Then & Now

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"Let's go" Taehyung whined as he pulled at Hoseok's sleeve. "We closed thirty minutes ago, we've cleaned up everything, we stocked- let's go!"

Hoseok smiled over at the impatient brunette. "I'm just counting the register and then I'll be right out- why don't you go wait outside with the others?"

Tae rolled his eyes, but made his way to join the rest of the group any way. "He's counting at a snail's pace in there."

"He'll be done soon, Tae." Jungkook mumbled. "Let's just figure out where we want to eat, okay?"

The other four nodded in agreement with the youngest pair as Jimin snaked his arms around Jungkook's waist from behind and rested his chin on the younger's shoulder. "There's a Barbeque place a couple blocks from here. We could go get food and drinks there." He suggested.

Jin frowned. "What about seafood instead? I don't really feel like eating beef or pork right now."

"What is it with you and seafood?" Namjoon chuckled.

Jin gently reached out to cuff his boyfriend against the head. "Not all fish are friends, Joonie- some are food."

Namjoon scowled at the eldest while everyone else laughed at his discomfort. "Well- what's another idea then?"

"Noodles?" Tae chimed.

"Pizza?" Jungkook offered.

Jimin sighed. "We all have good options, but not none of us are in complete agreement."

"Why don't we just hit up a convince store then? That way everyone can get what they want" Yoongi groaned from the ground.

The group looked down at the man- they didn't notice him slipping down to lay out on the concrete. Jin nudged him in the ribs with the toe of his shoe and Taehyung giggled under his breath. "Does he always always do that?" Tae asked.

Jungkook nodded. "Yoongi's basically a log that occasionally groans."

"Hey" Yoongi cursed from the ground. "I can be energetic when I want to."

"Then get off the ground, grandpa" Jimin chuckled.

"I said- I could when I wanted to" Yoongi corrected. "And right now- I don't want to." The blonde narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms as he pulled himself from the ground. He opened his mouth- to continue chastising the younger- when Hoseok exited the café. "Ready to go?" Yoongi chimed.

The red head locked the door and turned to the group with a smile. "Yeah. What's the game plan?"

Yoongi slung his arm around Hoseok's shoulders with a smirk. "We're gonna make a food run then hangout at Jungkook's place."

"Hey!" Jungkook snapped in. " We didn't agree on that!"

"Well you guys were taking too long to decide- I did and now we're done." With that Yoongi tugged Hoseok along with him and began making his way around the corner, the rest of the group following close behind.

Everyone, save for Jungkook, were in a fit of giggles as the youngest continued to curse under his breath and Yoongi lead them into the nearest convenience store. The men clamored through the aisles, quickly scooping up their choice of snacks and drinks before heading for the checkout.

Yoongi, in an attempt to be slick, scooped up Hoseok's things and pushed them along with his own purchases- after he'd already seen Namjoon and Jungkook do the same for Jin and Jimin. Hoseok attempted to protest, but ultimately gave up with a laugh when Taehyung began grumbling. "I guess I'll just pay for my own shit then" the brunette frowned.

Break Up With Your Girlfriend (JIKOOK AU)Where stories live. Discover now