One New Message

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"Thanks for the movie, Kookie. I had a lot of fun!" The girl giggled. She happily looped her arm around her boyfriend's bicep, hugging him to her. He glanced down at her trying no to roll his eyes.

 He glanced down at her trying no to roll his eyes

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"Yeah, no problem Maddie." He mumbled.

"Hey" she perked up. "We should go get something to eat."

"Yeah? Where do you wanna go?" He mumbled.

Maddie glanced around at the street they were on. "Well we're close to my apartment, you could take me to that little diner on the corner."

Jungkook pondered the thought before looking down at the hands grasping his arm. He could say no, but dealing with Maddie's temper tantrum just seemed like too much of a headache. "Okay we'll get food real quick and then I have to go home. I have work in the morning."

Maddie nodded along. "Okay. But you'll walk me home right?"

Jungkook blew out his breath in a huff. "Of course, Maddie. I wouldn't dream of making you walk a block on your own."

"Ha ha, very funny" She deadpanned. "Let's go." Maddie grabbed Jungkook by the hand and quickly lead him rest of the way to the diner.

The small restaurant had light music playing and groups of people lounging in every corner. "Wow it's pretty busy" Jungkook said. He scanned the room looking for an empty table, but instead his eyes landed on a small group in the back.

The four men were laughing over their food and drinks and Jungkook's eyes widened as he realized just who they were. "Hey look, Kookie. There's a table over here." Maddie pulled the man to the center of the room and plopped down with her back facing the corner where Jungkook couldn't stop staring.

At this point Yoongi had spotted the pair and lock eyes with his young friend. He couldn't help but giggle at the look on Jungkook's face as he stared at their table while Maddie rambled on. "Hey guys" he chuckled. "Look what the cat dragged in- and by cat I mean the bitch from downstairs." Jin, Jimin, and Namjoon all followed Yoongi's line of sight, taking in the comical scene of a panicked Jungkook stuck in front of his girlfriend.

Jimin frowned. "Kook looks real freaked" he mumbled. "I wander what she's talking about?"

"Why don't you just text him and ask?" Jin suggested. "If he can't answer- then at least you tried."

"Yeah, maybe you're right." Jimin waved lightly until he knew he'd caught Jungkook's gaze, then gestured to his phone before typing out a message.

Jiminnie- You good? It looks like she's ripping you a new one rn

Jungkook felt his phone buzz against the table as it's screen lit up with the notification 'One New Message'. Maddie didn't bat an eye when the phone vibrated and continued on with her story. So, Jungkook scooped the device up and sent a quick reply as he nodded along with the girl's rant.

Break Up With Your Girlfriend (JIKOOK AU)Where stories live. Discover now