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{ Five Years Later }

"Are you still planning on going- or are you just gonna stay in bed all day?" Jimin teased his fiance lightly.

He flopped down on the bed, next to the grumbly lump of blankets that was Jungkook. The younger was lightly groaning as sleep fought to claim his body once more- and Jimin's poking and prodding wasn't helping.

"I'm going- I'm going" Jungkook sighed from within the covers. "I just need five more minutes of sleep- now stop poking me."

Jimin giggled lightly as he wiggled closer to Jungkook. "So, you don't like it when I do this-" Jimin leapt onto the younger, digging his fingers in all of the sensitive spots that he'd found through the years.

Jungkook jerked around, cracking a smile as he pulled the edge of the blanket down to peak out at his attacker. "You, know" he laughed. "I still can't believe, that you and my Dad bonded over ways that you could torture me."

Jimin rolled his eyes playfully as he pulled Jungkook's lips to his for gently kiss. "If tickling you is considered torture- then I don't want to know how you'd describe what you did to me last night."

Jungkook answered his lover with the swift toss of a pillow into his face. "It's not torture if you like it, Jimin." He chided.

Jungkook jumped up from bed and went to pull on the clothes he'd picked out the night before. As he reached the buttons of his shirt- two small hands took up the work for him.

Jimin's nimble fingers made swift work of buttoning Jungkook's shirt. He smiled lightly as he moved on to the younger's tie. "What makes you think I like your dirty rituals anway?" Jimin teased as he finished adjusting the knot at the base of the younger's throat.

Jungkook smiled darkly, pulling Jimin closer by the small of his back and pressing a whisper to his ear. "Baby-" he chuckled. "Even the neighbors know how much you like it."

Jimin smacked at the younger's chest, playfully arguing as he was pulled in for a soft kiss. "You're car's going to be here soon" Jimin said. "You better go eat some of that breakfast that I worked so hard on before you go."

Jungkook nodded, taking Jimin by the hand and walking with him to the kitchen.

Jungkook nodded, taking Jimin by the hand and walking with him to the kitchen

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They had a nice, little, two bedroom, apartment now. Not far from where Jimin used to live with Jin.

Together, they were able to afford something that was slightly better than Jungkook's previous flat. They had a little dining area now, where they sat for breakfast. A decent sized kitchen and a living room that had a seat for all of their friends. The extra bedroom doubled as a guest bed and an office space whenever they needed it ... but they both knew what the room could be used for in the future.

Break Up With Your Girlfriend (JIKOOK AU)Where stories live. Discover now