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Jungkook turned the street corner, wringing his hands. He was already fifteen minutes late and another five minutes from the store. Hoseok was going to be pissed. This was the fourth time he'd been late in the last two weeks. Hopefully the shop wasn't too busy yet, otherwise Jungkook might need to find new employment.

As he ran the last block, Jungkook could see Taehyung laughing from the front window. "Stop mocking me." Kook yelled as he banged through door.

"I'm not. You just look funny when you run like that." Tae giggled.
Jungkook glared at him from across the counter. His coworker, though two years older, could be childish at times. The tall man was currently bouncing around the near empty shop, twirling around as he wiped down tables. One customer, an older brunette woman, giggled into her novel as she watched Tae skip back and forth.

Jungkook shook his head as he laughed to himself. Regardless of his quirks, Taehyung was a welcomed greeting to work. Hoseok would have greeted the younger with a frown and a tapping foot.

The stern man in question, was watching Jungkook as he hurriedly clocked in and tied his apron around his waist. He didn't know what the younger had been up to lately, but his time management had really went down hill. His phone went off 24/7 and his girlfriend came in every shift he had and started trouble.

The girl seemed nice- from a distance ... and for a short period of time. She had a need for Jungkook's attention. The girl would even go as far as to sit at the bar and interrupt every time a girl asked Jungkook for assistance. Hoseok's problem wasn't really with Jungkook- it was Maddie. Every time up to this point Jungkook was late- he had been with Maddie. Every time he slacked at work or hid in the back on his phone- it was Maddie dragging him away. That was probably the case today as well.

"Jungkook, I trust you have a good reason for being late." Hoseok mumbled, as he snuck up behind the younger. Jungkook jumped.

"I'm so sorry. I fell asleep at a friend's house and my phone died. I ran all the way here. I'll make it up up to you-"

"Jungkook." Hoseok laughed. "You're only five minutes late today. Plus, you've already started stocking. I'm glad you're here." Jungkook felt his face flush with relief. Hoseok was a ray of sunshine the majority of the time. The fact that he had been cross with Jungkook the last couple of weeks was torture.

"Thanks Hobi." The younger rushed. He turned back to his work- shoving straws into their holster and stacking lids. It was busy work, but the slow café provided nothing else at the moment. In about an hour's time Jungkook had managed to stock, record temps, clean tables, and knock out a round of dishes.
Hoseok pat the younger on the back.

Jungkook seemed back on track. Enough so, that Hobi didn't mind when the younger's phone buzzed.
Jungkook slipped the device out of his pocket to check. Five missed messages from Maddie- swipe those away. One message from Yoongi, and one message from ... Jiminnie?

Yoongi said- "Sorry, I hijacked your phone last night. Let's hang out later.

Jungkook- "lol you're good. I'm at work now but we should definitely get together later."

Jungkook laughed to himself. Yoongi seemed like he'd be a good friend. Taehyung and Hoseok would probably like him too.

Now the message from Jiminnie- it must be Jimin. After all, that was the nickname that Yoongi had used for the man. In his drunken state, Yoongi must have put Jimin under the nickname instead of his real one. Jungkook clicked on the message.

Jiminnie- We should talk

Jungkook clicked out of the message quickly

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Jungkook clicked out of the message quickly. It was most definitely Jimin. He gave a dry swallow. Last night was a mistake. He and Maddie had, had a fight- they didn't break up. Jungkook wasn't a cheater ... but he was so angry, and drunk, and Jimin was right there. He was listening, and kind ... and fucking beautiful.

Jungkook thought for a moment before responding.

Jungkook- "Sunny Café. I'm closing tonight if you want to stop by."

A few minutes went by and the boy's phone buzzed again.

Jiminnie- "I'll be there."

Jungkook- "I'll go on break when you get here then."

Jungkook dropped the phone back in his pocket. When Jimin got there he'd talk it out with the man. He'd explain that he needed to figure out whatever was going on with Maddie, before doing anything further with Jimin.


Hoseok scanned the café. Jungkook was taking an order towards the back of the shop. Taehyung was scrubbing dishes in the back. Everything was stocked and cleaned, the few guests were happy, and there was only two hours left till close.

The bell above the door rang out as three men entered the shop. Two stood taller than the third, and they were talking camly to each other. Hoseok called out, letting the men know they could sit anywhere they liked and he'd be right over.

One of the tall men, a brunette, grabbed the other's hand leading him to a near by table. The third man trailed along and sat across from the couple. He seemed distracted, his eyes scanning his surroundings. His dark hair was tousled and his low collard shirt left the collection of bruises, along his neck, on full display. The man looked odd next to his counterparts. They were obviously together and he appeared to just be coasting around.

"What can I get started for you guys tonight?" Hoseok said, smiling as he reached their seats.

One of the tall males look up with a charming smile. "I'm just gonna get a coffee and a slice of pie." He turned to his partner. "Namjoon, what flavor should I get? You'll eat half of it anyway."

The third man laughed. "Jin, you're the one who always eats half of Joon's food" He said. "Just get what you always get."

Jin mocked surprise, kicking his friend under the table. The other retaliated quickly sending both of them into a childish fit of kicks and giggles. Namjoon looked between the two with a small smile on his face.

"We'll do two coffees, one slice of apple, one slice of blackberry, and whatever Jimin wants." He chuckled.
Hoseok nodded looking back to Jimin.

"Just a coffee, please."

"Alrighty, I'll have that out as fast as I can."

Hoseok turned, ready to go complete the order when he heard Jimin call him back. "Sorry" he said. "But is Jungkook working by any chance?" Hoseok looked the man over with an eyebrow raised.

"Uh yeah he should be-" he whipped his head around the shop, trying to locate the younger. "He was just over there-"

"There he is. Thanks." Jimin hopped up with a smile making his way to lean on the bar. When Jungkook noticed the man his eyes widened.

"Hey Hobi" he called. "Is it okay if I go on break?"

Hoseok gave the 'go ahead' and proceed to watch with curiosity as Jungkook hung up his apron. He turned to whisper something to Jimin before the two made their way out of the shop, the bell dinging behind them.

Break Up With Your Girlfriend (JIKOOK AU)Where stories live. Discover now