Never Stay The Night

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"Ah- ah fuck-" the small boy gasped out. "H- harder. Go. Harder." Jimin's hands reached out, gripping the edge of the mattress. His back arched and he let out a scream into the pillows.

"H- hold on baby boy" His partner groaned. "I'm almost t- there." 

"A- as long as you- you finish me off, I don't care when you finish."

"Do want me to suck you off, babe?" The man said, halting his thrust. Jimin rolled his eyes. This one didn't know what a one night stand was supposed to be. Sure, he was well endowed- definetly won the genetic lottery, but god was he thick headed. 

"Uhg. Here-" Jimin said "Let's try this." Jimin pushed back on his haunches. He looked over his shoulder to make eye contact with his partner. He reached over to grab the man's bicep and gently pull him down on the mattress. "Just lay back and do what I tell you, handsome. Okay?" The man laid back, resting his head on the pillows. Jimin looked down on him with a smirk as he straddled his partner. He lifted hips and slide down on his partner's erect member, letting a moan roll off his lips. He began to roll his hips and took pride in the way his partner unraveled beneath him. "Okay now handsome, jerk me off and I'll take care of the rest."

The man did as he was told while Jimin reveled in the pleasure coursing through him. Jimin threw his head back as he rocked his hips back and forth. He reached back, placing his hands on the man's thighs for support and let out a groan as he felt his partner quicken his pace. "G-go faster baby boy. I- I'm so close."

Jimin chuckled. "You mean like this?" He cooed as he dropped his hips and slowly rolled forward. His partner let out a frustrated groan. The man jolted up and pinned Jimin down causing the boy to wrap his legs around the man's torso.

"Don't tease me pretty boy." The man growled.

"Tease?" Jimin chuckled. "Now why would I do a thing like that?" The man growled before trapping Jimin's wrists next to his head. Jimin sent a develish glare to the man above him. "What cha' gonna do about it handsome?"

The man felt his frustration gather in his abdomen and decided to take it out on the young man beneath him. He rolled his hips back and slammed them forward, causing Jimin to scream out. That must be the spot. He thrust again, pushing Jimin closer to the edge of the bed. Jimin threw his hands over the edge of the bed grabbing the bed frame. His head rolled back and hung off the edge. The man sat back on his heels and gripped the base of Jimin's thighs. With this new vantage point the man slammed forward pushing Jimin to his limits. 

Jimin couldn't last much longer, but he wanted to leave his mark before the night was through. He propped himself up on his elbows and locked eyes with his partner. "Come here handsome." Jimin panted. The man pulled Jimin further to the center of the bed and dropped down to his elbows. Jimin threw his arms around the man's neck and pulled him closer. "Finish me off" Jimin whispered next to the man's ear. Jimin dropped to the crook of the man's neck and began leaving nips and bites. The man groaned, quickly wrapping his handed around Jimin's member. With each thrust forward he pumped his hand on Jimin's shaft and the young boy screamed out begging for release. 

With a long low moan Jimin came and raked his nails down the man's back. "Fuck!" He panted. The man dropped the boy back onto the sheets grabbing his hips and thrusting roughly till his completion. Jimin let a proud grin creep across his face as he sat up looking at spent man laid out next to him. "Thanks for that, handsome." Jimin swung his legs over the edge of the bed and picked his jeans up off the floor. 

"Wait, where do you think you're going?" The tired man reached out, grazing Jimin's hand as he pulled away. "Aren't you going to stay? We can go grab some coffee in the morning."

Jimin rocked back on his heels, pretending to think. "Sorry, handsome. I've got to get to work early in the morning." 

"Hey you never told me what you do for a living."

"Heh- don't worry about it." Jimin mumbled as he pulled his shirt over his head. "Just- here put you're number in my contacts and I'll call you." The man took the phone from Jimin's hands. He inserted his number and handed the phone back to Jimin. 

Jimin slipped his shoes on and scooped up his jacket. He caste the man one last glance before leaving his room. Exiting out into the living room Jimin heard someone clear their throat. "Oh hello." Jimin said, to who assumed was the man's roommate. "He probably won't be up anytime soon. He seemed a little tired out." 

The roommate quirked up his eyebrows and chuckled. " Yeah, sure sounded like it. Did you give him your number?"

"Nope." Jimin quipped. "I don't plan on repeating tonight's events." 

The roommate nodded his head. "Would you be opposed to giving your number to me?"

Jimin raked his eyes down the man's lean frame. Tall, decent build, dark hair and full  lips. A possibility, but a risk none the less. "No can do handsome. There's no way of me knowing if you're friend would find out. I'm mean, but not completely heartless." Jimin made his way to the front door before casting a smirk over his shoulder. "Maybe I'll see you around some time, though."

Jimin continued to chuckle to himself as stepped into the subway. Not a bad night. It only took him two hours to scoop that one up off his barstool. Now he just had to look forward to his next conquest. 

Maybe the dark hair beauty that just got off at the same stop.

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