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"...and then I said 'thanks for the lunch, daddy' just to see how he was gonna react and he just said 'fuck' and when I walked away I could see that he had this possessive look in his eyes and it was kinda hot."

Sarah just nods and looks at Brendon with an amused look. Brendon had been talking about his lunch for 20 minutes now.

"Okay, cool. But I wanna know about the arrangement!" "Oh, okay! So, I get 3000 dollars in a month, I'm getting and apartment and he wants to take me on dates and trips. And business stuff. Oh and for the dates and business stuff he'll let me buy all the clothes I need and I'll get extra money for that."

Sarah's eyes grow big and she raises her eyebrows.

"Holy shit. You got so lucky! That's a lot of stuff." "I know. Oh, and he accepts that I don't want to go to family things and we have decided to wait with the sex because we're both not ready for that." "And how about him visiting and stuff?" "He can visit me, but he does need to tell me an hour before doing so. With dates, I want to know a day before the actual date and with trips, I wanna know a week before we go so that I can prepare." "You really have a good arrangement," Sarah says and Brendon nods.

He looks at his phone, seeing that Dallon has texted him and he just puts his phone away, he was still acting hard to get because that way Dallon would want him even more.

"You're really not gonna text him back?" "I'm making him wait, showing him that I'm not all his." "Just text him back and stop this bullshit, Brendon. Playing hard to get isn't charming."  "Whatever."

Brendon rolls his eyes and grabs his phone again, reading the text Dallon sent.

Dallon: Hey there, sweetheart. I have a business dinner, next week. I'd like it if you came along.
Brendon: Heyyy, of course, I'll come along. What do you want me to wear?
Dallon: Just a casual suit with a button-up and a jacket. I'll send you some money.
Brendon: Okay, thank you, daddy.
Dallon: Fuck. You're very welcome, baby.

Sarah, who was reading along with the messages, laughs a little and sits back again.

"You're really going for it with the 'daddy' thing, huh?" "He liked it, earlier. And he likes it now, so I'm not gonna stop doing it. As long as he's happy I get stuff, so I'm happy." "Okay, good. Do what you want, I won't judge you." "Looks like you are judging me, right now. But okay." "Fine. I'm sorry. I just didn't think you'd be the person to ever call someone daddy."

Sarah gets up and gets herself something to drink.

"So, going to look for new apartments tomorrow, huh?" "Yeah. And that business dinner, next week. I still have to get clothes for that, so would you want to come along to go shopping with me?" "I would love to. How about we go shopping on Monday?"

Brendon just nods and looks at his phone, as it buzzes. He can see that Dallon has sent him 500 dollars.

"This man literally sent me 500 dollars and he called it some money." "Welcome to the good life, baby!"

Sarah sits down again and puts her feet up on the coffee table, as she grabs her phone.

"Oh, would you look at that, Richard is asking for me. I'm on my way."

She doesn't even get up and just takes a sip of whatever she's drinking.

"Aren't you gonna go?" "No. I'll make him wait a little because I don't want to go." "Okay." "He probably just wants sex." "Ew." "I know. He's 50. I don't even know how he gets it up anymore." "Stop. Ew."

Brendon covers his ears and Sarah laughs.

"You are such a pussy." "I'm not! I can't help it that I don't like talking about the sex you and Richard have." "I know that it'd because you're such a golden gay that you've never had sex with a girl." "Shut up. I just don't like girls, okay? It's not like I can be blamed, look at you," Brendon jokes and Sarah starts laughing again.

"Oh my God. You asshole!"

Sarah gets up and hits Brendon in the arm, making him laugh even more.

"Fine, then. I'm gonna go now." "Okay. Have fun." "I'll try. Byeeee."

With that, Sarah leaves and Brendon just smiles.


A/N: I know it's a short chapter, but I just can't write anything else anymore???

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