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Cute, but NSFW



So, what do you think's gonna happen?" Jimin said.

Jungkook snuggled the elder close to his chest. "Jimin baby, they explained it already. The zombies can feel love. They're gonna knock down the walls and integrate everyone. Then the zombies will be cured."

Jimin sat up to glare at the younger. "You know good and damn well that I'm not talking about Warm Bodies. What's gonna happen with your dad?"

Jungkook groaned as he flicked off the movie. "I don't think he'll say anything, not right now at least. He's probably in shock."

"Okay" the older mummered. "But what happens when the shock wears off- do you think he'll tell Maddie?"

Jungkook ran his hands through his hair. "I don't know ... and I don't think I care."

Jimin rested his chin against the younger's shoulder, looking up at him. "When did that happen?"

"What?" The younger chuckled.

"When did you stop caring?"

Jungkook laughed, reaching over to run his fingers through Jimin's hair. "I didn't stop caring- I think I just started caring about something else."

Jimin smiled sheepishly. Stretching his arms above his head and letting out a long yawn. He slumped back against the couch and Jungkook's shoulder humming quietly to himself. "Are you ready to go to bed now?" The younger chuckled.

Jimin nodded, sitting up as Jungkook stood from the couch. He gasped as the younger pulled him from the couch, wrapping his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist. "Let's go sleepy baby" Jungkook whispered.

He carried Jimin to the bedroom and gently rolled onto the bed with him. Jimin laughed lightly at the action and snuggled deep into the pillows. "You know what?" He mumbled. "This is the first time we've spent the night together since the first time we kissed."

Jungkook propped his head up on his elbow, smiling down at the sweet man next to him. "You're right" he chuckled.

Jimin looked up, locking his gaze with the younger's. "Kiss me" he whispered. "Just like the first time."

Jungkook leaned in to meet the elder's lips- slowly but without hesitation. This kiss was deep, but gentle- bringing the pair closer- as if by gravity.

When they broke apart they left their heads together and allowed their breath to mingle. Jimin let out a deep sigh and a content smile. "I don't think that one was quite right" he giggled. "You should try again."

Jungkook laughed as he pulled the elder onto his lap. "Oh I'll show you have to do it right" he giggled against Jimin's lips.

Jimin wrapped his arms around the younger's neck and straddled his hips. They locked lips, moving their tongues in harmony. Jungkook rest his hands on Jimin's hips and began rubbing small circles on the elder's upper thighs.

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