Yeah Right

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"Taehyung" Jungkook called. "Can you stop fucking around and help me stock?"
Taehyung looked up from his phone giggling. He had been browsing through Instagram and laughing at adorable puppies. "You're already stocking- what else is there?" He said.
"Uhg fine" Jungkook groaned. "Why don't you wipe down tables real fast. Then you can giggle at puppies as much as you want."
Taehyung looked out at the few occupants still remaining in the café. There was one pair of older women quietly conversing and a table of three men. The older two were joking happily with each other. The younger third was attempting conversation with his friends but he kept glancing over a Jungkook.
Not like Jungkook wasn't doing the same thing. Both men were glancing back and forth at each other when they thought no one could see. Taehyung felt a grin creep across his face. "Oh I get it" he chuckled. "You just don't want to get near lover boy over there."
"Tae!" The younger gasped. "Shut it." Jungkook whipped his head back around.
"What's your deal with him anyway?"
"The hickeys on your neck beg to differ."
"Taehyung." Jungkook snapped. "Stop it. Please."
Tae chuckle. "I just-"
"Taehyung" Hoseok chimed in, as he popped up behind the two. "Leave Kookie alone. He's probably just rebounding from Maddie."
Taehyung blinked slowly as he thought for a second. "Yeah right" he scoffed. "Jungkook totally broke up with Maddie and didn't tell us."
"Aww don't let your feelings get hurt, Tae." Hoseok said, ruffling his hair. "Jungkook is a grown man. He deserves some privacy in any relationships he starts or- thank god- ends ... right, Kookie?"
Tae and Hobi both turned from their conversation to look at Jungkook. He was staring wide eyed as the counter with his arms crossed over his chest and one thumb nail caught between his teeth. "Kook" Tae said cautiously. "Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?"
Jungkook looked up at them with him mouth drawn into a fine line. "You see the thing is-"
"Jeon Jungkook" Hoseok gasped. "You didn't." Jungkook only responded by dropping down behind the counter and hiding is face in his hands.
"I didn't mean to it just kind of happened!" He whined. Taehyung burst into hysterics.
"So that's why you acted like I caught you robbing a bank. You were out there two-timing in the alleyway!"
"It's not like that, Tae. Shut. Up."
Hoseok rolled his eyes at the pair. "Well why don't you quit whining, stand-up here, and tell us what it's like, huh?"
Jungkook pulled himself from the floor and glanced over at Jimin. They made eye contact for a brief moment before Jimin went back to staring into his latte and Jungkook cast his gaze to the floor. "Maddie and I had a huge fight. I had already met and semi befriended Jimin before the fight and- and Maddie did more than make me mad. She-" He took a deep breath to settle himself. "She made a stab a Jimin based on his sexuality, called him disgusting."
"But that doesn't make any sense." Tae shook his head. "You're bi. She knows that."
"She does. That's what made it so bad." Jungkook mumbled. "She had already done so many selfish things and just that pushed me over the edge. I yelled at her and left. Then I went to Jimin's. He and another of our friends tried to cheer me up. We ordered food, put on a movie, and got drunk. A couple bottles later, Jimin and I were talking ... and then were making out."
"And this happened when?" Hoseok asked.
"Last night. Our friend walked in and we stopped. Then we all passed out and when I woke up I snuck out and ran home to get ready for work." Jungkook went back to gnawing on his thumb nail. "I asked him to come here so I could tell him that I made a mistake. And that we couldn't do anything else until I figured everything out."
"Well your talk seemed to be going swimmingly." Taehyung chided. "Were you gonna break it off after you finished sucking face- or did you just throw that idea out?"
Jungkook glared at Tae, ready to pop him upside the head. "I didn't mean to. It just-"
Jungkook got cut off as they heard the café door swing open. It took them a second to realize what was happening. But everything moved by in a fast blur.
The door swang open and in walked Maddie. Jimin glanced over his shoulder and did a double take before he slid down in his seat. Jungkook quickly dropped below the counter again, mouthing out at 'please' to his coworkers above him.
"Maddie." Hoseok said. He was attempting to call the girl's attention to him- rather than the small man trying to hide in his seat or the other man hunkered down behind the counter. "What are you doing here?" He questioned with a forced smile.
"Have you seen Kookie?" She said- cutting right to the chase. "He got mad at me for some reason and now he won't answer my messages." Jungkook lightly banged his head back against the counter. He had completely forgotten. Ignoring Maddie completely wasn't his goal, and it definitely didn't help the situation.
"He probably just needs time to think over everything that happened. He'll talk to you then."
Maddie turned her pink lips down into a pout. "What does he even need to think about? I didn't do anything wrong?"
"Yeah ... right" Tae mumbled. "And what was it, might I ask, that you didn't do?"
"Don't talk down on me" Maddie growled. "Jungkook was getting friendly with this man-hoe that lives above me and it was disgusting."
Hoseok saw the table of men behind Maddie shift their attention to the girl. Jimin slid down further in his seat, shaking his head. He was shaking his head at Jin, who was angrily looking between his friend and Maddie. He knew who she was, he'd seen her come and go, had a few friendly conversations in the hallway, but her thoughts on Jimin were a surprise discovery. He looked to Hoseok with an eyebrow raised, urging him to go on.
Hoseok took the cue and continued- "What's so disgusting about a popular guy? Tae and I date around a lot and you don't seem to hate Jungkook being around us."
"Yeah, but it's different with you guys."
Taehyung nodded along. "Yeah Hobi, we're Kookie's coworkers. It's a different situation."
Maddie shook her head laughing. "It is a different situation, but that's not it. You two date around with women. That's completely normal."
"So" Hoseok baited. "You're implying that your neighbor is disgusting why, exactly?"
"Oh come on. You know what I mean. Don't make me say-"
"Hate to interrupt" Jin cut in. "But I'm not sure I understand what you're implying. Maybe you could be a doll and clear that up for me. He finished with a smile.
Maddie turned around, ready to snap at the rude eavesdropping stranger, but stopped short when she recognized Jin.
"You should probably check to see who's listening in before you trash talk, huh Maddie?" Tae chuckled.
Maddie's mouth tightened to a fine line. "Just tell Jungkook I'm here to talk to him, Taehyung." She seethed. "I'd like to leave soon."
"You could always leave now" Jin purred with a sweet smile. "Unless you'd like to apologize to my friend first, that is."
Maddie looked over, finally realizing that not only was Jimin there as well, but that the whole café was watching her. She glared at Jimin before whipping back around. "Hoseok where's-"
"He's not here." The man deadpanned. "So you can go."
Maddie huffed as she turned on her heel. She jerked the door open, hearing a sickeningly sweet "Bye" follow her out into the streets.

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