Hush Baby

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"Jungkook, why'd you rush us out of there so fast? I hardly got to pack up my food." Maddie groaned.

Jungkook looked back at the girl that was struggling to match his pace. She wouldn't be having such a problem, if it wasn't for her obnoxious heels clicking across the pavement. Jungkook rolled his eyes, sinking his teeth into his lip in frustration.

"It's just work" He rushed out. "I need to get there earlier then I planned, so I need to get home and go to bed."

"Well you could've just said that. What's going on anyway?"

Jungkook groaned beneath his breath. "It's nothing, Maddie" he said stopping in front of her building. "Let's just get you home, okay?"

"Okay, Kookie. Whatever you say" Maddie chided.

The girl looked back at him as she walked into the building. He seemed tensed and frustrated, but not all that mad. As he followed her up the stairs and to her door, she kept trying to pinpoint when he started to act like this. She realized that it wasn't anything new. Jungkook had been distant for over a month now and Maddie just couldn't figure out why.

"Are you sure you can't come in for a bit? You could always stay over."

"No, Maddie it's fine. I don't want to stay." Jungkook mumbled, rocking back and forth on on the balls of his feet. "Goodnight."

"Oh okay. Night, Kookie."

Jungkook nodded, ushering Maddie through her door. The girl glanced back with a hesitant smile as she pulled her door closed.

At that, Jungkook stepped back, mentally counting the moments before he turned and rushed up the stairs. Jimin was there already, leaning against the wall with his keys in his hands.

As soon as he lock eyes with the younger, he unlocked the door and swung it open. Jungkook followed him in quickly and slammed the door shut behind him.

Without hesitation, he shoved Jimin against the wall and locked their lips together. The smaller man responded by running his hands up and wrapping his fingers in the younger's hair. He tugged back on the locks exposing Jungkook's neck.

Jimin slid down, sinking in his teeth into his friends shoulder. Running his tongue along the younger's collar and neck, swirling and sucking a pattern of bruises.

"J-Jimin" Jungkook panted. "Where is everyone else?"

"They're finishing their dinner and they'll be here soon." He mummered against the other man's lips.

"In that case" Jungkook paused. "We should move this to the bedroom sooner rather than later."

Jimin nodded, giggling as the younger hoisted him up and wrapped his legs around his waste. Jungkook used one hand to hold Jimin up by his ass and the other to feel along the wall, trying to work his way through the dark.

Jimin giggled into each kiss. Locking his arms around the younger's neck and his legs around his waist. "Can you even find the bedroom, handsome?"

"Yes I can find it" Jungkook growled. "Now stop talking. That's not what your mouth's for right now."

Jimin threw his head back in a fit of laughter as the younger tossed him on the bed. "What's it for then, handsome?"

"Oh- you really wanna know?" The younger whispered as he crawled across the bed. "Come here." Jungkook pinned Jimin's wrists above his head and attacked his lips. He wasted no time sucking Jimin's plump lip between his teeth and nipping at the sensitive skin.

Jimin groaned into the kiss as he rolled his hips upwards. Jungkook chuckled darkly, grabbing the smaller man's hips and pinning them against the bed."Kook-" the smaller gasped. "Don't tease me."

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