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Brendon's annoyance disappears soon enough, though and before Dallon knows it, he's back to normal.

Dallon decides to just brush it off as Brendon not having had enough sleep because honestly, he didn't think anything else was wrong between them.

When they get to their hotel, Brendon throws himself onto the bed and gestures for Dallon to come and join him.

"I love you," Brendon says and Dallon smiles at him.

"I love you too, baby," he answers and he just kisses Brendon's cheek before the shorter man giggles a little and pulls back a little.

"We should get ready for tonight," he says before pecking Brendon's lips softly.

"Yeah, we really should," Dallon says and he gets up a little.

"I just really don't want to, though... I'm horny..." Brendon mumbles and Dallon smiles a little.

"You're gonna have to get through the evening, first. After that, I'll fuck you just the way you want me to," he says, kissing Brendon quickly before he gets up and walks over to their suitcase, getting the suits they were gonna wear, tonight.

He slowly changes into the clothes he was gonna wear and Brendon just lies on the bed, looking at him with a soft smile on his face.

"You're so fucking beautiful," he says and Dallon blushes.

"Thank you, honey," he says before he walks into the bathroom and fixes the bowtie he was gonna be wearing. Then, he just does his hair and walks out of the bathroom.

"Let's get a drink at the bar and then we can leave," he says.
"God, there are so many cameras..." Brendon mumbles, looking out of the window of their car and Dallon looks too.

There was a red carpet leading up to the entrance of the conference hall, with lots of journalists on both sides, cameras ready and all pushing to get a good spot.

Dallon was familiar with this setting, he'd done this enough times to not be intimidated by this anymore.

"I know, honey, but it's gonna be fine," he answers and Brendon looks at him.

"I know it's fine, I was just stating that there are a lot of cameras," Brendon answers, looking annoyed again and Dallon just sighs.

Their driver opens the door and Dallon gets out of the car first, waiting for Brendon to get out too before holding out his arm for Brendon to take.

Brendon does so and Dallon smiles at him, as Brendon kisses his cheek quickly.

They just start walking up the red carpet, smiling at the cameras. People immediately start yelling and pushing each other aside, just so they get the chance to interview Mr. Dallon Weekes, the prominent businessman.

"Mr. Weekes, who'd you bring with you today?" Someone suddenly yells and Dallon almost gets hit in the face with a bunch of microphones.

"I brought my partner, Brendon Urie," Dallon answers and he looks at Brendon, who smiles at him. Dallon smiles back at him, pulling him a bit closer. He was happy that he could show the world how beautiful his boyfriend was.

"Are you dating a man just because of the allegations made against you, about dating your assistant?" Someone else yells and Dallon scoffs a little.

"Brendon and I have been dating for the past five months, I did not start dating him because of the allegations. As I've said before, I'm gay and I would never date my assistant. Ms. Kingsley and I were just friends," he says and Brendon wraps an arm around his waist, hugging him slightly.

"Why did you fire Ms. Kingsley?"

"I did not fire her, she quit her job because she was ready for another career," Dallon says, regretting the fact that he'd even come here, already. He thought that the whole thing had died down, by now, but apparently not.

"How'd you and Brendon meet?" Someone in the front asks and Dallon smiles at him.

"We met at a RedEye meeting, where he was doing an internship, at the time," he says, happy that someone was interested in Brendon and not in the affair thing.

"Brendon, what's it like, dating a multi-billionaire?"

"Well, it's just like dating someone with less money. I just really love Dallon and I think that that's what really matters, doesn't it? It doesn't matter if he's a billionaire."

The journalist nods and Dallon starts walking again, Brendon following him instantly.

"How do you not get a panic attack every time a group of journalists starts yelling at you?" He asks and Dallon smiles a little.

"You learn how to handle it," he says and Brendon nods.

"I wanna be able to handle it, right now," he says and Dallon shrugs.

"I wish I could help you, babe."

"Yeah, well, you're not," he snaps and Dallon just lets go of him.

"What is your problem, Brendon?" He asks, his voice is soft, yet annoyed. He really didn't like how Brendon kept snapping at him and how he kept being annoyed for no reason.

"What do you mean?" Brendon asks, still looking annoyed and Dallon pulls him into an almost empty part of the venue.

"You've been snapping at me since this morning and then you act as if nothing happened and I wanna know why because frankly, it's starting to annoy me, a lot," he says, his voice still soft and Brendon just looks at him for a few seconds.

"Well, I'm sorry I'm not being the perfect little doll you wanted to bring along," he says and Dallon scoffs, not knowing where this was coming from.

"I just want you to be yourself, not this unpredictable, annoyed person," he says and Brendon grits his teeth.

Someone comes walking by and all of a sudden, Brendon smiles at the taller man in front of him. To everyone else, it probably seemed genuine, but Dallon sees the anger in his eyes.

"I'm gonna get us some drinks, darling. You can go find our places," he says, sounding so sweet it makes Dallon a little sick.

He just looks at Brendon for a few seconds, not knowing how to react, but Brendon softly pushes him into the direction of all the tables.

"Go on, honey. I'll get you your red wine and I'll be right there," he says, still acting fake and Dallon just does so, not in the mood to fight.

He sits down at their table, waiting for Brendon to come back and just looking at his phone.

"There, I've got your wine, sweetheart," Brendon says, sitting down next to Dallon when he's gotten both their drinks and Dallon just takes a sip of his drink.

"Thank you, honey," he says, just as sweet as Brendon and he sees that the people next to them glance at them with a soft smile.

Then, someone on the stage starts talking and Brendon and Dallon both turn towards it.

Dallon is glad that they don't have to talk anymore because he really didn't like the way Brendon was acting. It kinda worried him.

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