Disaster's Approaching

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Hoseok sat up quickly at the sound of an alarm blaring. He reached out- scrambling to find his pants and the phone that should be in his pocket. The time read 7:45am and Hoseok bolted from bed to frantically pull on his clothes.

The grumpy log that he disturbed rolled over to stare at him through narrowed eyes. "Why are you panicking?" Yoongi groaned.

"Im late, dick head!" Hoseok countered as he jumped into his jeans.

"Hobi, honey, you can't be late. Two cis males don't cause those problems together."

Hoseok glared at the lump of blankets before lugging a pillow at the man's head. "For work- you shit! I'm supposed to unlock the doors at 8 and I don't even have twenty minutes."

"Okay, okay" Yoongi grumbled. "I'll go with you and help make up for lost time." He rolled out of his covers and slumped over to his closet and pulled out two clean outfits. He tossed the baggier options to Hoseok with a smirk.

"They're a little tight but they'll work- thanks Yoongi."


Yoongi and Hoseok rushed to the café ten minutes late to find the rest of their friends waiting.

"Sorry I'm late I was- woah Jimin! What happened to your face?!"

The small man had a large bruise darkening the left side of his face. He's cheek was discolored with hues of black, blue, and purple. His eyes were glistening as he smiled weakly. "It's a long story."

Yoongi walked up to cup his friend's bruised face and cast Jungkook a deadly glare. "What happened, Kook? You promised he wouldn't get hurt."

Taehyung reached out to grab Yoongi's shoulder. "It's not Jungkook's fault" he mumbled. "Let's get in, so we can all explain."

Hoseok frowned deeply as he unlocked the door and lead the group inside. They all dawned on aprons and began to pitch in. With twenty mintues left to open- they worked as they talked.

"So" Jungkook started. "A couple hours after you two left there was a knock at the door. It was my Dad and Maddie."

"Jungkook let us know they were at the door and we all prepared for the worst" Jin added.

"I wanted to hide, but with an apartment so small, everyone convinced me that I should stay put" Jimin mumbled.

"I knew there wasn't a point in trying to ignore them- since they had probably heard us already." Jungkook explained. "So, I opened the door and Maddie started in on me right away. She started yelling about how throwing a party didn't have anything to do work."

"That's when I stepped up and clarified that it was his coworkers who had the idea to hang out." Taehyung interjected. "I explained that Hoseok and I talked Jungkook into having drinks after work- and that everyone else were friends of ours."

Yoongi nodded along. "That sounds like a decent plan. How'd it go?"

Jin began to chuckle. "Taehyung- though full of good intentions- was quite intoxicated. When he leaped up to fix the situation he he managed to get the words out, but he did so while staggering. The bottle in his hand got flung when he fell."

Jimin began laughing under his breathe. "I got hit by Tae's elbow when I tried to catch him and his bottle hit Maddie in the arm."

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