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The next morning, when Brendon wakes up, Dallon is sitting out on the balcony, with a cup of coffee in his hand. Brendon just looks at him for a while, not leaving the bed. He just thinks about the night before, frowning a little.

Marry me.

Brendon takes in a sharp breath and he closes his eyes for a second. It felt weird to him, how Dallon had gone from literally choking him to asking him to marry him in the span of a few minutes and Brendon really didn't get it.

After a while, Dallon comes walking inside and he smiles at his boyfriend.

"Good morning," he says and Brendon smiles back at him, reaching his arms out and Dallon sits on the edge of the bed, next to Brendon.

"You know I love you, right?" Brendon asks and Dallon nods, smiling at him.

"Yeah, why?" He asks and Brendon shrugs.

"I just want to be sure that you know how much I love you. And I'm sorry for ruining last night..." He mumbles and Dallon just kisses him softly.

"It's okay, love. Sometimes we just have bad days, that can happen."

Brendon nods and he just pecks Dallon's lips again.

"I'm hungry..." He says and Dallon smiles at him.

"If you get dressed, we can go and get breakfast somewhere," Dallon offers and Brendon smiles.

"Yes, please," Brendon says and he gets up from the bed, walking over to their suitcase and grabbing a pair of nice pants and a shirt.

He just gets dressed and Dallon just waits for him to get ready, looking at his phone and answering some texts Stella had sent him.

"Well, I'm ready. So let's go get some food because I'm really fucking hungry," Brendon says after a while and Dallon smiles at him.

"Yeah, let's do that."
Brendon decides that he wants to go to a nice cafe near their hotel, for breakfast and they just walk there, holding hands and talking about the weather and the conference like nothing had happened between them, last night.

It makes Brendon happy because he knew that he'd been a dick, at the conference and he was happy that Dallon had forgiven him so quickly.

While walking, Dallon notices some photographers walking around and taking pictures of them, but he doesn't really care. At least he and Brendon weren't fighting anymore.

When they get to the cafe, Brendon tells Dallon that he can go sit down and the taller man smiles a little, as his boyfriend walks to the counter and orders them both breakfast.

When he walks back to their table, he just kisses Dallon softly and sits down next to the taller man, smiling as his boyfriend puts his hand on his knee and squeezes softly.

"What did you order?" He asks and Brendon grabs the menu.

"I got us the pancakes, the waffles, and cinnamon rolls," Brendon says and Dallon gives him a slightly amused look.

"I told you I was hungry!" Brendon says and Dallon smiles at him.

"Yeah, I know, honey. We'll see if you're gonna be able to finish all the food, though," he answers and Brendon giggles a little.

"Well, we're gonna eat it together, I'm not eating all of it on my own," he says and Dallon nods.

"Alright, honey."

After a while, a waiter brings them their food and coffee and Brendon and Dallon just start eating.

"Holy shit, did you taste these cinnamon rolls?" Brendon asks, with his mouth full and Dallon just smiles at him.

"I did not. I'll eat one after I finish this pancake," Dallon says and Brendon smiles back at him.

"Ugh, I love you," he says, looking at his boyfriend and he leans against the taller man, kissing him softly.

"I love you too," Dallon says, a little surprised and he smiles at Brendon.

His stomach does a weird flip again, as Brendon just holds his hand and he breathes in deeply.

He still felt kinda stupid about him just asking Brendon to marry him, last night, during sex because, after that, they hadn't talked about it and Dallon didn't know how to bring up the conversation again, now.

After breakfast, they get a coffee to go and just take a little walk before going back to their hotel, to get ready to go back to NYC again.

NYC. Back home; where things hopefully were normal and Brendon didn't feel weird because Dallon had asked him to get married.

Do you hear that??? There, not so far in the distance??? I think it's the end of the book... And maybe....... maybe the start of a sequel..?

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