Mi Casa Es Su Casa

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Jimin sighed quietly to himself as he rested his head against Jungkook's shoulder. The younger was tensely bouncing his leg as he, not so subtlety, scanned his eyes around the train car. They were currently enroute to Jungkook's apartment. There wasn't too many people on the trains, due to the late hour, but one gentleman in particular was setting Jungkook on edge.

He was an older guy, nose buried in his phone, but ever so often, the man would glance up and eye the couple. He kept raking his eyes across the pair and shaking his head. Jungkook felt his patience running thin.

"Jungkook" Jimin mummered, interrupting the younger's thoughts. "Are you okay? You seem really tense."

"Yeah I'm good. How about you, is your head feeling any better?"

"It's still a little sore, but that ibuprofen is really doing the trick."

Jungkook cooed down at the sweet man that was staring up at him. "I'm glad you're feeling better, baby" he hummed, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to Jimin's forehead. The older smiled at sweet gesture, snuggling closer into Jungkook's side.

Not everyone was so happy though. The shady guy sitting across the train let out an audible scoff. This caused Jungkook's head to snap up, his eyes glaring daggers at the disgruntled stranger. "Dont- Kook" Jimin mumbled. "He's not worth it."

Jungkook let himself settle back in his seat. "I know you're right. It just gets under my skin is all."

Jimin leaned up to cup the younger's cheek. "Don't worry about assholes like that. There's more important things to worry about" he smirked.

"Oh really now- and what might that be?" The younger chuckled, playing along.

"Me!" Jimin giggled as he pulled the younger is for a soft kiss.

Jungkook sighed as gently pulled away. "Come on, baby. This is our stop." He grabbed Jimin's hand, readying for the train to slam to a halt.

As the doors slid open, and the pair made their way out, they heard the disgruntled stranger mutter a "good riddance."

Jimin whipped his head around to yell a "Fuck you too, mate!" Just before the doors slid shut.


"Hah I just wish I could've seen his face" Jungkook said, still laughing at Jimin's out burst.

Jimin just giggled and shook his head as Jungkook unlocked his door and lead the older inside. He flicked the lights on to reveal a connected sitting and kitchen area. Jungkook had a simple living room set up, consisting of a couch and a TV. Across from the little living you, of course, was the kitchen. Jungkook gestured around, pointing out the doors to his room and the bathroom. Jimin smiled at his lover. "I love it Kook. It's cute."

Jungkook grinned as he tossed off his shoes and moved to the kitchen. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Yeah sure" the older replied. "You got anything good?"

"I've got some miscato."

"Ooo" Jimin hummed as he skipped to the kitchen.

He leaned against the counter as he watched the younger prepare two glasses. And nodded sweetly when Jungkook passed one to him. "I don't know if this'll help or hurt your head."

"I don't either- but it won't improve the state of my inhibitions, that's for sure" Jimin responded with a smirk.

Jungkook quirked an eyebrow. "You must be feeling a lot better" he chuckled. "Especially if you're being all flirty."

Break Up With Your Girlfriend (JIKOOK AU)Where stories live. Discover now