What Happened

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Jimin opened his eyes to a hazy darkness. He could feel fabric tightly pressed against his eyes, but it was thin enough to tell that there was a light shining somewhere. He went to remove his blindfold, but stopped short when he realized that his arms were tied down on either side of him.

"H-hello" he croaked out. "Wh-where am I?" He questioned, pulling at his restraints. He could tell he was sitting in a chair- he could feel the hard backing of it digging into his shoulder blades.

He began to test his surroundings, attempting to pull up each limb individually, and finding that his arms and legs were all tied to the chair legs. He started to shake his head, hoping to loosen the fabric wrapped around his eyes.

Though it felt tight, the knot securing the blindfold wasn't tied as neatly as it could have been. Jimin managed to shake it off in a matter of minutes, freeing up his line of sight. He blinked rapidly, adjusting his eyes to the dimly lit room.

His chair was against the wall, between the desk and one of the beds, of a dingy looking motel room. The main source of light was coming from the small bathroom that was off to the side of the room and Jimin could see the faint glow of neon lights glowing through the curtains.

"Hello!"Jimin called out. "Is anyone there? Help! I'm tied up in here!" Jimin listened intently for any sign that someone may have heard him. All he could hear was water running- maybe the rain.

He began looking around the room for anything that could be of use. The desk was close enough for him to lean over and pull open one of the drawers with his chin. All that was in there was a small pen and a bible. He dropped his head back against the wall with a huff.

'What the fuck is going on?' He thought. 'How did I get here?'

Jimin stared blankly around the room, hoping to see something- anything that could help him figure out what happened. His eyes landed on a digital clock that was on the desk. The clock listed the date and time. It was a little after one in the morning- only a few hours since Jungkook had dropped him off at his building.

"That's not too bad" he said outloud. "I could've lost a lot more time."

He sighed to himself as he caught sight of a small piece of paper laying on the far side of the desk. Jimin pulled at his restraints, pulling himself forward as much as possible, and groaning at the effort. He managed to make out the street address before he dropped back against the chair, his chest heaving in an ate to catch his breath.

At least now he knew that he was still in state. Of course- he'd only been out for a few hours so he couldn't have been too far from home, but he could tell from the minimal amount of light shining through the curtains that he wasn't in the city anymore.

"Okay" He mumbled to himself. "I know where I am, now I just need to figure out how to get out of here." He began searching the room for the telephone that just had to be there. There! The phone was placed on top of a set of drawers, just beside a tiny TV, directly across the room from him.

"Fuck" he cursed. "How in the hell am I gonna get there?"

He sighed deeply.

"Okay, can't hurt to try."

He threw his weight up and to the left a little- effectively shifting the chair forward a couple inches.

"Ha yes" he quietly cheered.

He threw his weight the other way and moved a few inches more. And again. Again. Again.

He looked over his shoulder at the wall behind him.

"Okay so a foot in a half isn't much" he mumbled. "But slow and steady wins the race."

He bit down on his lip and began throwing his weight back and forth, slowly tittering his way across the room. Ten minutes later he was half way there.

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