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First- sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was busy wrapping up my summer class and getting things in order to go back to uni.


"I'm so fuckin booorreedd." Jimin whined as he flopped on the bed. "Can we please do something else?"

Maddie rolled her eyes at the small man. "Jimin" she deadpanned. "This is a hostage situation- we're not gonna sit here and play uno- now shut up."

"I'd be quieter if you'd let me watch TV or something." Jimin groaned. "You've literally just been on your phone for hours."

"I'm not giving you, your phone."

"Oh damn- I thought that was how captive situations worked."

Maddie rolled her eyes as she tossed the TV remote to Jimin. "For the last time- I didn't kidnap you ... I borrowed you for a moment."

Jimin threw his head back laughing. "If you had walked up to me and said- 'Hey Jimin. Can you come on a trip with me and help me out for a couple days.' That would have been you "borrowing" me." Maddie looked over at Jimin with a scowl.

"Look. If you hadn't tried to call the cops, I wouldn't have handcuffed you and you'd be able to move around the room freely."

"You fucking knocked me out and dragged me here- actually how'd you get here? What'd you do, drag me on a greyhound bus?"

Maddie thought for a second, weighing her options. "I borrowed my friend's car and threw you in the backseat."

"Did you borrow your friend's car the same way you borrowed me?"

Maddie rolled her eyes. "No. She let me take her car and helped me move out of my apartment."

"Oh so you've got accomplices then." Jimin laughed. "I'll mentally note that for the police report later."

"There's not going to be any police!" Maddie yelled.

"Oh yeah" Jimin scoffed. "What do you expect? That Jungkook is going to get here, fall madly in love with, and that you two are just gonna drop me off at my apartment before you drive off into the sunset? Yeah- not gonna happen."

"You don't know anything about us."

"Us?" Jimin scoffed. "There is no 'us' between you and Jungkook."

Maddie rolled her eyes hard, into the back of her head. "There was an us until you ruined it." She mummered.

Jimin got quite- biting the inside of his cheek in frustration.

Frustration with Maddie. Frustration with his situation. Frustration that there wasn't anything good on TV. But mostly frustration with himself.

"I'm sorry, Maddie" Jimin sighed. "We should have been honest with you from the beginning- there's no excusing that."

"You should be sorry. Everything was perfect until you came along."

Jimin cut the girl a harsh glare. "Let me rephrase- before you get all self righteous." He steadied his words. "I would go back in time and wait till Kook and you were done before I got with him- if I could. But, I don't regret going after him."

Maddie shook her head.

"How long did you wait- before you decided to take him from me?"

"He wasn't mine to take" Jimin growled. "You didn't own him, Maddie!"

"I SAID, HOW LONG?" Maddie screamed.

"I kissed him the first night we met" Jimin leveled. "And he kissed me back."

Maddie bit the inside of her cheek as she felt her rage boiling to a peak. "We had a fight that night. He said he went home."

"We were drunk, and talking, and alone. It just happened."

"How did it escalate."

"You don't want to know that."

"I need to."

"The next day, I went to see him at work so we could talk about it" Jimin said slowly. "He said we had to stop, that it was wrong, and I told him to breakup with you."

Maddie scoffed. "Of course you did."

"He was mad at you" Jimin defended himself. "I asked him if he wanted to be with you. If he would have said yes- I would have backed off."

"I don't believe you" Maddie deadpanned.

"You don't have to believe me. I don't have to try and justify myself to a homophobic bitch like you." Jimin groaned as he rolled over to face the opposite wall. "I'm done talking to you. Just let me be a silent captive."

"Just find something on TV then."

Jimin gave a heavy sigh. He grabbed the remote and began flicking through channels blindly. He was mostly trying to see if he could get a rise out of the girl next to him.

A couple more hours of strained silence went by. Jimin just continued to only half watch the random channel he had landed on. Maddie endlessly scrolled through her social media feeds.

They were both about to doze off when Maddie's cell rang out.

Maddie looked over to Jimin. He had his back yo her and looked to be asleep. "Hello?" She answered.

"Hello, Maddie? It's Robert." She heard come across the line.

Maddie giggled in an attempt to sound casual. "Oh hi, Robert. What do you need?"

"I just wanted to see how you were doing. You seemed upset the last time we talked."

"Yeah I'll be okay I'm just-" Jimin jerked up into a sitting position and threw the remote control across the room- trying to make the loudest noise he could. "Um hang on one second, Robert."

Maddie dropped her phone to the bed and chucked the remote back at Jimin. "Shut the fuck up before I gag you."

Maddie jerked her phone back up and pressed it hard against her ear.

"I'm back!" Maddie chimed into the phone. Faking normalcy to the best of her ability. "But I'm gonna have to get off of here."

Robert quickly offered her to meet for coffee. She wasn't about to take him up on that- obviously. She was two hours away, but she didn't have a good way to explain that to him.

"I don't know. You told me I should move on, right? I don't think I can do that if-"

Jimin didn't know who she was talking to. He just knew that anyone else knowing that he needed help was better than nothing.

"SUNBURST MOTEL 332 WEST BROOK LANE SEND HEL-" Jimin screamed as loud and as fast as he could before Maddie hung up her phone and dropped it.

"You're gonna fucking regret that."
Maddie growled.

Break Up With Your Girlfriend (JIKOOK AU)Where stories live. Discover now