Chapter Seventy: Negan

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I slowly moved my eyes away from the bat to meet the eyes of whoever this was. I could see flashlights in the corner of my eye, but I ignored them. I wanted to see who this person was.
I slowly looked up to see a man with dark eyes staring down at me. Something about him made me hold the gaze despite how scared I was. Even though I knew he was the bad guy, something about his face was open and friendly.
After a few moments, the man smiled down at me. I felt as if I should return the smile, but I didn't. I guess the fear prevented me from doing that.
"You've met with a terrible fate," the man said as he pointed the bat at me. I never broke my gaze with him the entire time he did this. I didn't even flinch when he pointed his bat at me. A man appeared near the man standing above me. I glanced at him for a split second. He had golden hair and he didn't look like he was here to play games.
"Looks like we caught one," the other man said with a smile. I glared at him for a moment before looking back at the other man. He was still staring down at me, bat it hand. They think you're a wolf. They think you're with them.

"What happened?" the man asked as he motioned to the bandage around my head with his bat. You don't even wanna know.

"Doesn't matter," I replied coldly. "You're going to kill me. That's why we're here right? So get on with it."
"Woah," the man growled as he put his bat right in my face. I flinched a little when he did this. I didn't want the thing to be waved in my face. "Watch your tongue. Unless you want Dwight over here," he motioned to the man standing next to him. "To cut it out."
Dwight remained emotionless as he looked down on me. I rolled my eyes at the man and looked over at the ground. That's when he quickly kneeled down to my level with a smile. I heard Dwight cock his gun due to fear I would attack the man somehow. I had no intentions of doing so. He had men all around me. Attacking would just guarantee my own death.

"Your name is Elizabeth, isn't it?" I quickly looked back up at him with the mention of my name. I had no idea how he knew anything about me. I had never seen this man before in my life. "I'm Negan."

"How do you know my name?" I asked as I continued staring at him. I was honestly baffled that he knew anything at all about me.

"Doesn't matter," Negan said as he slowly stood back up. "We've seen you. We've watched you. We know who you are."

"Then you know I'm not with those people," I argued as I looked to Dwight for a moment. I could tell Dwight wasn't going to say a word.
"Of course you aren't," Negan replied with a simple shrug as he turned his back to me. "But you're with somebody, aren't you?"

I quickly looked down at the ground and closed my eyes for a moment. This guy really did seem to know everything. I couldn't lie. If I lied, he would already know. Nothing I could say would cover up for the others. I was completely powerless.

"I'm actually glad I caught you," Negan said as he turned back around to face me. I continued staring at the ground when he did. "I need a favor from you, Elizabeth."

I slowly looked back up as Negan kneeled down to my level once again. I wasn't going to do him any favors. I wasn't going to do anything for this man. I just wanted to get out of here as quickly as I possibly could.

"Relax," Negan said with a chuckle. "You aren't going to die here tonight. I have plans for you." I cursed to myself when I realized this was going to go very bad. I was going to be the reason my people got killed. And later on down the line, I really would be. I would be the cause of a war.
"What do I need to do?" I asked, trying to restrain from killing him.
Negan let out a loud laugh as he looked to Dwight. Dwight faked a laugh as well. I could tell he didn't want to be here either. We both just wanted out.

"You get straight to the point. I like that," Negan said with a smile. "You'd be a great addition to my team, but it's not time for that yet." It's never going to be time for that.
Negan made it back to his feet with a loud sigh. "You're going to go back to your people," he said with a quick nod. This gave me hope, but I knew there was a catch to this. There was always a catch. "They're going to see you're alive. You're gonna go home, give your husband a kiss. Life is going to be good."

The image of Daryl popped into my mind, but I quickly shook it away. I couldn't afford to think of the others during this situation. I had to think about myself for once. Just do what he says.
"You're going to lead them to a little place called Alexandria," Negan said as he lingered on the name of the place. I had no idea where he was talking about, but I assumed it was an important place. It sounded important. "You're going to stay there. Maybe even start a life there. Don't worry, you're going to be there for a while."

I dug my nails into my palms as he continued talking. I didn't like where any of this was going. He was making me lead my own people into a death trap. Everything that would happen in the future was going to be my fault.

"And that's all. Pretty simple isn't it?"

I looked back up at him when he finished. I knew there had to be a catch to all of this. Why would this man want us to be in a safe place? None of this was making any sense.
"Just don't get too comfortable there," Negan continued. "I'm going to call your name. And when I do, you're going to come. Don't think this will be the last time we cross paths."

I tried to hold back tears as I watched Negan motion to his men. They all began walking back in the direction that I came. I dug my nails into my hands even harder, causing blood to form.
"You're going to be my inside girl," Negan said as he began slowly walking back to follow the others. "Don't think about telling your people. It wont save anybody. Now if you'll excuse me," Negan said as he looked out at his men. "We saw what happened to you last night. And we will shut that shit down."

I let out a breath as I watched Negan disappear from my vision. I felt as if I could throw up at any moment. I didn't know what to do. I had just turned on my own people. The only way I could possibly save them was to stay away from them.

So that's exactly what I was going to do.

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