Chapter Fifteen: Plans

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After a few days, I was finally able to calm down.
I had accepted everything that happened to Dale. I also realized that I couldn't blame anyone for his fate. Having hate in my heart would only make everything harder. I accepted the fact that Randall would have to leave.

I was more thankful than they imagined that they decided to take him away instead of kill him. I would get to tell him goodbye, that was enough for me. That was more than I got for the rest of my friends.

As for Daryl, we hadn't talked. After my blow up, he steered clear of me. I also steered clear of him, however. I still didn't want to speak to him. When he decided to start showing that he cared, I would speak to him again. Daryl and I were both too different to be friends. I accepted that as well. I honestly didn't see the group staying there much longer.

While I would miss them, I didn't really care. Them leaving would give me time to focus on my family.
I shook away all of the thinking I was doing and stepped outside. I saw Rick, Glenn, T-dog, and Daryl standing near the barn.
I assumed they were waiting for me to say my goodbyes to Randall. I didn't see Shane, however. I was certain he would be there, but I guess he just didn't feel like it. In fact, I didn't see Shane anywhere. Maybe he left, that would be good. I don't need his rudeness anyways. When I approached them, Rick greeted me with a smile. I didn't return the smile, however. I probably should've, but I didn't. "Are you ready?" Rick asked, motioning to the barn. Ready? I guess I was more ready than I would ever be. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be," I replied, heading towards the barn. When I was in front of the door, I stopped. I owed Rick a thank you. I owed him that much for sparing Randall and giving him a chance to live.

"I never said thank you," I said as I faced him. I saw Daryl shift his position, but I ignored him. I was talking to Rick, not him. "For?" Rick asked, cocking his head at me.

"For letting Randall live. That means a lot to me and I am grateful towards you, Rick." Rick didn't say anything. He simply smiled and nodded. I actually returned the smile at him that time. Without another word, I opened the doors to the barn and stepped inside. I'm sorry, Randall. I'm sorry you can't stay here. When I looked around, I didn't see him anywhere.
I was honestly pretty confused. Did they move him? Was he farther in the barn? I peered into the darkness, but I didn't see Randall anywhere. Randall wasn't in here. That's when it all clicked together and I made a shocking realization. Shane, you bastard. You unimaginable bastard.

I quickly spun around and exited the barn. When everyone saw the look on my face, they were just as confused as I was. I probably had the look of someone who had just seen a ghost. "Randall's gone," I stated through clenched teeth. Lori and Andrea were now approaching us. When I said those words, Daryl was the first person to push me out of the way and examine the barn. Rick waited for his confirmation that Randall was actually gone.

When Daryl emerged from the barn, he stopped right next to me. "She ain't lyin'," Daryl stated, moving away from the doors. I did the same as him and moved away.

I knew before anybody else that Shane had him. Shane was gone and so was Randall, how convenient.
"Damn it," Rick growled, putting his hands on his head. "What's happening?" Lori demanded, now concerned with Rick's response.

"Randall's gone," I stated, folding my arms across my chest. I watched as the rest of the group approached us with the exception of Shane. Dad and Maggie were also getting in on the sudden change of mood.
"How?" Lori questioned, running a hand through her hair. Ask Shane. Oh wait, you can't. He also isn't fucking here.

"The door was secured from the outside," dad stated. It was secured unless one of us let him out. One of us being Shane.
"Where's Shane?" I demanded, now making my point known. Lori was the only one to look around for him. Daryl cracked a smirk at my words. I knew that he was thinking the exact same thing that I was
"What's that supposed to mean?" Rick demanded, turning his gaze to me. What do you think it's supposed to mean, Rick? It means it's obvious that Shane is the one who did this.

"They're both missing. Shane isn't here, Randall isn't here. Tell me that doesn't seem a little bit sketchy to you," I replied, pushing all of my hair to one shoulder.

"She's got a point," Daryl agreed with me. My eyes drifted to him for a moment, making eye contact. I quickly broke it, however. I still didn't want so speak to him.
"Rick! Rick!" I heard a voice shout from the distance. Everybody quickly turned to the direction of the voice. When I did, I frowned. It was Shane. Perfect timing. We were just talking about you.

As Shane approached, I saw that he was bleeding. His entire face was just a bloody mess. Don't tell me Randall did this. There is no way Randall did this.
"What happened?" Rick demanded as he approached Shane, walking past everyone.

"He's armed! Hes got my gun!" Shane shouted, holding his face. Daryl and I both exchanged a glance. Could I really trust Shane? Could I actually believe that Randall did this to him? I mean he wasn't crazy enough to do that to himself, was he?
"Are you okay?" Carl asked as he clung to his mother. "I'm fine. Little bastard snuck up on me. He cocked me in the face," Shane stated, wiping some blood from his chin. "Hershel, T-dog, get everyone back in the house," Rick stated with authority. "Glenn, Daryl, and Elizabeth. Come with us."

At my name, Maggie and dad began freaking out. "No, no way. Elizabeth, you're staying here," Maggie hissed at me. What did they want with me anyways? How could I possibly help them catch Randall?

"How can she help you catch him?" dad asked, practically reading my thoughts. He was right. There was nothing I could do.
"Randall knows her," Rick began. "From what I understand, they were friends. He ain't gonna hurt her. If we see him, she can talk some understandin' into him, then we go in."

Rick did have a point, but my dad would never go for it. I had no freedom if he had anything to say about it. "Alright," dad stated, causing shock to flow through me. "You take care of her. If anything happens to her, you are out of here."
Little did he know, we would all be out of here after the events that would take place.

Rick nodded at Hershel. "Lock all the doors and stay put!" Rick shouted as everyone walked away.
After they were all safely inside, Rick began speaking again. "Daryl and Glenn, you two will go together. Elizabeth will go with me and Shane. While I was okay with that, Shane certainly wasn't. That's how I knew that something was wrong.
"Nah, nah man. She'll just slow us down," Shane argued. I gave him a look, but he quickly shook me off. "We need her," Rick replied to him. Shane wasn't about to let that happen. He didn't want me with them for an unknown reason.

"She ain't comin' with us," Shane continued arguing. With that, Daryl finally spoke up. "She'll just be comin' with us then. It's settled."
I wasn't happy to be going with Daryl at all, but I would have to. They needed me and I would have to help them.
I wish I would've known that this was a set up then.
I wish I wouldn't have wasted all that time out in the woods.

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