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"...nice that you want to talk to me again," Dallon says before taking a sip of his coffee and Weston smiles.

"Well, I don't see how staying angry at you for the rest of your life is ever gonna help either of us. So I decided that I wanted to get in touch with you again." "I really appreciate it. You don't know how terrible I felt. I had no one, anymore. dad died because of me, mom died before him and then you decided you wanted nothing to do with me. And you know me, I was never good at making friends."

Weston frowns a little and he nods.

"I have never thought about it, that way... Fuck, I'm so sorry..." "It's fine, it's not your fault. I get it. I think we should just leave it in the past and try to move on." "You're right. So, what's been going on in your personal life? I mean, I know all about your business."

Dallon smiles a little.

"Well, I met Brendon, a few months ago. And that's about it. I work too much if I'm honest." "Well, you've always done that. And it's made you very successful. So you must be doing something right." "I guess, yeah. But what's been going on in your personal life?"

Weston starts smiling widely.

"Well, you remember Olivia, right?" "Of course, I do." "Well, we got married, a few months ago. We got engaged after our son was born."

Dallon suddenly feels sick and he just looks at his drink.

"That's amazing," he says, trying to sound happy, even though he can't help but feel a little sad.

"Yeah. I have never in my life been happier. You would love Aiden, he's the cutest little boy." "I'd love to meet him." "God, you should visit me and Olivia in Utah, sometime. Then you could meet him." "Yeah, that would be nice." "Please don't bring Brendon, though..."

Dallon frowns and looks at his brother, who seems dead-serious.

"Why not?" "I don't want my son seeing... You know..." "You know what?" "Do you really want me to say it?" "If this is about me being gay, I'm leaving right now." "I'm sorry, it's just that I don't want my son seeing things like that."

Dallon takes a deep breath, trying to stay calm.

"So first you're telling me I never got invited to your wedding, then you are telling me that I have a nephew that I have never met and now you're telling me that you're a homophobic piece of shit who can't even accept his own brother?"

Weston shrugs and Dallon gets up.

"You know what, I begin to think I was better off before we got in touch again. Mom and dad would've never wanted you to treat anyone the way you are doing right now. They knew I was gay and they always accepted me, but apparently, you can't." "I'm accepting you, I''m just saying that my son and my wife don't have to know that my brother is a fag." "I'm gonna go. It was nice, for as long as it lasted."

With that, Dallon walks away, trying to stay calm and to not start crying.

As soon as he gets to his car, he sits down and he can feel the tears start to well up in his eyes.

He decides to call Brendon because he didn't know what else to do.

"Hey, honey. How's it going?" "My brother is a fucking homophobe. And he's married. And he has a son." "Okay, calm down, honey... What exactly is the problem?" "Okay, so Weston got married and he has a son and I was like 'I wanna meet him' and he was like 'well, just don't bring Brendon' and I didn't understand why and then he was like 'I don't want to see, you know' and he basically admitted to being a homophobe."

There are a few moments of silence before Brendon starts talking again.

"Come home, baby. I'll cheer you up, okay? It's all gonna be alright." "Okay... I'll be home in about 20 minutes." "Alright. Just don't be too sad about what your brother said, okay? He's just being a huge asshole." "I'll try. I love you."

Dallon can almost hear Brendon smile.

"I love you too, Dall. I love you in the gayest way possible."

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