Gang's All Here

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^^^ Let this be Hobi's appearance + he's iconic red hair. We'll say Yoongi and Namjoon are blonde, Tae and Jungkook are brunette, and Jin and Jimin have black hair. Pictures won't always match but \_(._.)_/ what can you do?


Jimin smiled to himself as he watched the younger rush around the cafe.  The boy had a towel in one hand, a drink in the other, and whip cream smeared across his cheek. His eyes darted around the store, counting all the customers he'd already served. Then his gaze met Jimin's and he held up one finger to signify that he was taking care of his last customer. 

Jungkook slid the drink he had across the counter, smiling as he cashed out the customer and wished her a good day. He ran his towel across the counter before slinging it over a nearby sink and making his way over to the small man that was waiting patiently. 

"What can I do for you, sir?" the younger said playfully. 

Jimin smiled as he pushed his lap top closed. "I'm just getting some work done while I wait on the guys to get here" he giggled.  "But you do have a little something on you face."

The younger laughed as he dragged the back of his hand against his cheek. "I didn't notice. I've been a little distracted all morning" he chuckled.

"I could tell." Jimin smiled. "You've been busting ass for three hours straight." 

"Nah" Jungkook shook his head. "Work I can handle- but you sir, you're a distraction."

 "Me!?" Jimin mocked surprise. "I don't know what you're talking about" he said with a cheeky grin. "I've been minding my own business and working over here."

"Sure, sure, sure." The younger chuckled. "You've been making eyes at me all morning. "

"Uh, no sir. I was only looking at you because you kept staring at me!" Jimin laughed. 

Jungkook looked around him. Taehyung was wiping down tables and Hoseok was stocking cups while the last few customers were quietly chatting throughout the cafe. "Okay" he mumbled. "I'll have to go back to watching you from a far. I've got to get back to work." 

Jimin smiled and leaned up to meet the younger halfway. "Kiss?" he whispered in a coy tone. 

Jungkook smirked, leaning down to press his lips against Jimin's. He gave the older a simple peck on the mouth and a soft kiss on the forehead. "Happy?" 

Jimin smiled. "No, not at all."

"Then why're you smiling?"

"I'm not" the older said, his grin meeting his eyes. 

"Okay, you win" Jungkook chuckled. "One more." He dropped down, locking lips with the older and cupping his cheek gently. Jimin let his eyes flutter shut, smiling at the contact. 

When they broke apart- still grinning at each other- they heard someone groan and clear their throat. "Eww" Yoongi chimed.  "Look at them, being all lovey-dovey. It's disgusting."

"Tell me about it!" Taehyung called across the cafe. "They've been making eyes at each other all morning." 

"Could you guys shut up" Jin growled as he popped Yoongi upside his head. "It's cute. It reminds me of me and Joonie." 

Namjoon chuckled at his boyfriend's outburst as he grabbed the man's hand and lead him over to the counter. "Stop yelling, guys. This is a place of business after all. "

"Thank you, sir" Hoseok chuckled as he came forward. "I've been struggling to get my boys to understand that forever now."

Taehyung huffed under his breath. "Yeah, yeah Dad- we get it" he said as he hopped up on the counter. "Us unruly children need to learn place."

Hoseok reached out to flick the younger on the head, causing the others to laugh. "Yes, you do- now get your ass off the counter. People eat there, ya shit head."

With that said, the three new arrivals made their way over to fill the seats next to Jimin.

Yoongi leaned in to per over the younger's shoulder as he opened his laptop. "Whatcha workin' on Jiminnie?"

"It's an article about a service project the local high school kids are doing. It's actually pretty interesting because-"

"Yeah, that's nice" Yoongi cut him off. "So, tell me what you know about the red head with the dimples." He mumbled as he eyed Hoseok's figure.

"You didn't have to pretend to be interested in my work" Jimin pouted. "You could have just asked."

"Ask what?" Jin interjected. "I wanna help."

"Jin, baby, you can't help because you don't know Hoseok."

"I could!" The eldest grumbled. "Why don't we just ask the man to hang out?"

Namjoon nodded along. "That's not a horrible idea. We should get to know Jungkook's friends anyway- since they're gonna be a part of the loop."

Taehyung skipped over, dropping down on the conversation. "I know you haven't asked yet, but I'm in."

Jimin giggled. "That's good Tae, maybe you can convince the busy-bee over there.

"Which one- the one you're fucking or the one that's fucking me?"

The other four stared at Tae with wide eyes. "Oh shit" Namjoon gasped- slighty out of character with himself.

Tae blinked, looking at the group with confusion. "What- what'd I say?"

"Nothing wrong, Tae" Jimin laughed. "We just didn't know it was like that with you and Hoseok."

Taehyung furrowed his brow, looking between his coworkers and the stunned group. "What d'you- oh no! No. I meant figuratively- with my long shifts" Taehyung scrambled. "Let me go talk him into going out with us." The burnette rushed to the back of the restaurant to badger his coworkers and drag them back to the front counter. "He said yes!" Tae chirped through his boxy smile.

"I said maybe" Hoseok deadpanned. "As long as these two numb-skulls help me close on time I'll go."

Jungkook grinned. "We can pull that off no problem- so you're going."

With that the younger took off to clean up tables and attend to the straggling customers. Taehyung quickly followed- stocking cups and sugars with flying colors.

Hoseok watched the two with slight admiration. "They really want to drag me out of here, don't they?"

"We all do" Yoongi spoke up. "We want to see what happens when you lose the apron."

Hoseok sighed, dropping his elbows on the counter to meet the blonde's gaze head on. "Everyone does- or you do?"

Yoongi bared his teeth with a grin. "Why not both?"

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