If We Could 08

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Chapter 8

[Last Chapter ]

For some student, that school year has been the worst. Especially to the soccer team and to the people close to them. No matter how hard they have tried, practicing and playing together didn't work. Not when Perth Tanapon was not paying attention. Not when their captain was so distracted. Even when Mark and Tam's jokes weren't working anymore.

Soccer games weren't even as exciting as it used to.

And some if not all students knew how it all begun.

They could blame Saint Suppapong for being stupid brat stealing his father's car and drunkenly drive it across Bangkok. Some would even blame Tar's untimely death. Or Perth for being a sissy bastard who could not be a man and face reality.

But they could not. No matter what the drama is...sympathizing is all they could do. Maybe blaming faith would be better because it had played its card well. So good people end up hurt... if not dead.

Perth wasn't really functioning well after he had found out everything. He had gone from his awkward self to not talking at all. Teachers and friends grew concern especially when Perth all together dropped out from his elective music class and quitting the soccer team. A sport that he used to truly loved.

It was a few days before the music recital that the music teacher had found the right time to give Perth something that was left in his possession a few days ago. Most would not expect anything in response from him and yet the music professor was surprise seeing the recognition on Perth's eyes when he saw the familiar music notebook.

"Before his flight back to the States, Saint handed me this" He handed Perth a slightly tattered notebook. "He said he was sorry he could not go on with our little project. But wishes us luck on our recital. I believe he managed to finished what you started Perth" the professor patted his back before walking away.


Perth found himself inside the music room, sitting on his favorite seat with the music notebook in his hands. Slightly shaking, it took him a while to finally gain the courage to open the notebook and what he saw made him tremble even more.

Still with shaking hand and rapid breathing Perth turned the pages and saw the lines and notes that he draw. Then followed by the delicate notes that he sure belonged to Saint. It took him a while, as if memorizing the notes then carefully tracing each notes as if touching it would smudge it out, afraid of erasing the careful lines Saint made.

Carefully placing the notebook on the stand, Perth positioned himself and gracefully hitting the keys.

Perth finishes it with a deep sigh, tears springing out of his eyes as he traced the signature under it.

Saint had placed an empty space right beside his name, and Perth knew that the boy was hoping he will sign his name beside his. Hiccupping from all the sobbing that he just did, Perth frantically took his body bag, fishing out the pen he thought was there. Growing in panic not finding it. Until he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder and a pen being handed to him by his music prof.

Still with tears in his he gently wrote his signature in it.


3 years later...

The sudden ringing of h phone made him jumped out of his deep slumber. Frantically searching for the phone that he had not seen the whole day. Saint was one of those who wasn't really fond of cell phones or any other new gadgets.

Probably he grew tired of keeping one when for the past years he had not really received any calls from anyone except from the occasional calls he gets from his brother Krist, who himself was very busy practicing his medicine.

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