Eye of The Storm

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Jungkook crept quietly up the stairs. Sneaking along the second landing before rushing up to the thrid floor. With a sigh of relief he reach to knock on the door marked 3B.

Jimin answered the younger's knock with a smile. "Hey there handsome" he chirped.

"Hey, baby" Jungkook sighed. "You ready to go?"

Jimin smiled with a nod and locked the door behind him. "Yeah, let's go."

Jungkook to the older's hand in his and began to descend the stairs once more. But Jimin didn't miss the way the younger's steps slowed as they passed the second floor. It never failed. Every time Jungkook had to pass Maddie's front door- he got quite and clammy all over again.

"Kook" Jimin mummered. "It's been almost a month. Don't you think she would have already done something, if she was going to?"

Jungkook sighed as he shook his head. "I know you're right. Its just- I expected her to blow up in some way, but nothing. It all feels too easy, doesn't it?"

Jimin frowned. "I dont know- But are we supposed to hide and tread around on eggshells waiting for something to happen? What kind of life is that?"

"Jimin, I know you're right, but I-"

"No- Jungkook we're going to keep going out, and holding hands, and posting photos, and doing dumb cute couple shit- because that's what we are."

Jungkook sighed with a smile. "Well if you insist- I think you'll like what I have planned for us tonight."

"Really!? What are we doing?"

Jungkook chuckled as they stepped into their train car. "You'll see in a few stops" He mummered.

Jungkook pulled Jimin to his chest, tightly wrapping an arm around the smaller man's shoulders. Jimin relished in small moments like this- as he snuggled against his boyfriend's chest. It wasn't a blatant act of PDA. The train car was packed tight, resulting in anyone traveling in pairs to stand close together and hold tight.

Jungkook noticed the older's distant smile as the left the subway and walked out on to the street. "What're you smiling about?" He laughed.

"Oh nothing" Jimin hummed. "I'm just happy, is all."

Jungkook bit his lip to keep from scooping Jimin up on the spot and spinning him around. "I am too" he sheepishly said. "Now close your eyes and take my hand. I'll lead you the rest of the way- so that it's a surprise."

Jimin rolled his eyes, but did as he was told with a smile. "Jungkook, this is so dumb I swear to god-"

"Shush" the younger chuckled. He dragged Jimin around the block, stopping in front of a darkened entrance. "Okay, you can look now."

In front of them was the entrace to an empty storefront. Something that looked as if it was, or was going to be, a little restaurant. Jimin looked up at the younger with a quirked eyebrow- ready to question their location. But the younger simply shushed him before leading him inside.

The windows had dark curtains blocking the street from veiw and there was twinkling fairly lights draped around the room.

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