Don't Cha

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I thought of writing one part of this chapter and caused myself to giggle like an idiot for a good ten minutes. So, I hope I can write it correctly. However, I hit a huge wall of writer's block. I really struggled with the over all flow of this chapter.


"Hang on Dad!" Jungkook called out before turning back to Jimin. "Do you want me to tell him?"

Jimin choked on a laugh, taken aback by the proposition. "Why the fuck would you do that?" He hurriedly whispered. "You can tell him about me after you break up with Maddie. And after he's had a little time to adjust. What's the point of starting new drama now?"

"I mean, there isn't. But, if he meets you now, and then I tell him were a thing after I break up with Maddie- it's quick maths."

"Fuck, you're right" Jimin agreed. "What if I hide somewhere?"

Jungkook dropped his gaze, looking at Jimin as if he'd just suggested they lead a conga line out the window. "That's ridiculous. I'm a grown man in my own apartment- he doesn't need to know everything I do."

"Then quit stalling and go get the door. This is already gonna be weird enough!" Jimin chuckled.

Jungkook glared at him as he quickly turned to get the door. That's when the Jimin noticed how the younger's t-shirt was rucked up, his fly was down, and his hair was pulled in all different directions. "BITCH WAIT" the older shouted, running forward to assist.

Unfortunately, Jimin was half a second too late- sliding in to adjust Jungkook's zipper ... as the door opened. Jungkook's dad took in the scene before him. He blinked rapidly- trying to ensure that what he was seeing was actually there.

It wouldn't have been have as bad if Jimin didn't freeze on the spot. The small man was slightly hunched over hands firmly placed on Jungkook's zipper. The younger looked at his Dad, down at Jimin, and back at his dad. "Jimin" he mummered. "Now is like the worse time ever- to fix my fly."

"My bad."

"Do you wanna hurry up and take your hands off my crotch now?"

Jimin looked at his hands, still frozen in place. He quickly cleared his throat and jerked the zipper up before stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Sorry about that."

Jungkook looked at his friend for a moment before finally turning back to his stunned father. "What can I do for ya Daddio?" He laughed hesitantly.

The man cleared his throat before he pushed past the pair. "I just thought I'd come see how you were doing. I haven't heard from you in a while."

"I talk to earlier this week"

"You responded 'lol' when I sent you a Instagram post" Jungkook's dad deadpanned.

The younger chuckled, scratching the bad of his neck. "Heh sorry, Dad."

"It's all good." The man responded as he flopped on to the couch. His eyes wandered over the two hesitant boys standing by the door. His son was staring at the floor with his hair and clothes askew. His shirt was stretched, exposing his bruised neck and collar. The smaller man next to him was more composed but antsy- his sleeves clenched in his fists and his sneaker toe digging into the floor. He kept flicking his eyes around the room but his focus was clear.

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