Crossing A Line

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Jungkook made his way back down to Maddie's apartment, trying to figure out how to explain his fifteen minute disappearance. Yoongi and Jimin had convinced him to ditch Maddie and come drink with them.

Jungkook took a deep breath and walked through Maddie's door. "Who was it? What took you so long? Why aren't you answering me?" The girl rushed out in a huff. Jungkook didn't even have a chance to respond, he just stared at her until she silenced herself.

"It was the neighbor just above you. He had a guest over and they were just finishing up. I got caught up talking to them."

Maddie rolled her eyes. "Was it the tall thin one or the short one? Cause the short guy seems a little trashy" Maddie rambled. "He always seems to be covered in hickeys when I bump into him in the hallways."

Jungkook shook his head. "He's not trashy. He's actually really nice and easy to talk to."
Maddie scoffed."Kookie, he's gay!"
"What the hell does that have to do with anything, Maddie?" The girl got quite, opening and closing her mouth like a gaping fish. She knew that she had backed herself into a corner that she wouldn't escape easily. Jungkook glared down at her. "Are you forgetting that I'm not straight? Is that a problem for you, Maddie? If so, let me know now and I'll just go."

"But, Kookie, you're not like that!" That didn't help Maddie's case at all.

"Like what?" The man questioned. "I've dated guys, I've slept around, what does that make me?"
Maddie just stared at him. She didn't speak or make eye contact, just stared in his direction. "Forget it" Jungkook mumbled. "I'll talk to you later."

With that, he grabbed his jacket and turned for the door. Maddie tried to call him back, but he just ignored her and made his way back to Jimin's apartment. He knocked, and as he waited, he asked himself. Would he have yelled at Maddie, over the same subject, any other night?

"Come on in. The food will be here any minute." Jimin chripped as he swung open the door. "I thought it'd be here before you, but I guess you were better at finding an excuse than I thought you'd be."

Jungkook chuckled under his breath."We actually ended up fighting, so my exit came up naturally." He said.

Jimin frowned."Are you okay? What happened?" Jungkook shook his head.

"It's nothing."

"Are you sure, because I don't mind letting you rant for a bit. We wanted you to tell us about her anyway."

Jungkook threw himself down on the couch and glanced between Yoongi and Jimin. Both men nodded their heads, urging Jungkook to explain.
"She asked what the noise was and all I had a chance to say was that and upstairs neighbor had a guest over. She instantly jumped in asking if it was Jimin or his roommate and then went right into dragging Jimin. I said that you're" he gestured to his small friend. "Actually really nice. But the reasoning she tried to give- it just pissed me off."

Yoongi clenched his jaw as he said "Do we even wanna know what the reason was?"

Jungkook shook his head. "She said 'because you're gay'. I just- I yelled at her and left."

Jimin reached over, resting his hand on Jungkook's knee. "I'm sorry I caused a fight." He whispered.

Jungkook jumped, grabbing Jimin's hand in his. "No, no, no. Jimin it's not your fault! We fought because she said something that hurt me."

"What do you mean by that?" Yoongi chimed in.

"I'm not straight. She knows I'm not straight." Jungkook rushed out. "I've been completely honest with her about who I am, and who I've been with. That being the only reason for her to go after Jimin, just showed me that she doesn't respect all of me."

Yoongi scoffed. "Sounds to me like you should call it quits, my dude."

Jungkook shook his head."I don't know. I still care about her, but she's just so self centered sometimes. I'll call her tomorrow and we'll talk it out."

Jimin tightened his grip on Jungkook's hand. "Kook, do you really think that she's what's right for you?"

Jungkook looked at their intertwined hands. The nickname that had gently rolled off of Jimin's tongue felt nice and warm. He smiled at his new friends. "This conversation is shit. Let's talk about something else."

Yoongi chuckled. "Smooth transition, kid. What do you sug-" a knock at the door cut him off. "Nevermind. The food's here." He jumped up answering the door.

Jimin looked down at his hand in Jungkook's, slowly pulling them apart. "Let's go to my room. Let's eat, drink, watch a stupid movie, and talk about ex lovers." He said jumping up to drag Jungkook from the couch.

They gathered glasses and plates and piled onto Jimin's bed with a bottle of booze and bags of takeout. Yoongi selected 'Mama Mia' on the TV and hit play.

Thirty minutes later the food was gone and a second bottle was added to the mix. Yoongi cackled, holding his sides, as Jimin and Jungkook leaned onto each other crooning along with the musical. "Kook, hand me your phone." Yoongi demanded making grabby hands in the younger's direction.

Jungkook slid the device over. He laughed as Yoongi childishly scooped it up and flopped over on his stomach, kicking his feet in the air. The eldest quickly maneuvered through Jungkook's phone. He added his and Jimin's numbers and social media handles. "There." He said tossing it back. " Now we can get a hold of you and vice versa."

"Thanks Yoongi." Jungkook giggled.
Jimin reached out and snatched the phone next.

"Now we need to add contact pictures." Jimin threw his hair back and began posing.

It quickly devolved into the three men having a photo shoot, passing the phone around and snapping photos of each other. Jimin wrapped his arms around Jungkook's shoulders and yelled for Yoongi to join in. The older men leaned in the frame pressing a kiss to each side of Jungkook's face just as Yoongi clicked the button.

Jungkook laughed and jumped out, grabbing his phone."Okay guys, I think that's enough."

Yoongi giggled, rolling off the bed. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Let me know what I miss."

Jungkook shook his head. He plopped back on the pillows, pulling Jimin with him. The smaller man curled to Jungkook's side and rested his head on the younger's bicep. "Hey Kook" he mumbled. "I'm sorry you had to defend me."

Jungkook sat up quickly. "Jimin, you don't need to be sorry. I'm sorry I had to defend you." He laid back down on his side, propping his head on his elbow to face Jimin. "Maddie was out of line. She went after someone she didn't know for no reason. I like to think I would defend anyone in your position."

Jimin smiled. "I'm not the easiest person to defend, though."

Jungkook gently lifted the older's chin, lining up their eye contact. "I disagree."

"You don't even know me, Jungkook."

"I'd like to."

Jimin looked down, resting his gaze on the younger's lips. He looked back up, only to find that Jungkook was staring back at him. They leaned in, letting their booze tainted breathe mingle between them. Jungkook leaned in closing the distance.

They let their lips touch lightly. Jimin let his eyes flutter close as he deepened the kiss. He pulled Jungkook in by his collar, moaning lightly into the younger's lips.
Jungkook pushed Jimin back in to the pillows. He propped himself over Jimin's side, gently running his free hand from the man's jaw, down his chest, and to his waist.

Their kisses became open mouthed. Jimin allowing Jungkook's tongue to explore around.

The older male pulled down on Jungkook's elbow, pressing their chests together. Jungkook hooked Jimin's bottom lip between his teeth, pulling a gasp from the olders mouth.

When they separated to catch their breath, Jungkook rolled back onto his side. They looked at each other with their chests heaving between them. Jimin's lips were cherry red and slicked with saliva as were Kook's.

They were tempted to continue, but the sound of someone clearing his throat drew their attention.

"So ... what'd I miss?" Yoongi chimed.

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