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Dinner is nice and Brendon and Dallon both feel incredibly happy.

After dinner, they get ready for their drinks with Sarah.

Dallon insists on looking nice because he knew he'd made a bad first impression on Sarah and he wanted to apologize for that because he was now officially together with Brendon, which meant that he had to get along with Brendon's friends.

He changes outfits 3 times and asks Brendon if he looks alright every time, while Brendon just lies on their bed, looking at his phone, not too worried about his outfit.

"How does this look?" Dallon asks as he walks out of the closet for the fourth time and Brendon looks up, smiling at Dallon.

"It looks amazing, babe. Don't worry too much, you know Sarah already and we're just going to a bar." "I just wanna look nice... And I made a bad impression on Sarah, last time, so I just wanna look a little more casual, you know?" "Yeah, of course. But it's fine, Sarah won't judge you because of what clothes you're wearing." "I suppose you're right." "Of course I am. I'm always right."

Dallon smiles and laughs a little.

"Of course you are," he says and Brendon looks pretty proud of himself.

"Well, I'll just wear this," Dallon says and Brendon nods, smiling at his boyfriend.

"Yeah, that looks very nice. What shoes are you gonna wear?" "Probably the new ones, the ones with the Italian leather." "They're so expensive, though. What if I get too drunk and puke all over them?" "I'm willing to take any risks, as long as I'm looking good. It's secretly all for you so that you don't get bored and walk away." "I would never. You're too rich for that," Brendon jokes and Dallon smiles, crawling onto the bed and kissing him.

"I knew that was it," he says, his voice soft and low and Brendon giggles.

"Yeah, of course, that was it. totally not that I'm head over heels in love with you." "No, that's not it, I'm sure of it." "And you're only with me because I have a nice piece of ass." "Yeah, that's definitely it."

Dallon grabs Brendon's ass and squeezes it, making Brendon giggle again.

"Why are we like this?" He asks and Dallon kisses him before he shrugs.

"I don't know, but it's nice. I love that we can make jokes together and laugh together, I've never really had that someone and then you came into my life and I've never been this happy." "Stop, you're gonna make me cry." "I'm sorry. I'll stop."

Dallon starts kissing all over Brendon's face, making the shorter man giggle again.

"Come on, we're gonna be late. Sarah is gonna get angry," Brendon mumbles and Dallon nods.

"Yeah, let's go."
When they get to the bar, Sarah is already sitting at a table and she waves at Brendon and Dallon.

"Hey, you guys, looking cute! I'm so happy that you guys started dating!" She says, as the couple walks towards the table and sits down in front of her.

Dallon can't help but starts smiling again, holding Brendon's waist softly.

"Aww, Dallon's face just lit up when I said that, that's so cute!" Sarah says and Dallon starts blushing.

"I just love Brendon a lot, he makes me happy. Hey, I'll go get us drinks, what do you guys want?"

Sarah and Brendon tell him that they'd like the bottle of wine and Dallon nods, asking what wine that is.

"It's usually the cheapest bottle of wine we can find..." Brendon mumbles and Dallon chuckles.

"Alright, I'll find something." "Thanks, babe."

Dallon walks away and Sarah grabs Brendon's hand, smiling at him.

"You are so lucky! He really loves you, I can see it." "I love him too, he's super sweet and like, genuinely the best person ever. I love him, so, so much and I have a feeling that we might be together for a very long time. He's just super considerate and my well-being is always his first priority." "He sounds amazing. And I'm so happy."

Brendon leans closer to Sarah and makes sure that Dallon isn't coming back before he smirks and starts talking.

"Also, the sex is amazing. It's insane," he whispers and Sarah goes red, giggling like a teenage girl.

"I don't want to talk about your and Dallon's sex life," she says and Brendon just shrugs.

"I'm not really sorry. But I won't go into detail." "That's so kind of you." "Yeah, I know."

Dallon comes back, with a bottle of wine and hands Sarah and Brendon a glass, kissing Brendon's temple.

"What were you guys talking about?" "Oh, just about how amazing you are."

Dallon blushes slightly and smiles.

"Well, Brendon is even more amazing. Like, he makes me really happy, happier then I've ever been. I really love him."

Sarah squeals and smiles at Brendon and Dallon.

"Oh my god, you guys!! I'm so happy for you!!" "Thank you so much!"

Dallon just smiles and holds Brendon's hand, making Brendon blush a little.

Sarah pours 3 glasses of wine and hands Dallon and Brendon their glass.

"Thank you, Sarah," Dallon says and he takes a sip of wine.

"Oh, I didn't buy the cheapest wine, by the way. I'm spoiled when it comes to wine and I wish I was kidding, but I'm not."

Brendon giggles.

"I'm spoiled when it comes to all the other things," he says and Dallon smiles again.

"Yeah, you are, but I still love you and I am definitely gonna continue spoiling you." "Thanks, I appreciate it."

Sarah just watches the couple with an amused look on her face and she just drinks her wine.

"God, you guys are just perfect for each other, I can see it."

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