Waiting On The Stairs

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Jimin sat at the bottom of his building's stairwell with his legs crossed and his phone against his knee. He was scrolling through his Instagram feed, but he wasn't really looking at anything. The man's mind was busy ticking by the minutes before his guest would arrive. He let his eyes wander across his phone screen to check the time, noting that it was five past noon. Five minutes past the time Jungkook agreed to meet him.

When the younger finally arrived, he found Jimin with his head resting against the railing and his eyes closed. He chuckled to himself. Jimin looked so small curled into himself like that. His lashes gently grazed his cheeks and his hands were folded against his chest like a little doll. "Jimin" he whispered, reaching out to shake the older awake. "You fell asleep."

"What time is it?" he mumbled.

"Half past twelve."

"You're so fuckin late, dude" Jimin giggled as he shook the sleep from his eyes.

"I know, I'm sorry. I missed the stop and had to switch trains" Jungkook sighed. "I would have called but there was a weird guy eyeing me and I wanted to keep my hands free."

Jimin chuckled as he dragged his eyes up and down his friend. The younger was sporting a simple black t-shirt and tight black jeans that hugged his thighs and ass in all the right ways. "I uh- I don't think he wanted to rob you, Kook. Get in your pants- sure, but not just your pockets."

Jungkook felt the heat rise in his cheek and quickly thrust his hand out, trying to change the subject. "Quit checking me out and let's go talk."

"I would never." Jimin fake gasped.

"Mhmm sure." The younger chuckled.

"Okay okay" Jimin laughed, taking the younger's hand. "Follow me." Jimin pulled himself up and began to lead his friend up the stairs behind him. They slowed as they approached the second landing, ensuring that no one was in the hallway. But once they safely made it to the third floor Jimin threw his front door open and rushed in.

"Oh hello!" Jin called out. "Who's this, Jimin?" The eldest male giddily leaned forward to eye the pair before him. Jimin looked a little ruffled as he clutched the younger's hand- while the younger in question cutely grinned at the couple lounging on the couch.

"Jin, baby, don't be so nosey." Namjoon mumbled, as he tried to real his partner in. The two were laid out on the couch, Jin curled against Joon's chest.

"I'm not being nosey!" He gasped, smacking Joon's upper thigh. "I'm just saying hello."

Namjoon chuckled, keeping his eyes trained on the tv. "Okay, whatever you say, hun."

"Don't you patronize me, mister." Jin said with a pout. "Keep it up and you'll have to make dinner tonight."

"That's fine" He muttered. "I'll just order takeout from one of the places you hate."

"Joon! That's not fucking funny. I have good reasons to not eat there!"

Jungkook laughed as he watched the pair interact. "Your roommates- I assume" he said, addressing Jimin.

Jimin nodded. "Jin is my roommate and Namjoon is like a bonus add in- so yeah."

"I'm Jungkook" the youngest said. "I've heard a lot about you guys."

"All bad I hope" Jin chirped. "What are to up to today, anyway?" He pried.

Jimin shot Jin a quick glare, grabbing Jungkook by the hand. "Now you're being nosey, Jin. You guys just go back to your movie." He quipped as he dragged the younger towards his room.

"Be safe!" Jin called. "I'll make you some snacks like a good mom!"

"Oh my god, Jin!" Jimin groaned.

Namjoon chuckled as he wrapped his arms tightly around his younger. "Leave the kids alone, baby. They need to talk."

"Nice to, sort of, meeting you." Jungkook called over his shoulder before Jimin could shut the door. "You didn't have to rush us out of there, ya know?" He said, rounding on the other.

Jimin shook his head. " They know who you are and why you're here, Kook. Jin just likes to plant himself in the middle of things and talk for hours."

"I think he was just being friendly"The younger pouted. "I like Jin and Namjoon- they seem nice."

"It's nothing against him" Jimin quirked. "I just thought you'd like to get to our conversation started before the night's over."

"Okay, fine. Let's talk then."


Maybe don't read the next part in a public space.

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