New Friends, Places, & Faces

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As an apology for not updating sooner- have some smut

Yoongi tugged the red headed younger through the door by the collar of his shirt- instantly pushing him against the wall and attacking his neck.

Hoseok groaned in response. Rolling his body up against the older in attempt at building the  friction. Yoongi smirked at the contact and began pulling Hoseok to his room.

The younger chuckled into their shared kisses as they blindly stumbled into Yoongi's bed.

"This is not how I expected my night to go at all" Hoseok sighed.

"Me either, but I'm quite happy with the turn of events" Yoongi chuckled. "Now why you don't come over here and show me what you can do, dimples."

Hoseok chuckled darkly- casting a lustful glance through his lashes. He reached out and slid his hands up Yoongi's legs- grabbing hold behind his knees and jerking him further down the bed. The older gasped as Hoseok continued crawl forward and rest between his legs.

The younger ran his hands under Yoongi's shirt- lifting it and pulling it over his head. "Now would probably be a good time to ask what position you play."

"Yeah" Yoongi huffed out. "I was gonna ask you the same question."

"Well" Hoseok quipped. "I can give or receive ... if you catch my drift." He finished with a smirk. The older chuckled as he pulled Hoseok from his shirt and slung it to the ground.

"That's just another thing we have in common, dimples." Yoongi mumbled as he pulled the younger in for a heated kiss. Letting his legs wrap around Hoseok's waist as their lips intertwined. "W-we can draw straws or flip a coin to decide who tops."

"Why don't we just go couple rounds and take turns?" Hoseok quipped.

"Okay then." Yoongi chuckled as he rolled the pair over- effectively straddling the younger. "I'll take the lead- since I'm older and all."

"Give me your worst then, old man" the younger teased.

"Hah- don't call me that. 'Old man' is the worst thing to be called in bed."

"If I'm Dimples- then you're Old man, but that and get to work big boy." Hoseok mumbled as he ran his hands up the older's thighs until he reached his waistband. Their eyes met as they quietly undressed each other.

Yoongi lead a trail of kisses from Hoseok's lips to his waist as the younger settled back into the pillows. The elder ran his hands along to the younger's knees, hooking them up on his shoulders. He peppered kisses, and kitten licks, along the inside of Hoseok's thighs and waist.

"Stop teasing me you dick" Hoseok huffed out.

"You tease me I tease you, Dimples" Yoongi  mumbled as he wrapped a hand around the younger's hardening member. He pumped one hand and placed the center three fingers of the other in his mouth. He met Hoseok's eyes as he pulled his fingers out- stringing along a trail of saliva for the younger to see.

"If you're gonna use those long boney things on me- you better get to it. I'm starting to get antsy."

"These boney things can reach pretty deep, Dimples. I thought you'd appreciate a slow and steady stretch."

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