Dirty Secrets

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Jungkook heard a fimilar voice yelling from the living room and froze on the spot. It couldn't be- Jungkook scrambled over to peek into the other room confirming his fears.

He quickly slid across the floor gathering his clothes and throwing them on in the blink of an eye. All the possible excuses and explanations flew through his head and his heart raced. There was no way in hell he'd be able to talk his way out of this- but fuck it.
So what? She was a bitch, right? He didn't have to feel guilty.

It wasn't that simple, a small voice at the back of his head kept making that clear. But right now the only thing he was worried about was dragging Jimin out of the crossfire. After all, Jungkook was the cheater, Jimin shouldn't have to take the abuse for him.

After taking a deep breath, Jungkook began making his way to the living room. He wasn't about to leave Jimin hanging- he was going to choose his boy over Maddie. As he peered around the corner he saw that Maddie's back was facing him and Jimin was trying to usher her out the open door. "Listen bitch" the small man snapped. "I don't know who you think you are, but you can't just bust into people's apartments. What the fuck is your problem?"

Maddie took a quick step forward, inching closer to Jimin's face. "Where the fuck is that pale bastard that keeps making you scream like a little bitch." She sneered.

Jimin took a step back- his eyes widening in realization and relief. "Ohhhhh" he said with a laugh.

"Stop laughing!"

Jimin shook his head, doubling over with his cackling. "I can't- you're fuckin crazy. I- hahahah" Jimin sank to the floor- half his laughter in relief the other in nervous energy.

Maddie glared down at the man shaking her head. "I don't see what's so funny. You're up here running a brothel or something and you can't even be quite about it!"

Jimin pulled himself from the floot with a sigh. "Listen honey- the men I bring to my bed are none of your business, for one. Secondly, what the hell is seeing the man gonna do for you?"

"I'm gonna report him to the building manager- if I get him banned from the property, you'll have to fuck somewhere else."

Jimin glanced over at Jungkook's stoic figure in his doorway. He could tell that the younger was on the verge of jumping in- but now wasn't the time. "Listen- Maddie is it? That's not how any of this works. So how about you get your tiny little ass out of my apartment?"

Maddie stepped further back, shaking her head. "Well see about that."

The girl moved- beginning to turn for Jimin's room, but the small man lunged out. He grabbed her arm spinning her to the front door in an instant. It all happened so fast. Maddie jerked her arm from Jimin's grasp, pushing out and sending the small man crashing to ground. Jimin's head flew back cracking against the floorboards with a loud thwack. Maddie stared down at him, a dark look shining in her eyes. She made a move to get back in the man's face- but her movement was cut off as someone grabbed her by the shoulder and jerked her into the hall.

Maddie gasped as she finally saw the man pushing her. "I-"

"Save it." Jin growled.

The broad man and his other friends had just entered the lobby when they heard the shouting followed by a large thump. Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi raced up the stairs to find Maddie standing over a groaning Jimin. Jin stepped in without any hesitation.

"I don't know what's going on- and I don't fucking care. You hurt my friends and reached the top of my shit list." He snapped as he pushed the girl towards the stairs. "Get lost before I get angry."

Maddie blinked wide eyed at the men before her. She didn't quite know what had happened, but she turned and dashed down the stairs.
She wasn't so dumb as to ignore a warning like that.

With Maddie now gone Jungkook rushed out to scoop Jimin off the floor. He hoisted the man up, carrying him to the nearest couch. "Jesus Christ- are you okay?"

Jimin nodded. "She didn't push me that hard. I just lost my balance. Im really fine."

"Still" Yoongi mummered, coming up to rest a hand on Jimin's shoulder. "We should keep an eye on you and make sure you don't have a concussion."

Namjoon nodded in agreement. "I'll go get a flash light so we can check his pupils. Jin if you could- Jin, baby why are you pacing."

Jin looked up as he slammed the front door shut. "I'm just trying to wrap my head around why you weren't, fucking, with him!" He yelled, turning on Jungkook now.

"I was-"

"There's no fucking excuse, Jungkook! She's your girlfriend. You should be the one dealing with her shit not Jimin."

"Jin I-"

"NO!" Jin cut the younger off. "This needs to fucking stop. I'm not gonna stand by and watch my  family get hurt because you're too chicken shit to own up to your dirty little secrets!"

Jungkook felt a sting building behind his eyes. Each of Jin's words pierced into him like needles in a doll. Jin was right- this was all his fault. The younger nodded as small tears began rolling down his face. He stood up from his place next to Jimin and began moving for the front door.

"Wait, Kook!" Jimin called, trying to jump up from the couch. He hissed in pain bringing his hand to the back of his head. "What are you doing?"

"I'm ending this, Jimin" Jungkook said, shaking his head. "Jin's right. This has gone on long enough."

Jimin felt the tears and anxiety build in his chest. "What's ending, Kook?" He questioned with a sniffle. "You're not leaving me ... are you?"

Jungkook's eyes widened. He rushed back to Jimin's side, taking his hand and squeezing it tightly. "No!" He gasped. "God no! I'm ending this shit with Maddie. You got hurt because of me. I should've stepped in then and I-"

"I wouldn't have let you" Jimin laughed. "I saw you trying to butt in- and I got hurt, because I jerked Maddie back. I scared her first and she reacted." Jimin leaned up to cup Jungkook's cheek. "Please just let it go for tonight. Just stay with me for now."

Jungkook nodded, turning his head to lightly kiss the palm of Jimin's hand.

After sharing quick glances with each other, the other three men in the room set out to separate tasks. Namjoon went to find a flashlight, Yoongi went to grab some ice, and Jin sat down next to Jungkook and Jimin with a definite huff.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you, Jungkook" He mummered. "I just got so worked up when I saw Jimin on the ground and I-"

"Jin" the younger cut him off. "It's okay. I understand."

Jin nodded. "I feel better knowing that you want the the best for Jimin too."

"Of course he does, Jin" Jimin chuckled. "Quit being such a downer."

"I'm not trying to, but ..."

"But what?" Jungkook chimed in.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you guys to be together- here in the building I mean. At least not right now."

Jungkook nodded in agreement. "You're probably right. It's too risky- and this can keep Jimin out of the crossfire as much as possible."

"Jungkook" Jimin started. "If you leave here, I'm gonna go with you. Even if it's just for one night."

"I wouldn't dream of stopping you, baby boy" The younger chuckled.

"Where to then?"

"We can go to my place"


Tune in next time to have basic plot holes answered. Such as- Where the fuck does Jungkook live? What does Jimin do for a living? How did Jungkook even meet his bitch of a girlfriend? Annnnnnnddddd more!!!!

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