"He's My Best Friend."

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Hey, I am totally new with writing these. My first one, it's going to be a mavid one before they met and it will be senior year. Please no hate, I'm just giving it a try and open for any comments on what you think. Thanks xoxo

It was the second week of senior year at Gorge Vanier. Maia has gone to this high school all four years. She has actually enjoyed her time at her school. It was lunch period for the grade 12’s at 11:45-12:45. Maia would usually spend her time with her friends in the cafeteria. “Jill, it’s so good to be back, I can’t wait for all these events, but it’s going to be a long year.” Jill replied “Yeah, it’ll be good though, gotta make this the best that we can.” Shortly after the conversation, the bell rang for next period.



Jill and Maia were walking to school together in the morning. Jill asked Maia “Mai have you seen the newest guy in our school? Everyone is all over him, he is so cute.” Maia said “No, I didn’t even know that there was a new guy in school, excuse me why am I not aware of this?” A few moments later they reached their school.

Maia started scoping for this new cute guy she was told about. “You looking for the new guy I see?” said Jill. “Hahahaha of course…no… okay yeah.” Maia replied. Maia and Jill went to their lockers to get ready for the morning and then started walking around the building while they still had several minutes left till classes actually started. They usually like to get there early so they won’t be late. “DAVID DAVID DAVID” they hear people saying in the hallways. Jill turned around and saw a big group of people. “Finally know his name.” Maia said gladly. The warning bell went off and the hallways cleared to go to class. First period Maia had vocals. Maia loves singing. The teacher came into class a few minutes later than usual. He came into class, Maia looked up and she saw that the new cute guy David entered with him. “Welcome to our class David, choose any seat and we will begin in a few minutes. Class introduce yourselves to David, he is a new student here at Gorge Vanier.” The vocal teacher Mr. Hamson said to the class. Maia perked up as soon as she saw David walk through the door. David was walking around trying to figure out where he should sit. Everyone was starring at him; all the girls thought he was cute. I mean who wouldn’t think that the new tall guy with brown hair and green eyes is not attractive. He took a seat to the group next to Maia’s. Maia couldn’t help but look over at him a few times. She thought that she felt his eyes on her. Mr. Hamson started talking about their new assignment that they will be getting and how they will need to get into groups of three and sing in a group one of their favourite songs and hit all the cords. Maia got into a group with one of her friends Tiffany who sat across from her. David saw, and walked up to them. “Hey, would you guys mind if I was the third to the group?” He said. Tiffany replied “um yeah of course! Come, come sit!” she directed him to sit beside her so they could sit in a circle to figure out their plans. Maia couldn’t believe it. The new guy at school was in her class and asked to be apart of her group. The group she was in. She was incredibly happy. “Well is this okay with you?” David also asked for reassurance to Maia. She shook her head yes. She was speechless. She didn’t want to say anything because she was so overly happy. She didn’t want to mess up her words. David took the seat that Tiffany told him to. They didn’t get to talk about it for long because the bell rang to go to your next class. The teacher dismissed them. Maia started to pack up her things into her back. David said “its Maia right?” Maid nodded. She was so happy, but yet so nervous at the same time. The ones who have had crushes or called Maia attractive it hasn’t always went well or she didn’t know and she would freeze up. She didn’t want that to happen. She was known in school but not the most popular like the cheerleaders who go out every weekend. “So are you going to say anything to me or just nod your head all the time?” David joked. “Hahaha yeah, sorry. I’m Maia, and I know yours already, David.” Maia replied to him. “Great guess for a great girl.” David said with a smile. Maia couldn’t stop blushing. “Well I better get to my next class.” Maia said before heading towards the door. David followed out after her. “Let me walk there with you, I want to get to know you. You seem like a nice person that I’d love to get to know.” He said looking at Maia. Maia didn’t know how to react. The cutest guy wanted to hang around with her. She was just going to play it off cool. “Oh yeah sure, so what is your schedule?” She said. “Well vocals, with you, math, lunch, gym and geography.” David replied to the question. “Oh that’s cool; I have lunch at the same period as you.” Maia said back. “We should hangout sometime at lunch, and be friends. Show me around; get me into the loop of this school.” David said to Maia with a chuckle in his voice. “Yeah sure, if I see you we can do that whenever.” Maia said and left for her class. She had the biggest smile walking into her geography class. David the cute guy that everyone seems to know wants to become friends with Maia. It gave her a great feeling inside.

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