What A Friend's For

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*Oops late publish - more tomorrow*

Jimin was laid out on the couch, Cal purring on his chest, when there was a knock at the door. "It's open!" he called out. He knew who it was, and besides he didn't want to disturb Cal.

"Daddy's home." A deep voice rang from the door. At this, Cal perked her speckled up in excitement. The kitten let out a meow as she leapt down to the floor and scampered to the door. "Hey there pretty girl. Long time no see." The deep voice cooed.

"Must you insist on referring to yourself as 'Daddy' every time you interact with my cat?" Jimin chuckled.

"Of course I do. I am the one who found her and brought her to you, after all."

"Okay Yoongi, but I feed her, bathe her, buy her toys, ya know the works. What does that make me?"

"You're her mommy." Yoongi stated, as he scooped Cal up and carried her to the couch. "I just visit so Cal has a parent that isn't too much of a hoe."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "The only reason you don't consider yourself a hoe is because you top, asshole."

"Well technically, you do get fucked more than me." Yoongi teased. Jimin simply responded by flipping Yoongi off with a sly smile. "Come on." Yoongi chided. "It's all kind of funny."

"What is?"


"You wanna explain that a little bit?" Jimin laughed.

"We met at a bar. Hooked up for what was supposed to be a one night thing. Then we bumped into each other a couple more times. We became friends with benefits. Then I gave you a cat I found in a gutter and now we casually fuck around, co-parent Cal, and none of your friends know I exist."

Jimin stared at him for a long minute before he finally caved and laughed out. "You're weird, dude."

Yoongi laughed back. "It's a little funny, and you know it." He paused, eyeing the man next to him. "Speaking of 'us'. What did you need me for, tonight?"

Jimin smirked. "Not that, dirty boy." Jimin chuckled. "I just got home from a hookup. I'm honestly a little spent."

"Oh?" Yoongi quirked. "Was he that good?"

"No. He was that bad." Jimin huffed. "He kept asking questions and trying to be gentle. Uhg. He just took so long and I ended up having to do all the work."

Yoongi pulled Jimin's head onto his shoulder. "Is that what you want to talk about?"

"No. I just didn't feel like being alone." Jimin sighed. "Plus, I sorta met this guy on the subway."

"Ooo" Yoongi chuckled. "Is he the next 'mister right for the night'?"

"Unfortunately, no" Jimin said as he rolled his eyes. "He has a girlfriend ... Downstairs actually."

"He's downstairs or the girlfriend is?"

"The girl, but he apparently goes to her apartment all the time."

Yoongi hummed in thought. "So how'd you meet him?"

"I bumped into him on the Subwa-"

"Jimin!" Yoongi cut him off. "I told you to stop hooking up with guys from the subway. That's straight up shady, Chim."

Jimin chuckled at the pet name. "Hey!" he teased. "That was one time. Besides, everyone rides the subway- the creepy and the non-creepy alike." 

Yoongi sighed. "Whatever- Just tell me about this subway guy. What peaked your interest?"

Jimin hesitated for a moment while his black haired friend watched him through narrowed cat's eyes. "Well ..." Jimin mumbled. "He's younger than us, but taller. He has dark brown hair. He's real fuckin toned and jesus fuckin christ- his thighs are thick as hell."

"So- and I'm just guessing here- he's really attractive." Yoongi teased. Jimin laughed, reaching over to punch his friend in the shoulder. "Haha- But, no seriously. If he's downstairs all the time why not just go for it?"

"Because Yoongi, I told you. He has a girlfriend." 

"So?" Yoongi questioned. "That's never stopped you before."

Jimin smirked. "Yeah ... but he seemed like a good person that actually liked his girl. He probably wouldn't go for it. There's no point in me wasting my time and making an ass of myself." 

"Damn." Yoongi mumbled. "All of that happened in the last couple of hours?" Jimin nodded and Yoongi looked over at his friend with a smirk. "You've had a long night. Why don't you let me take care of you?" 

Jimin met Yoongi's eyes with a smile before giving a short nod. "Are you gonna take care of me?" He teased. Yoongi leaned in, a glint in his eyes.

"What a friend's for, right?" Yoongi whispered, as he leaned in to connect his lips to Jimin's. The black haired male knew all of his friend's weak points. He worked his lips from Jimin's mouth, down his jaw, to his neck, and began sucking small bruises across his collar bone. 

"Do- do you want to go to my room?" Jimin breathed out. Yoongi shook his head as he pulled Jimin from his shirt. 

"I don't you to move a muscle, baby boy. Just relax."

Jimin nodded and let his eyes flutter shut as his friend worked open his belt buckle. Yoongi palmed at Jimin through his boxers. He pulled the younger man further down on the couch and freed the boy from his jeans. He lifted Jimin's leg, tucking it over his shoulder. As he leaned in nipping marks along the inside of his friend's thighs- Jimin let his head fall back as sinful moans rolled from his lips. "Y-yoongi stop teasing me." He purred.

Yoongi chuckled to himself as he slipped off Jimin's boxers. Jimin groaned at the light slap he felt as his dick landed against his stomach. Yoongi wrapped his hands around Jimin, slowly pumping the boys member. The cat like male dropped down, taking his friend into his mouth. Jimin gasped out at the new contact, his moans growing louder each time Yoongi swirled his tounge. 

Jimin groaned around Yoongi's fingers when the older male instructed him to suck on them. Yoongi continued his work, bobbing his head with hollowed cheeks, as he took his slicked fingers from Jimin's mouth. The younger man groaned as his friend inserted one- then two digits into him. Yoongi rocked his fingered in and out scissoring them as he went. He used his free hand to replace his mouth. He smiled down at his friend beneath him, who had turned into a moaning mess.  "How do you want it, baby boy? I can keep going slow, if you're too tired, or I can double the pace and release your tension." 

Jimin rocked down on Yoongi's fingers right as the man thrust up into his friend's prostate. "F-fuck, Yoongi!" He called out. "H-harder. I need it harder."

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