging the roses.
"Thank you" Hus eyes scanned the flowers on his hands affectionately before jumping to hug Perth in appreciation.

"You like it?" Perth hugged him around his waist and kiss Saint on his cheek.

Saint nodded then chuckle pulling his boyfriend towards the living room. Asking him to take a seat. He skipped towards the kitchen and happily arrange the flowers on an empty vase.

Perth watch Saint while he happily arranged the flowers. Boy he was sure lucky to have such amazing adorable boyfriend. His smile got wider seeing Saint skipping towards and occupying the empty space beside him. He snaked his arms around his waist and lay his head on his broad shoulder.

"So...... any schedule today?" Saint asked while drawing circles behind Perth's back.

He shook his head "Nothing that I know of, where's Chaam by the way?" Perth added while looking around. The apartment seems quiet.

"Oh Chaam went to meet her brother Nichkun" Saint smiled warmly before pulling himself away from his boyfriend.

PERTH watch him pout a little, maybe a bit disappointed that he wasn't able to stroll around with his friend
"Babe... you want to drive around or go somewhere? Maybe go on a date... a secret one that is" Perth offered making the other looked at him with excitement.

Saint bit his lip again, his index finger brushing against his chin while thinking of place where he could spend some good time with Perth.

Perth couldn't help but smile just watching his adorable face. Caressing Saint's cheek with his palm and giving him a peck on his pouting lips just because he can. The latter just giggled slapping the others shoulder's shyly.

"What was that for?" Saint blushed madly, dropping his stare on his lap while playing with Perth's fingers.

Perth could only laugh heartily "Aww, I'm sorry. It's just that I can't help it. Stop acting so adorable will you?"

"Oh ok" Saint scrunched his face again while pouting

"You are doing it again Babe" Perth chortled, pinching Saint adorable bunny nose.

"I heard there's a new wax museum in Bangkok. Can we go? Please" Saint pleaded adorable, leaving the whipped boyfriend no choice but to agree. Although he had always been afraid of human size figures.

"Where are you going now?" he asked while Saint pushed himself up from sitting then walked away towards his room.

"Changing clothes. You want to come?" Saint teased looking back at him.



"Just go and dress up"

"You sure you don't wanna come? Come on!"

"Saint Supppong! Why are you making this hard for me!?"

"Me making it hard? Really?" The adorable guy giggled more " Or do you mean I make you hard?" he grinned sensually tracing his index finger from his mouth down to his neck and shoulder, while Perth could only closed his eyes with a groan.

"Ya! You come here!" Perth stood from where he was sitting and immediately took a stride towards his cute boyfriend but then stopped when Saint glared at him.

"Nah uh! We are going! Stop being a perv" Saint laughed then skipped towards his room and slam the door shut.

"Ughhh! How can he be so adorable and sexy at the same time?" he grunted as he walked back towards the couch pouting. Heaving a deep breath as he tried to calm his raging little Perth down.

Sighing.... "And baby please wear a black shirt and blue jeans so that we'll look like a real couple!" Perth shouted through the door.

"I'm on it babe!!" he heard Saint's reply. Before walking back awkwardly towards the living room.


[A/N ohhh shiiit! Why I am freaking giggling right now darn it!!! that was too much I wanna hug them both to death!!]

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