Hold Me Tight

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(Not my art work- found it on pinterest. Credit to the original creator.)


"A-ahh harder, Kook. Right there" Jimin grunted.

"You like that, baby?"

"Oh f-fuck yeah" Jimin hummed as he let his head roll back against Jungkook's chest. "You give really good massages."

"Well get used to it, Jimin. For the next week I'm not letting you out of my sight- not for a single second" Jungkook sighed pulling Jimin against his chest with a huff. He gently pressed a kiss into his boy's hair. "I'll give you as many massages as you want until you feel better."

Jimin laughed lightly. "I already feel better just being in your arms."

Jungkook wrapped his arms tightly around Jimin. "Good" he hummed. "Cause I'm never letting you go."

Jimin rolled over on his stomach to rest his chin on Jungkook's chest. "What're you thinking about?"

"Can we start over?"

"What do you mean?" Jimin giggled.

"Let's reintroduce ourselves, move on, and never think about that bitch ever again" Jungkook mumbled as he ran his fingers through Jimin's hair.

Jimin sat up with a sigh, resting his weight on the younger's hips. "We can't just forget about everything that's happened ... but we can move on and grow together."

Jungkook smiled up at his boyfriend as he placed his hands on the older's thighs. "If that's what you want to do- then I'm in."

Jimin looked down at Jungkook's hand placement and grinned. He laughed lightly as he dropped back over to lay on the bed next to the younger. "I love you, Jungkook."

Jungkook rolled over on his side and lifted his hand to cup Jimin's cheek. "I love you too, Jimin." Jungkook leaned in to gently intertwine his lips with Jimin's. He savored the taste of his lover slowly- running his hands along Jimin's waist and thighs.

After a few heated moments Jungkook pulled back to catch his breath. "We should stop" he sighed. He scanned Jimin's face. He could feel his heart breaking all over again as he mentally counted each bruise and scratch on the boy. "I-I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't" Jimin hummed. "Even if you do- I just want you to hold me."

Jungkook rolled over to gently lay on Jimin. He slid one leg in between Jimin's thighs and pressed a warm kiss against Jimin's lips. "Do you trust me?" He whispered.

Jimin wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck and pulled him in for another round of opened mouth kisses. "Yes, I do ... you did save me after all."

"I had help, though."

"You still came for me- and that's what matters" Jimin smiled.

Jungkook rocked his hips forward as he captured Jimin's lips again. The older groaned into the kiss as he grabbed Jungkook's waist and pulled him down again.

Jimin ran his tongue along the younger's lips before biting at them.

Jungkook groaned lightly as he trailed kisses down to Jimin's throat and gently pulled moans from the older.

"You just lay still, baby. I'll take care of you" Jungkook mumbled.

He slowly unbuttoned Jimin's shirt and pulled him out of his shorts.

"Tell me what you want and I'll do it." Jungkook smiled as he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the floor.

Jimin tugged at Jungkook's sweatpants with a smirk. "You can start by taking these off."

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