Search & Rescue

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"Are you sure that we're going the right way?"

"Yes. Son." Robert sighed. "We've checked the GPS a hundred times- and the a hundred times more. We'll be there in the next ten minutes."

Jungkook sighed as he pulled at his hair in frustration. "It's taking too long." He groaned.

"Kook we're almost there" Yoongi chimed from the backseat. "Take a deep breath and relax. Freaking out isn't going to help anything."

"Plus" Jin cut in. "Namjoon, Hoseok, and Taehyung are ten minutes behind us."

"Exactly" Robert agreed. "It's gonna be fine, Jungkook."

Jungkook slumped down in his seat- staring out the window as the other guys worked on formulating a plan.

They decided not to wait on the other's and to not all go in at once. Maddie had to know someone was coming, but she didn't know how many people were coming. Jungkook just hoped to god that Maddie didn't hurt Jimin or move places in the time it took them to get there.

When they finally arrived, the parking lot was nearly deserted- a mere two cars were parked haphazardly beneath the neon lights. Jungkook let out a huff counting the seconds as they ticked by. Yoongi and Jin made their way to the front desk and bribed some answers from the half asleep desk clerk.

Robert eyed his son silently. He was shakey and his eyes were darting around a mile a minute. "Jungkook" he mummered. "Are you okay?"

Jungkook quickly shook his head as the tears welled up in his eyes. He pulled his arms tight to his chest and let a out a heart breaking sob.

Robert pulled his son to him without hesitation and let him cry, until he couldn't anymore. He hugged his son tight and whispered out. "I'm sorry- that I ever made you doubt how much I love you."

Jungkook pulled out of the hug to give his dad a confused look. "Why did you then?"

"I- I was weak and stupid. I wanted this great, amazing, life for you- and then you went in a direction I hadn't even considered- I got scared. Not because you like men, but because of how others might treat you, whether you'd be able to have a family, or if you'd be happy at the end of everything." Robert to a deep breath as he cupped his son's cheek. "I thought that I could help you if I was tough on you- but couldn't have been more wrong."

"You really mean that?" Jungkook mumbled.

"I do- it won't be easy, though" Robert warned. "It's going to take me some time to get used to things, but I've seen what my life looks without you in it- and that's the last thing I want."

Jungkook gave a small smile. "Please don't change your mind later. I wouldn't be able to take that."

"I want things to be better with us- and I'm willing to work for it, son."

"Helping me right now- is a really good start, Dad."

Jungkook hugged his dad tightly. A strong mixture of emotions filled him to the brim. Anger at Maddie, worry for Jimin, and a mountain of relief in regards to his father.

They let go of their embrace and got out of the car to meet Yoongi and Jin.

"The guy told us that some girl rented room three." Yoongi mumbled quietly. "It only took a forty dollar bride to get a key."

"Talk about a classy establishment" Jin scoffed.

"Whatever- let's just get this party started." Jungkook snapped as he took the key from Yoongi's hand.
Robert followed close behind him as Yoongi and Jin dropped down into a squat beneath the room's window.

Jungkook pressed his ear to the door and listened intently. He couldn't here anything except the chatter of the TV.

With a heavy breath Jungkook turned the key and pushed the door in slowly. The room was dark- save for the soft glow of the TV. Jungkook and Robert entered carefully and let their eyes adjust to the dim lighting.

Jungkook could see two beds. One had been slept in and the other had been slept on. The TV was flickering through a random public station. The remote was on the floor. There was a desk against the wall- and next to that, there was a chair. In the chair, sat a man. His head was rolled back with his eyes closed. His hands were tied behind him and his ankles were tied to the chair legs. His mouth was gagged with cloth and bruises littered his skin.

Jungkook felt the air leave his body and the blood drain from his face. He made his way forward- and it felt like it took him ages to walk those five feet.

Each step felt like miles as he stumbled forward to grasp onto the entrapped man. Jimin groaned lightly as he felt rough hands brush against his cheek. He opened his eyes just enough to make out an outline.

"You're fucking crazy" he croaked.

Jungkook shook his head. "Jimin baby it's me. It's Jungkook. I'm here now."

Jimin smiled faintly. "I knew you'd come for me, handsome."

Jungkook laughed lightly as tears brimmed his eyes. "Why wouldn't I fucking come for you" He mummered, as he untied Jimin and pulled him into his arms. "I love you, Jimin."

Jimin wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck and hugged him tightly as sobs wracked his body. "I love you too, Kook" he sighed. "I tried really hard to get help, and to piss her off, but I got so frustrated and- and scared, Kook. I- I-"

"Shush sh sh" Jungkook sighed cupping Jimin's face and resting their foreheads together. "It's okay now. I'm here now and I'm not letting go of you until you tell me to."

Jimin quickly pressed his lips to Jungkook's and then kissed all over his face before dropping head back into the crook of Kook's shoulder with a shaky chuckle. 

Robert watched on with a small smile. "Alright guys we should probably get going before Maddie shows up- wherever she is."

"What do you mean?" Jimin said suddenly. "She wasn't here when you go here?"

"No ... " Jungkook toned. "We just got here."

Jimin began frantically looking around the room and out to the parking lot. "Is her car here?" He said frantically.

Robert looked over his shoulder to the parking lot at the only unknown vehicle. "Come on boys let's hurry up." He said, as he came forward to help Jungkook guide Jimin outside. "I don't have a good feeling about this."

Jimin slung his arms around Jungkook and Robert's shoulders as they all began to move for the door.

Within the darkness there came a clicking sound as the door slammed shut and Maddie stepped out from her hiding place.

She was standing behind the door the entire time- and now she was standing in front of a locked door with her gun steadily aimed ahead of her.

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