Attractive Stranger

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Jimin noticed the younger man shortly after he entered the subway car. He must have been on the train for a few stops. He was slopped down in his seat with his head phones in and his head resting against the hand rail. Jimin chuckled to himself as the man's head slowly slid down the pole. 

He shook himself awake when his head dropped into his chest. The man jerked up looking around himself in alarm. He jerked his phone from his pocket to see that only five minutes had passed since he had fallen asleep. He let out a sigh of relief just as he heard a muffled laugh. 

About five seats down the row, opposite him, sat a small man browsing through his phone. The smaller man, Jimin, glanced at him through his peripheral and smirk down at his Instagram feed. His black hair loosely fell across his forehead and he sat elegantly with his back straight and legs crossed.  'Uhg' The man thought to himself. 'This guy must think I'm an idiot.' 

Jimin, on the other hand, smiled to himself at the man's adorable nature. It was obvious that he had noticed Jimin looking at him. The man groaned to himself, shaking his head. He had dark brown hair and honey toned skin. Jimin grazed his eyes over the man's frame, taking in his thin waist, broad chest, and muscled thighs. The man of hot, to stay the least. Maybe this guy could be a part of Jimin's next fun night. 

Jimin scooted forward on the edge of his seat, ready to reach out and introduce himself. Before he got the chance, though, the subway pulled to a halt. It was Jimin's stop, and at this late hour riding the line, god knows how much longer, wouldn't be worth it. With a huff, Jimin stood from his seat and exited the sliding door closest to him. Looking to his right, Jimin notice that the attractive stranger had exited at the same stop. They made brief eye contact, glancing towards each other at the same time.  The man politely smiled in Jimin's direction- and was slightly taken aback by the smirk Jimin sent his way, in response. 

The two men brushed off the brief interaction as they made their way to the exit stairs. Once up on the street, Jimin cleared his throat getting the man's attention. "Yes?" He questioned.  Jimin opened his mouth to speak, but was again cut off. This time by the ringing of the man's cellphone. "Oh sorry. One second." He said. 

"Hello." The man said, answering his phone. Someone on the other end responded and the man chuckled in response. "I'm almost there babe. I just got off the subway. Don't worry." The man smiled as he said good bye and turned his attention back to Jimin. "Sorry about that. What did you need?"

Jimin groaned to himself. Of coursed this guy was dating someone. Boldly asking for the guys number wouldn't work now. "I just noticed you seemed a little disoriented on the subway. I thought I'd see if you needed some directions." Jimin improvised.  

The man smiled. "Nah I'm good. I've been to my girlfriend's like a hundred times now. I know the way like the back of my hand. I was just a little embarrassed because someone caught me sleeping on the train." 

Jimin chuckled. "Just be glad it was me and not somebody dangerous. This neighborhood isn't the safest. Be careful where you doze of kiddo." 

"I will." The man smiled.  "Have a good night." 

"You too." Jimin replied. 

Both men set off down their path, but they only got a few feet before they realized they were heading in the same direction. "You live down this way or something?" The man asked. 

"Uh- yeah."

"You new to the area? I've been coming through here at the same time for a while now- and I've never seen you before." 

Jimin paused to think about his response. "I've lived here for a little over a year. It's just- I normally come home later than this."

"Late nights at work, huh?" The man chuckled.

"Sure. You could call it that."

The man thought for a second before thrusting his hand out to the smaller man next to him. "Name's Jungkook. Nice to meet you." 

Jimin hesitated. "Likewise." He said, finally shaking Jungkook's hand. "I'm Jimin."

Jungkook smiled. "If you don't mind me asking- how old are you Jimin?" 

"I'm 23, why do you ask."

"I thought you were older than me but I wasn't a hundred percent sure."

"Well ..."

"Well, what?

"Don't leave me in suspense here. Am I, or am I not, older than you." Jimin laughed.

"Yeah you are. You've got two years on me." Jungkook responded. "You seem pretty mature, and put together, so I figured you were."

"If you were so sure, what made you second guess yourself." Jungkook paused, glancing down at Jimin. "Oh my god! It's cause I'm short. Isn't it?" Jimin fake yelled.

Jungkook laughed. "I'm sorry Jimin." 

"It's all good. I make it work for me." Jimin glanced around them. "My building is just over there." he mumbled.

"Is it the building with the green door?"

"Yeah. Is that where your girlfriend lives?"

"Yeah. She's on the second floor. I should text her and let her know I'm here." Jungkook quickly typed out his message and hit send, as the two men entered their building.  "What floor are you on, Jimin."

"I'm in 3B." Jimin replied. 

Jungkooked nodded as they began climbing the stairs. "It was nice meeting you. Maybe well see each other around the building. "

"Sounds like a plan, hands-"

"KOOKIE" A shrill voice cut Jimin off. "You're here!" A skinny brunette threw herself into Jungkook's arms just as they reached they second landing. Jungkook chuckled as he pat her head. "What took you so long, Kookie?"

"I'm here the same time as always, Babe. Chillout." Jungkook chuckled. The girl dropped her bottom lip into a pout but took her boyfriend's hand, anyway, pulling him towards her door. "Hang on Maddie." Jungkook looked over his shoulder just as Jimin began ascending his next flight of stairs. "Good night, Jimin!" He called out. 

Jimin laughed and waved at the boy. 

He made his way up the stairs and over to his apartment door. "Yo! I'm home." Jimin called out. No one responded. Jin, his roommate, must be out on a date. The near empty apartment echoed back to him as he let out a sigh.

"This won't do." Jimin mumbled to himself. "Cal! Here girl."

Jimin's call was answered by the tinkling of bells as his beautiful little calico dashed from under the couch. The small came came and began winding her way around Jimin's ankles meowing to be picked up. "Come on sweet girl. Let's see if your favorite buddy is free to come hang out with us tonight." 

Jimin plopped down on his couch, patting the cushion next to him. Cal jumped up into her master's lap and purred as Jimin scratched between the base of her ears. With his calico attended to Jimin fished his phone from his pocket. A few clicks through his recent calls and Jimin lifted the phone to his ear, listening to it ring. "Hello?" A deep  voice answered.

"You busy? Jin's out, so I've got the apartment to myself."

"Alright. I'll be there in ten." 

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