I Need Your Help

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"Hello? Jungkook, is that you?"

"Yeah, Dad. It's me."

Jungkook clutched his phone to his ear and struggled to control his breathing.

"Dad. I- I need your help. Can I come see you?" Jungkook stuttered out.

His dad was silent for a moment.

"Y-yeah?" He said sounding cautious. "Jungkook what's wrong? You're freaking me out a little."

Jungkook shook his head. "I'll tell you when I get there. I'm leaving now."

Jungkook hung up before his dad could respond. He quickly wiped at his eyes and looked at the others. Yoongi was watching him with a worried look and Jin had just hung up is call with Namjoon.

"So, what's the course of action?" Yoongi pondered aloud.

"Namjoon said they're still trying to process the report. He tried to tell them that we thought Maddie had something to do with it, but they said that we're just speculating."

Yoongi shook his head, glaring at the floor. "That's bullshit" he growled. "How are they supposed to know what's going on in our lives. SHE FUCKING MOVED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT AND HE WENT MISSING FROM THE BUILDING!"

"It's suspect at the very least" Jin agreed. "Maybe if I get pictures and take them to the cops they'll listen-"

"I don't know, Jin" Jungkook broke in. "We busted down the door- this could just make everything worse."

"Well what do you suggest we do? Go on some vigilante mission and find Jimin ourselves?"

"Yeah" Yoongi deadpanned. "That's exactly what we're gonna do."

Jin looked doubtful, but ultimately followed along as Jungkook rushed out of the apartment and down the stairs.

He wasn't particularly paying any attention to wether or not the others were following him. He had his mind made up and he knew where he was going.

"Jungkook! Slow down!" Yoongi called as he was running to catch up.

"Where are we going?" Jin toned.

"My Dad's" Jungkook explained. "He's the last person I know that talked to Maddie and might know something about this."

"Okay" Yoongi mummered. "How do we go about the questioning then?"

Jungkook shook his head. "I don't know" he said solemnly. "I really just following my instincts here."

"So we're just going to think everything up on the fly? I don't think this is a good idea."

"What else are we supposed to do, Jin? Sit around and wait for the police to pull their heads out of their asses?" Jungkook rushed out. "We have to do something- and I honestly believe this the best option!"

"It's okay" Yoongi said. " We're with you in this ... right Jin?"

"Yeah" Jin sighed. "Let we just tell the other's what we're doing."


Jin sent out a group message to keep everyone in the loop as he, Yoongi, and Jungkook made their way to Jungkook's Dad's house. Regardless of how short the ride was- each minute felt like an hour.

When the finally arrived, Jungkook lead them up to the entrance of a little town house.

It looked like the perfect place for a little family to live. It used to be just that. Things slowly crumpled over the years. Jungkook hadn't stepped inside since high school.

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