Keep It Down

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"Come on Kookie. Why won't you cuddle me?" Jungkook rolled his eyes as he looked down at the whining girl.

"Maddie" He groaned. "I've told you already. It's hot as hell in here, I'm sorry but I can't curl up next to you like this."

"Okay fine." The brunette chided. "How about we remove a few layers then?" Jungkook looked over at the girl, quirking up his eyebrows. Maddie sat up on her knees, giggling, while she pulled her shirt over her head. "I feel better already."

Jungkook chuckled to himself. "Come on, Maddie. I'm exhausted from work. Hoseok had me and Taehyung running all over the place to cover for that dumb bitch who never showed up for her shift."

Maddie frown. "But you should always have time for me, Kookie"

"I do! I'm here aren't I?" Jungkook growled. "Listen, I'm really tired, but I'm here. Why don't we watch a movie and order some take away?"

"Fine." Maddie pouted. "But I get to pick the movie ... and the food place." Jungkook groaned but nodded to her will. 

"Figure out what you want and I'll call it in, okay?" Maddie happily jumped up and down clapping her hands. 

"Oh thank you, daddy!" Jungkook visibly cringed at the pet name. It's not like he hadn't been called 'daddy' before. It's not that he didn't like it. It's just, something about being called 'daddy' for, what seemed like, the thousandth time in a row- that drove him insane. Every girl ... or guy- before that caught on to the kink used it wisely. Maddie just seemed to abuse it.

Jungkook stood up from Maddie's couch and tossed her, his phone. "Here. Go ahead and order food while I run to the restroom." 

"But, Kookie" the girl whined. "You said you'd do it. And I don't even know what you want." Jungkook thought for a second and then leaned in, planting a soft kiss to the girls lips.

"Surprise me, baby." He gently cooed. Maddie sat back, satisfied with Jungkook's sweet actions. As the girl began dialing, Jungkook made his way over to the thermostat. The device only read seventy degrees. It wasn't even that hot, but Jungkook felt like he was melting. With a shake of his head he made is way to the restroom and quickly splashed cold water on his face. 


There was a knock at the door, and Jungkook quickly jumped up to answer it. "Hey man how you doing?" The delivery guy chimed in as soon as he saw the door crack open. 

Jungkook nodded in greeting. "I'm good. How much will it be?" 

"Uh- $25." The delivery guy mumbled. Jungkook handed the man thirty and gestured for him to keep the change. The delivery boy nodded in thanks but paused looking Jungkook up and down. "Ya know" he said. "I'd call us even without the tip- in exchange for your number."

Jungkook chuckled, grazing his eyes across the man in front of him. "The funny thing is- I would probably have given it to you if my girlfriend wasn't sitting ten feet away from me. Keep the tip and have a nice night, handsome." The delivery boy took a short pause before nodding and bidding Jungkook an awkward goodbye. 

"What took so long?" Maddie asked.

"He asked for my number and I was just trying to let him down easy." Jungkook said as he sat the bags out in front of her. Maddie looked him over, trying to figure out if he was kidding. "What?" Jungkook chuckled. "D'you not believe me?" 

Maddie shook her head. "I believe that a random guy might hit on you, but why didn't you just tell him to fuck off?" 

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Maddie, could you not pick a fight for one fuck-" His sentence was cut short by a loud bang from the floor above. Jungkook and Maddie looked up at the ceiling in silence, waiting for another sound. "Let's just eat and finish the movie." Jungkook said after a few minutes.  Maddie pouted but began sorting through the food bags anway. 

"I'm not trying to pick a fight I just think-" Another bang rang out from above them. This time the bang was quickly followed by a scream. Well- less of a scream and more of a high pitched moan. Jungkook looked over at Maddie, one eyebrow raised. 

"HOLY FUCK" the same high pitched voice called out. "AH FUCK SHIT YOONG- FU- FU- FUCK!" Jungkook looked to the ceiling with wide eyes.

"Uhg Kookie!" Maddie groaned. "Go tell them to be quite." Jungkook looked at the girl like she was crazy, but the continued creaking from the floor above and Maddie's insistent glare, pushed him over the edge.

"FIne!" Jungkook stood up and slammed his way out of the apartment. As he climbed the stairs the moans grew louder, reaching their peak. Jungkook heard the high pitched voice deeply panting behind the first door he stopped at. He reached out, strongly knocking his knuckles against the door. Some shuffling and muffled grunts came from the other side of the door. Jungkook paced for a few seconds before knocking again. 

This time, the door swung open to reveal a disheveled, black haired man. He stood a few inches shorter than Jungkook, hair plastered to his forehead with sweat, and chest still heaving. "Can I help you?" The man toned, in a deep voice. 

Jungkook looked down at the elder with a tight jaw. "Yeah. Do you think you could keep it down? I'm sure all your neighbors would like it better if the building didn't shake." 

The older man chuckled. "Look. I'm sorry, but the party's over pal. So why don't you take your happy ass back to where you came from and-"

"Yoongi!" A familiar voice called from inside the apartment. "Could you stop being a prick? Just say 'yes, sir we'll keep it down' and then we can all just go about our lives!" 

Yoongi rolled his eyes, looking to the man in front of him. Jungkook look at Yoongi and then glanced at the door, finally taking note of the number- 3B. "Jimin?" Jungkook questioned. 

At that, Yoongi glance over his shoulder to give Jimin a questioning look. "Did he just say my name?" Jimin wondered allowed. "Yoongi, open the door." 

As the elder let the door swing open Jungkook finally caught site of his new friend. Jimin was perched against the arm of his couch, in nothing but boxers, jeans in his hands. His hair was pushed back and purple marks were scattered across the man's exposed neck, collar, and chest. "Well, Kook. You gonna just stand there and gawk at me- or are you gonna come in."

"You gotta be kidding me- Jimin who is this guy?"

"Jungkook" The youngest said, as he stepped into the apartment. "And you are?"

"Yoongi." The eldest mumbled, as he closed the door and made his way back to the couch. He called out for Cal, who came scampering from another room and jumped into his lap. "Nice to meet you." 

"I'm sorry if I interrupted your romantic evening." Jungkook mumbled sheepishly. Jimin and Yoongi looked at each other and erupted in to laughter. 

"No no no."Jimin giggled. "We're just friends." He continued laughing to himself as he slipped into his jeans. "We just have an ... arrangement."

"Yeah." Yoongi cackled. "We're just friends with benefits but, Jiminnie had a rough night so I came to relieve a little tension."

Jungkook glanced around, taking in the clothes thrown around the room, the coffee table pushed out of place, and the multiple condom wrappers scattered on the floor. "Well Jimin, if you're still tensed now- something's wrong." He laughed. 

Break Up With Your Girlfriend (JIKOOK AU)Where stories live. Discover now