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Dallon wakes up in a cold bed. He's alone and shivering a little and he just turns onto his back, until he hears Brendon throwing up, in the bathroom.

He just gets out of bed and walks into the bathroom, immediately kneeling down next to Brendon and just rubbing his back soothingly.

"Hey, love..." He mumbles softly and Brendon just looks up at him, with a tearstained face before he starts throwing up again.

"Oh, baby..." Dallon says and he gets some of Brendon's hair – that had started to stick on his forehead – out of his face.

When Brendon stops throwing up, he just looks at Dallon, who wraps his arms around him and just gently holds him.

"Tell me when you need to throw up again, okay?" He says, in a soft voice and Brendon nods.

He just closes his eyes and rests his head against Dallon's chest. He's shivering violently and he feels cold. And Dallon really just wants him to okay, but he knows he can't just cure him.

"I don't feel good, Dall..." Brendon mumbles, after a while and Dallon nods.

"I know, baby... I know... Let's get you back in bed, I'll take care of you."

Dallon carefully lifts Brendon up and carries him back into the bedroom, putting him in the bed gently.

He tucks his boyfriend in slowly before he looks at the clock and sees that it's just 3 am.

"You've got to drink some water, baby," he says and Brendon shakes his head.

"I'll just throw up again," he says and Dallon frowns a little.

"I know. But you're really gonna get dehydrated if you don't drink anything."

Brendon nods and shivers a little again.

"I'll drink some water, then..." He mumbles and Dallon smiles a little.

"Can I please have an extra blanket?" Brendon adds and Dallon walks over to the closet, grabbing a warm blanket and putting it over Brendon.

He just kisses his forehead softly and Brendon smiles at him a little.

"I'm sorry I woke you up, Dally," he says and Dallon shakes his head.

"It's alright, love. You're sick, you can't help it," he answers before he walks into the kitchen and grabs a glass.

He fills it with water and walks back into the bedroom, handing it to his boyfriend, who just takes a few sips before handing the glass back to Dallon.

"Let me just get you a bucket, if you have to puke again," Dallon says and Brendon nods, just closing his eyes again.

When Dallon gets back, he's asleep and Dallon just puts the bucket next to the bed, in a place that Brendon can reach it, but doesn't trip over it when he walks to the bathroom.

He lies down next to Brendon, just holding him close and closing his eyes again. He can't really sleep, though because he's too worried about  Brendon. He wants to be awake if Brendon needs him.

After a while, he does fall asleep and when he wakes up again, Brendon is still asleep. He feels really warm, though, so Dallon pulls one of the blankets off of him and just scoots away a little, to give Brendon some more space.

He just tries to fall asleep again, but he can't, so he just gets out of bed and makes himself some breakfast.

When he's done, he walks back into the bedroom, only to see that Brendon is still asleep.

He just smiles because at least Brendon wasn't throwing up, right now.

Dallon just decides to leave him alone, as to not wake up him and he just walks back into the kitchen and eats his breakfast before he calls into the office.

"Good morning, Mr. Weekes. How are you?" Stella asks and Dallon smiles a little.

"I'm alright. I'm gonna stay home today, though because Brendon is sick and I want to take care of him," Dallon says.

"Yes, of course. I get that. I hope Brendon feels better soon!" Stella answers.

"Luckily he's sleeping, right now." "That's good. Just make him some tea and be there for him, that's probably all you can do, right now. And maybe make him some chicken soup, that always works wonders."

Dallon smiles even more at how nice Stella was being.

"Thank you so much, I'll definitely do all of that," he says.

"If you need anything, you can always call me," Stella says and Dallon smiles even more.

"Thank you, Stella. I will." "Alright, good. I'm gonna go back to work now, but I'm always available," she adds.

"Thank you. Have a good day!" "You too!"

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